Crossover: Sailor Trek Voyager

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Crossover: Sailor Trek Voyager

Messaggio da trekfan1 » 4 ott 2009, 20:45

Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Senshi e' mai giunta prima...
Capitolo 1 - Una nave stellare a terra
Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani

Da qualche parte nel Quadrante Alfa...

Il pianeta era appena abitabile e quasi senza vita. Ma questo era
comprensibile, visto che le sue caratteristiche erano appena al limite
per essere considerato di classe M. L'unico segno che una civilta'
aveva abitato la superficie era una piccola stazione di lavorazione
del dilitio, un impianto automatico che era stato usato per raffinare
il dilitio grezzo in cristalli utilizzabili nei motori a curvatura. Ma
anche questo era ormai fermo e senza vita, abbandonato da molto
tempo, quando le sue funzioni vennero sostituite da metodi piu'
efficienti, piu' moderni.
Non lontano dalla raffineria c'era una distesa rocciosa. Non c'era
niente che la potesse distinguere dalle altre che circondavano
l'impianto, a parte il fatto che una volta era stato un campo di
battaglia. Non una battaglia fra eserciti, ma una lotta mortale fra
due uomini.
Due uomini che una volta erano stati amici.
Una distorsione apparve nell'aria sopra di esso, qualcosa che
sembrava essere un buco nell'universo. O forse un tunnel ferso un
Fra le rocce, una sfera di energia si formo', quasi attratta dalla
distorsione. Non curandosi dove portasse o cosa fosse, il globo di
energia si sollevo' verso di essa e ci entro'. Dopo pochi secondi, un
bagliore piu' piccolo si formo' e, come il primo, si alzo' ed entro'
nel tunnel spaziale. La distorsione sorvolo' la superficie
placidamente per alcuni minuti, poi ci fu un lampo di luce e svani',
come se non fosse mai esistita. Rimaneva solo il leggero sibilo del
Delta Vega era nuovamente un pianeta pacifico.

Nel Quadrante Delta...

"Diario del capitano. Data stellare 51404.7. Mentre eravamo diretti
ad investigare una possibile anomalia spaziale in un sistema stellare
vicino, i nostri sensori hanno rilevato un piccolo e sembra derelitto
vascello Borg. Ci siamo fermati per controllarlo, visto che qualsiasi
cosa che puo' causare dei danni cosi' estesi ad una nave Borg, anche
un piccolo vascello da ricognizione, e' qualcosa che dobbiamo

Il capitano Kathrin Janeway guardava l'immagine della nave Borg
semidistrutta sul visore con una domanda nella sua testa. Era la
stessa domanda che pensava da quando si erano avvicinati.
Cosa poteva danneggiare cosi' una nave Borg senza lasciare traccia?
I candidati conosciuti erano pochi. Infatti, poteva solo pensare ad
una sola risposta, la Specie 8472. Tutte le altre razze che avevano
incontrato finora nel Quadrante Delta non avevano la potenza di fuoco
necessaria per danneggiare anche un piccolo cubo come questo, almeno
senza usare una grossa armata. E anche in quel caso, si sarebbe
aspettata che la resistenza dei Borg avesse lasciato dei residui di
chi fosse il responsabile.
Si volto' verso Seven of Nine. Visto che era stata parte del
collettivo Borg, aveva una conoscenza unica dei motivi e dei metodi
Borg. "Che ci fa una nave Borg in questo sistema?"
"Esaminare il sistema e i suoi abitanti." rispose in breve. "Se le
loro caratteristiche tecnologiche e biologiche erano nei parametri,
sarebbero stati scelti come candidati per l'assimilazione."
Janeway si acciglio' a quel pensiero. L'ultima cosa che voleva ora
era un altro confronto con i Borg. Dietro di lei, il sibilo del
turbolift la informo' che l'away team era ritornato sul ponte.
Alzandosi, vide Chakotay uscire, seguito da Tuvok e dall'ensign Kim.
"C'e' ben poco. E' un gran casino la' dentro." rispose Chakotay,
scendendo verso il centro del ponte. "Una buona parte della nave e'
esposta allo spazio, e virtualmente ogni sottosistema e' stato
danneggiato. Ma la buona notizia e' che non abbiamo trovato traccia
che la Specie 8472 sia stata la responsabile dell'attacco."
Janeway fece un sospiro di sollievo. Gli alieni extradimensionali
erano gia' difficili da affrontare con l'aiuto del collettivo Borg.
"Almeno e' qualcosa. Qualche segno di sopravvissuti?"
"Nessuno." disse Tuvok. "In tutto, abbiamo scoperto un totale di
dodici droni, tutti morti."
"Abbiamo trovato il corpo di una specie sconosciuta." aggiunse
Chakotay. "Potrebbe essere il membro della razza che ha attaccato
questa nave."
"Teletrasportatelo in infermeria. Voglio che il Dottore gli faccia
un'autopsia." ordino' Janeway.
"Gia' fatto."
Janeway annui'. "Qualche segno dell'arma che e' stata usata?"
"Questa e' la cosa strana." ammise Chakotay. "Non abbiamo rilevato
residui di nessuna arma."
"Nessuna?" chiese il capitano, ovviamente stupita. Si volto' verso
Harry e Tuvok per una conferma.
"Niente che possiamo identificare, almeno." disse Harry. "L'unica
cosa che l'alieno aveva era un grosso bastone."
"Un'analisi della nave e dei droni, indica che sono stati
danneggiati da un'arma ad energia cinetica di qualche tipo." aggiunse
Tuvok. "Comunque, non c'erano indicazioni riguardo all'utilizzo di
armi esplosive."
Janeway si volto' e riguardo' la nave Borg distrutta. "Che razza
potrebbe danneggiare una nave Borg in questo modo senza armi
"Forse hanno usato dei grossi martelli" disse Paris scherzando.
Janeway sorrise, ma ignoro' l'interferenza del pilota. "Potrebbe
avere a che fare con l'anomalia spaziale che abbiamo rilevato nel
"E' possibile." ammise Chakotay. "Ma al momento, non lo possiamo
"Siamo riusciti a scaricare il contenuto di un nodo di
distribuzione Borg." aggiunse Harry. "I dati erano leggermente
incompleti, ma potremmo riuscire a ricavare qualcosa."
"Mi faccia sapere quando trova qualcosa." disse Janeway. "Seven,
dagli una mano." La Borg annui' e segui' Harry alla stazione delle
operazioni dove iniziarono il lavoro. Appena lo fecero, il capitano si
volto' verso il suo primo ufficiale. "Beh? Che ne pensa?" chiese
"L'approccio piu' sicuro sarebbe non fermarsi in questo sistema"
disse. "Almeno finche' non riescono a recuperare dei dati."
"Potrebbe andare" condordo'. "Ma e' l'approccio migliore? Da quanto
sappiamo, quell'anomalia potrebbe essere una scorciatoia per il
Quadrante Alfa. Non penso che dovremmo scartare questa possibilita'.
In piu' c'e' anche la possibilita' che potremmo incontrare chi ha
fatto questo." indico' la nave distrutta sullo schermo. "nel futuro
prossimo. Personalmente, preferirei controllare cos'e' ora." Si fermo'
e riguardo' il delitto pensierosa. "Inoltre, Chakotay, i Borg sanno
che qualcosa ha attaccato questa nave e ne manderanno un'altra. Vorrei
essermene gia' andata quando accadra'." Ritornando a sedersi nella
poltrona di comando, "Tom, tracci una rotta per quell'anomalia,
curvatura due."
"Rotta e velocita' impostate." rispose il timoniere.
"Capitano, sono d'accordo che dovremmo controllare questa cosa."
disse Chakotay sedendosi al proprio posto. "Ma raccomanderei di
mantenere un assetto difensivo finche' non sappiamo cosa c'e'
"Sono d'accordo. Tuvok, allarme giallo." Attorno al ponte le luci
lampeggiarono portando la nave ad uno stato di all'erta maggiore.
"Signor Paris... Engage!"

Sulla Terra...

L'improvviso beep spavento' Ami, assorta nello studio. Mise un
segno sul libro e apri' il suo computer. Uno sguardo veloce
all'orologio indicava che era quasi ora di andare ad incontrare le
altre per la loro sessione di studio giornaliera. Anche se alla fine
lei faceva loro da tutor piu' che studiare. Ma non le importava.
Ma prima doveva controllare cosa stava indicando tanto
insistentemente il computer. Molto probabilmente stava rilevando
l'arrivo di un'altra daimon. Ce n'erano state piu' che a sufficienza
ultimamente... e non erano ancora riuscite a capire il loro piano dalla
loro prima apparizione.
Un rapido esame dei dati, le fece dimenticare quel problema, ma le
causo' uno stupore quando lesse i risultati. Premette i controlli,
raffinando i risultati, e la sua espressione si fece piu' scura.
Come potevano esserci segni di attivita' *proprio la'* ?


Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Sailor Senshi e' mai giunta prima...

Capitolo 1 - Una nave stellare a terra

Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


Rei chiuse il suo libro furiosamente, si alzo' e inizio' a
passeggiare per la stanza, impazientemente. Sedute al tavolo, Makoto e
Minako si scambiarono uno sguardo, ma decisero saggiamente di non dire
nulla alla sacerdotessa. Ormai, sapevano bene che era meglio evitare
di parlarle quando era di quell'umore.
L'umore tipico di "Sono-stanca-di-aspettare,-Usagi-e'-in-ritardo."
Comunque, qualcun altro decise di parlare. "Sono sicura che sara'
qui presto, Rei." disse la voce di Luna da sotto il tavolo, dove era
stesa con Artemis. "Ormai dovresti essere abituata ai ritardi di
Usagi... specie per queste sessioni di studio."
"Non stavo parlando di Usagi!" rispose Rei.
Questa frase causo' diversi sguardi confusi, sia sopra che sotto il
tavolo. "Um... Allora, di chi stai parlando, Rei?" chiese Makoto.
"Ami, naturalmente."
Ci fu un altro momento di silenzio mentre le due ragazze e i due
gatti cercavano di trovare una risposta. "Forse le e' successo
qualcosa?" disse Minako alla fine.
"Gia', magari stava leggendo un libro e ha perso il senso del
tempo." aggiunse Makoto.
"Non ditene altre, voi due!" disse Rei, scuotendo la testa. "Ami
non e' mai in ritardo, a meno che non ci sia qualcosa di veramente
Uscendo da sotto il tavolo, Luna disse "Non ti preoccupare troppo,
Rei. Se e' successo qualcosa, sono sicura che trovera' il modo di
La porta scelse quel momento per aprirsi, e Usagi corse all'interno
senza respiro. Rei si volto' per guardarla, con le braccia conserte.
"Bene, ecco Miss Puntualita'."
Per la fortuna dei presenti, Usagi non raccolse il sarcasmo che si
trovava nella frase di Rei. "Salve!" disse, cercando ancora di
riprendere fiato. "Scusate... Sono in ritardo... ma..." la voce le
svani' quando si accorse che il numero dei presenti era sbagliato.
"Hey, dov'e' Ami?"
"E' quello che vorremmo sapere" rispose Makoto.
Minako annui'. "Non ti e' capitato di vederla mentre venivi qui?"
Usagi scosse la testa. "No. Pensavo che fosse qui gia' da tempo."
"Non mi piace." borbotto' Rei. "Quando Ami e' in ritardo piu' di
Usagi, c'e' qualcosa che va davvero male."
"Gia', e'.." Usagi si fermo', poi guardo' Rei. "Hey!"
Il destino intervenne di nuovo, quando sentirono la porta aprirsi
di nuovo. "Era ora che arrivassi." disse Rei, voltandosi. "Che..." ma
si fermo' quando vide chi c'era alla porta.
"Mamoru? Che ci fai qui?" chiese una Usagi confusa.
"Ami mi ha chiamato" spiego'. "Tutto quello che mi ha detto e'
stato di venire qui il piu' presto possibile. Pensavo fosse
un'emergenza di qualche tipo, percio' mi sono precipitato." Guardo' le
ragazze. "Qual'e' il problema?"
"Bella domanda" disse Rei. "Vorremmo saperlo."
"Ami non e' ancora arrivata, Mamoru." spiego' Luna. "Se c'e' un
problema di qualche tipo, non ce l'ha detto."
Minako guardo' fuori dalla finestra. "Non la vedo... Un momento.
Eccola!" Le altre le si avvicinarono e video Ami che stava
salendo lentamente gli ultimi gradini della scala del tempio.
"Andiamo. Vediamo che succede!" disse Makoto, prima di correre
fuori dalla porta, con le altre che la seguirono. Prima che Ami
potesse salutare, una salva di domande la investi', ognuna che voleva
sapere che succedeva.
Un fischio acuto le fece tacere. "Su, datele la possibilita' di
rispondere." disse Mamoru, aggiungendo "Che succede, Ami?"
"Scusa se non ti ho detto nulla quando ti ho chiamato, Mamoru, ma
volevo ricontrollare le scansioni ed essere sicura che non ci fossero
errori." Esito' brevemente e guardo' lo schermo del computer prima di
continuare. "Prima di chiamare Mamoru, il mio computer ha rilevato
segni di attivita' extra dimensionali."
"Non e' insolito." disse Minako. "Almeno per noi."
"Vero" disse Ami. "La maggior parte delle minacce che abbiamo
affrontato nel passato sono arrivare da altre dimensioni, o periodi di
tempo. Ma quello che mi ha preoccupato e' dove ho rilevato questo
"E dove si trova?" chiese Mamoru.
Ami fece un respiro profondo. "Al Polo Nord. Dove c'era il portale
della Negaverse."
Il silenzio avvolse il gruppo quando Ami disse la notizia. "Sei
sicura?" chiese Usagi. "Voglio dire, e' un bel po' lontano da qui."
"Si, ne sono sicura, Usagi." rispose. "Il programma e' attivo da
quando il signor Spock e io collegammo il mio computer a quello
dell'Enterprise per cercare le anomalie dimensionali. Il programma era
stato messo in background dopo, ma stava ancora girando, visto che me
lo ero dimenticato." Si acciglio' "La distanza mi permette di dire che
c'e' solo attivita' extradimensionale. Non posso essere piu'
"Vuol dire che se vogliamo sapere che succede, dobbiamo andarci?"
disse Rei. Ami rispose annuendo.
"Allora non c'e' altra scelta. Dovete andare a controllare." disse
Luna. "Trasformatevi!"
Diversi lampi di luci multicolore illuminarono il cortile del
tempio quando attivarono le proprie trasformazioni, mentre Mamoru si
trasformo' in silenzio. Momenti dopo, le cinque Sailor Senshi e Tuxedo
Kamen avevano preso li posto delle cinque ragazze e di Mamoru. "Va
bene. Pronte per il teletrasporto." disse Artemis.
Si misero in posizione per il teletrasporto. "Stai attenta, Usagi."
le disse Luna.
"Hey! Ti ho mai delusa?"
La gatta sbuffo'. "Vuoi una lista?" chiese.
"HEY!" protesto' Sailor Moon.
"Dai, andiamo!" disse Mars, sembrando alquanto impaziente.
Annuirono e iniziarono a concentrarsi, richiamando il potere per il
teletrasporto. Quando raggiunse il massimo, gridarono "SAILOR...
TELEPORT!" e il gruppo svani' in un lampo di luce.
"Sono andate. Ancora." disse Luna. Rivolse uno sguardo preoccupato
verso nord. "Spero che avranno piu' fortuna dell'altra volta."
"Guardala in questo modo. Potrebbe andare peggio?" chiese Artemis,
che poi urlo' "OW!" quando Luna lo colpi' con la zampa.
"E' naturale che potrebbe essere peggio, stupido!" ammoni' il
gatto. Un'espressione preoccupata si formo' sulla sua faccia. "Questa
volta non potrebbero piu' tornare."
Non sapendo cosa dire, Artemis si sedette e si struscio' contro
Luna per rassicurarla. "Non ti preoccupare, Luna. Torneranno. Come

Sailor Moon tremo', guardando attorno la distesa ghiacciata. "Gia',
proprio come me lo ricordavo. Freddo e neve!"
"E che ti aspettavi, testolina buffa?" esclamo' duramente Mars.
Nei primi giorni, questo avrebbe causato un urlo da Sailor Moon
per il rimprovero che le aveva fatto Mars. Ma ora, si volto' a
guardarla e brofonchio' avvisandola "Mars..."
Stupita allo stesso modo, Mars decise di non continuare la
discussione. Invece, alzo' una mano. "Scusa, sono un po' tesa." disse.
Si guardo' attorno ed aggiunse "Questo posto mi fa tornare in mente
brutti ricordi."
"Per tutte noi, direi." concordo' Venus. "Eccetto forse per Tuxedo
"No" rispose Mamoru. "Ho anche io la mia parte di cattivi ricordi
di quel tempo."
Il silenzio calo' sul gruppo mentre esaminavano la zona, ricordando
l'ultima volta che vi si trovarono. Durante la battaglia finale con
Beryl. Ricordando come tutte avevano combattuto, nonostante le
possibilita'... e come ciascuna di loro mori' e venne risuscitata dal
potere del cristallo d'argento.
Tutte eccetto Mercury. Stava analizzando le letture dal visore e
dal computer. Alla fine, Sailor Moon le parlo' "Qualcosa, Mercury?"
"Ho paura di no." rispose Mercury, accigliandosi. "C'e' una specie
di campo a bassa energia che sta interferendo con le scansioni. Da
quello che posso dire e' un campo di Nega-energia."
"Nega-energia?!?" esclamo' Sailor Moon. Attorno a lei, le altre
sembravano scioccate allo stesso modo.
"Non mi preoccuperei troppo." le rassicuro' Mercury. "Come ho detto
e' un campo a bassa intensita'." Consulto' il computer ancora per un
momento. "Penso sia un effetto residuo della battaglia fra Sailor Moon
e la combinazione di Beryl e Metallia.
"Pensavo che fosse gia' sparito ormai." disse una Venus confusa.
"Non necessariamente." puntualizzo' Mercury. "Sia Beryl che Sailor
Moon hanno usato una massiccia quantita' di energia... sia fisica che
magica. Quando potenze del genere vengono usate, possono passare anni
o decenni prima che gli effetti svaniscano completamente."
"Forse e' il campo di energia che hai rilevato." suggeri'
speranzosa Mars.
Mercury stava gia' scuotendo la testa. "Non credo, Mars. C'erano
segni chiari di scambi interdimensionali nelle vicinanza. Qualcosa e'
passato da un altro universo nel nostro. Il solo problema e' che non
riesco a localizzarlo."
"Forse dovremmo dividerci e controllare la zona." suggeri' Tuxedo
"Non mi piace l'idea, ma non ne ho di migliori." disse Jupiter.
L'espressione sulle facce di Mars, Venus e Mercury dicevano che erano
"Uh, ragazze!" disse Sailor Moon, incerta.
All'unisono, si voltarono e la guardarono. Sailor Moon era sopra una
piccola roccia di ghiaccio, guardando qualcosa distante. "Cosa c'e',
Sailor Moon?" chiese Mars.
La leader delle Sailor Senshi punto' a qualcosa lontano. "Qualcuno
mi sa dire cos'e' quello?"
Le altre scalarono la roccia velocemente e rimasero sorprese.
"Whoa!" disse Jupiter, poi ripete' le parole di Sailor Moon. "Cos'e'
Non era necessario dire che si trattava di una nave spaziale di
qualche tipo. Era ovvio. Ma era una grossa nave, lunga piu' di cento
metri. La parte superiore era un ovale allungato, attaccato ad una
sezione inferiore. E verso la poppa c'erano due grosse gondole, che si
trovavano alla stessa altezza della parte inferiore. Dei piloni di
atterraggio si estendevano dal basso, e la mancanza di detriti sul
ghiaccio stava ad indicare che era atterrata, non che era caduta.
"Ci sono delle scritte, ma non le distinguo." osservo' Venus,
guardando la nave.
"Neanche io" aggiunse Tuxedo Kamen.
"Un attimo." disse Mercury, attivando il visore. Dopo un momento,
lesse "NCC-74656. USS Voyager. Federazione Unita dei Pianeti."
Le altre ingoiarono. "F..Federazione?" disse Mars, quasi
strozzandosi. Mercury annui'.
"E' una nave della Flotta Stellare." disse Tuxedo Kamen.
"Bene" disse Venus, con un leggero sorriso "Ci risiamo!"
Le altre annuirono, con Jupiter che aggiunse "Gia', ma mi chiedo se
ci sia una specie di autostrada fra il loro universo e il nostro.
Prima la nave di Kirk, poi di Picard, e ora questa."
"Q e' stato responsabile della nostra avventura sull'Enterprise D"
puntualizzo' Mercury. Guardo' di nuovo la nave. "E non so come questa
nave sia arrivata qui."
"Probabilmente attraverso quel flusso quantico che dicevano"
suggeri' Mars.
"Non credo" disse Mercury. "Dal disegno, sembra contemporanea al
capitano Picard. Il flusso quantico di cui hanno parlato Spock e Data
porta nel periodo di Kirk." Si fermo' e guardo' il computer. "Comunque
siano arrivati qui, posso dire che succede qualcosa a bordo. Rilevo
delle strane letture dall'interno della nave."
"Che strane letture?" chiese Sailor Moon.
Mercury si acciglio'. "Non ne sono sicura." ammise con riluttanza.
"Le mie scansioni non sono del tutto chiare. C'e' un campo di energia
attorno alla nave... e sembra dello stesso tipo che sta interferendo
con le scansioni della zona." Scosse la testa e sospiro'. "Tutto
quello che posso dire di certo e' che ci sono circa duecento o
duecentocinquanta forme di vita a bordo."
"Aspetta... Non hai detto che il campo di Nega-energia era una
rimanenza della battaglia con Beryl?" chiese Venus.
"Si'" rispose Mercury, sembrando confusa "Ma sembra che mi ero
sbagliata. Qualcosa a bordo della nave potrebbe essere la sorgente."
"Sembra che dovremo andare a bordo e scoprire cosa succede." noto'
"Puoi trovare un punto buono per il teletrasporto, Mercury?" chiese
Tuxedo Kamen.
"Penso di si'" ed inizio' a lavorare al computer.

Dopo alcuni minuti, un lampo di luce illumino' l'oscurita' della
stiva di carico due, annunciando l'arrivo delle Sailor Senshi
all'interno della Voyager. "Gee! E' terribilmente buia per una nave
stellare." disse Jupiter dopo un momento per abituarsi. "Si sono
dimenticati di pagare la bolletta della luce o qualcosa del genere?"
"Non usano piu' denaro, non ricordi?" le ricordo' Mars.
"Oh... giusto."
"Almeno e' piu' caldo qui dentro." commento' Sailor Moon che stava
ancora tremando, il che porto' ad un commento sarcastico da Sailor
Ignorando la piccola discussione dietro di lei, Mercury scansiono'
le pareti vicine e localizzo' il pannello di accesso al computer, in
fondo alla stiva. "Ho trovato qualcosa." disse alle altre, ed ebbe
l'effetto di far interrompere la discussione, mentre le altre le si
avvicinarono. Ricordandosi il periodo trascorso sull'Enterprise D,
Mercury cerco' di attivare i controlli, ma invece dei soliti beep alla
pressione, il terminale era buio e non rispondeva. "Computer, attivare
il terminale." disse, accigliandosi leggermente.
Il pannello rimase spento.
"Che c'e'?" chiese Venus. "Perche' non funziona?"
"Non lo so" rispose Mercury. "Potrebbe essere che il computer
principale sia spento, o forse l'equipaggio l'ha disabilitato per
qualche motivo. Ma non so perche'."
"Forse..." inizio' Mars, ma la sua ipotesi fu interrotta da un
forte sospiro di sorpresa che si era sentito nella stanza, seguito da
un breve urlo "No!"
Tuxedo Kamen fu il primo ad accorgersi che mancava un membro del
gruppo. "Usagi!"

Sailor Moon stava guardando mentre Mercury cercava di accedere al
computer della nave, ma la mancanza di successo, la fece rapidamente
annoiare. Cercando di trovare qualcosa di interessante nell'oscurita'
della stanza, guardo' attraverso di essa.
Una zona lievemente illuminata dall'altra parte della stanza
catturo' la sua attenzione. Lasciando le altre attorno a Mercury,
ci ando' per dare un'occhiata piu' da vicino. Quando oltrepasso'
diversi contenitori per il carico e si avvicino', le sembrava fin
troppo familiare...
Poteva dire che era un'alcova, disegnata perche' un singolo
individuo potesse starci in piedi. In cima, c'era un dispositivo
verdastro, circolare, con diverse scariche elettriche che lo
attraversavano partendo dal centro.
Si scosse quando capi' cosa fosse. Era un'alcova Borg...

Immediatamente sentendo il suo grido, le altre corsero verso di
lei, con Tuxedo Kamen in testa. Non reagi' quando si avvicinarono, ma
continuo' a guardare avanti, con la faccia pallida e l'espressione
scioccata. "Sailor Moon, cosa succ.." Inizio' Mars, ma un tocco sulla
sua spalla la interruppe.
"Mars, guarda!" disse Venus, puntanto avanti.
Mars guardo' in quella direzione, e vide la alcova Borg. "Oh, no..."

Sailor Moon era persa nei ricordi... Di Rubeus che gongolava su di
lei dopo che i Borg l'avevano catturata, delle nanosonde che le
venivano iniettate e che l'assimilavano nel collettivo, della sua
individualita' che veniva soppressa dal peso della mente unica Borg.
E il ricordo peggiore era come si sentiva impotente quando il
collettivo la uso' per cercare di strangolare Mamoru.

Pensieri simili passarono per la mente di Tuxedo Kamen, da un'altro
punto di vista, naturalmente. Il principale era l'orrore che provo'
quando entro' in quella camera, trovando...


"Si', e' qui dentro!" Incurante del pericolo, Tuxedo Kamen corse in
una stanza adiacente, ma si fermo' quando vide cose c'era all'interno.
"No..." sussurro', terrorizzato. Le senshi si fermarono allo stesso
modo, impietrite dalla visione di fronte a loro.
Solo Mars ebbe la forza di sussurrare "Usagi... Che ti hanno
Gli ufficiali della flotta erano in piedi dietro alle senshi, in
silenzio. Worf e Data avevano gia' visto quella scena.
Picard ci era gia' passato.
Questo era cio' che avevano paura di trovare, ma speravano di no.
Sailor Moon era in piedi davanti a loro, con impianti cibernetici
Borg, piu' di quanti ne aveva avuti Picard piu' di un anno prima.
Usagi era stata assimilata.


Mamoru si scosse, tornando al presente. "Va tutto bene, Usagi."
sussurro', mettendole una mano sulla spallla per confortarla. "Non
succedera' di nuovo."

Pensieri simili passarono per le menti delle altre Senshi,
ricordando lo choc e l'orrore che provarono vedendo Sailor Moon con
quegli impianti Borg. Fu Jupiter che parlo' alla fine, chiedendo
"Potrebbe essere che questa nave e' stata presa dai Borg?"
"Non penso" disse Mercury. Focalizzo' lo sguardo, scansionando
l'alcova e i dintorni col visore. "Anche se questa alcova e' senza
dubbio di origine Borg, la tecnologia che la circonda e' della Flotta
Stellare. Dubito che sarebbe cosi' se la nave fosse stata assimilata."
Guardo' ancora l'alcova. "Infatti, e' come se il tutto fosse stato
teletrasportato in questa stiva di carico."
"Ha ragione." Tutto gli occhi guardarono Sailor Moon. Era ancora
pallida, ma sembrava essersi ripresa dallo choc iniziale. "Se i Borg
avessero il controllo qui, ci sarebbe piu' di una alcova. E ci
sarebbero diversi... droni." Guardo' attorno, come se riuscisse a
vedere oltre le pareti. "Infatti, sono sicura che non ci sono Borg qui
in giro."
"Come fai ad esserne certa?" chiese Mars, incerta.
"Ero parte del collettivo, ricordi Rei?" Sailor Moon guardo'
l'amica con un sorriso. "Credimi, se ci fosse qualche segno del
collettivo, lo saprei."
"Bene, non troveremo nulla se staremo qui." disse Venus, che non
apprezzava dove stava volgendo la discussione. "Andiamo." Con cautela,
il gruppo usci' dalla stiva di carico e si mosse lentamente lungo il
corridoio. Il disegno sembrava simile a quello dell'Enterprise D, ma
meno lussuoso, ed era troppo buio per una nave stellare.
"Ma che nave e' questa?" disse Jupiter. "Finora tutto e' scuro o
non funziona."
"I sistemi principali devono essere stati danneggiati." disse
Tuxedo Kamen. "Ricordo che l'Enterprise era in questo stato... dopo
essere stata quasi distrutta dalla nave Borg."
"Penso che la Voyager era in battaglia, ed una grossa battaglia."
tiro' ad indovinare Mars. Punto' lungo il corridoio, indicando un
corpo immobile. "Guardate!"
Corsero per il corridoio, con Mercury che raggiunse il membro
dell'equipaggio per prima. Appena si avvicinarono, videro che era una
femmina umana. E nonostante l'uniforme fosse leggermente differente,
il comunicatore era della Flotta Stellare. "Come sta, Mercury?" chiese
Sailor Moon.
"Viva, ma senza conoscenza." rispose Mercury mentre la stava
esaminando. "Non ci sono segni di ferite, ma ci sono dei residui di
una specie di anestetico nel flusso sanguigno."
"Un gas paralizzante?" disse Jupiter. "Com'e' che non ha fatto
effetto su di noi?"
"Non e' nell'atmosfera ora." disse Mercury dopo un momento.
"Dev'essere stato filtrato prima che arrivassimo a bordo."
"E allora che e' successo?" chiese Sailor Moon.
"Gia'! Sono stati i cattivi a mettere fuori combattimento
l'equipaggio o e' stato l'equipaggio ad usarlo per mettere fuori uso i
cattivi?" chiese Venus.
"Potremmo stare qui a chiedercelo senza scoprirlo tutto il giorno."
disse Tuxedo Kamen. Guardo' lungo il corridoio. "Dobbiamo andare in
plancia. Li' potremmo trovare delle risposte."
"Se la struttura e' come quella dell'Enterprise, dovrebbe essere in
cima alla nave" disse Mars.
"Ecco il turbolift." disse Sailor Moon puntando una porta e
muovendosi in quella direzione.
Ma vi sbatte' contro quando questa non si apri' automaticamente.
"Owie!" Fece un passo indietro, guardando l'ascensore, tenendosi il
naso dolorante. "Perche' non si e' aperta?"
"Forse anche quella e' disattivata." disse Mercury con un sospiro.
"Potremmo provare coi controlli manuali" suggeri' Venus, che ando'
a smanettare sul pannello di controllo. "Ho visto Riker fare cosi' una
Minako, non penso che sia una buona..." inizio' a dire Jupiter, ma
venne interrotta dalle porte del turbolift che si aprivano.
Venus lascio' andare un urletto di trionfo e fece il segno della
vittoria. Stava per entrare, quando i pannelli di controllo, sia
interno che esterno, esplosero in una pioggia di scintille. Tutte
saltarono all'indietro, fuori dal raggio dei fuochi d'artificio e
guardarono impotenti lo spettacolo per pochi secondi, finche' il
turbolift divvenne scuro.
"Addio ascensore." osservo' Mars, guardando Venus.
Venus scosse le spalle. "Se non osi, non distruggi." disse. Poi uno
sguardo confuso le apparve sulla faccia. "Er... aspetta un momento..."
Mercury parlo', salvando Venus dal fatto di provare a correggersi.
"Penso di aver ricavato la mappa della nave." Guardo' il computer
attraverso il visore e digito' velocemente sulla tastiera. "Siamo sul
ponte quattro, e c'e' una via d'accesso attraverso i tubi di
"Beh, che stiamo aspettando?" disse Jupiter, con impazienza.
"Andiamo!" Detto questo, la Senshi apri il portello di accesso ai tubi
di Jeffries quando sentirono un tonfo che arrivava dal corridoio,
seguito da un urlo di dolore. Dandosi velocemente uno sguardo, corsero
verso la sorgente.
Pochi secondi dopo, Venus, che si era messa in testa, si fermo' di
colpo girando un angolo. Le altre cercarono di fermarsi, ma nonostante
i riflessi rapidi, ci furono diverse collisioni fra di loro. Ma
nessuna chiese a Venus perche' si fosse fermata, dato che la ragione
era chiara. Sdraiato a pancia in giu' alcuni metri davanti a loro,
c'era un altro dell'equipaggio della Voyager, ovviamente ferito e
semisvenuto. Istintivamente Mercury corse verso di lui. Un esame
superficiale le disse che l'uomo era ancora vivo, ma l'estensione
delle sue ferite richiedevano una scansione. Senza pensare, noto' il
colore dorato della sua uniforme, che indicava che faceva parte della
sicurezza, o dell'ingegneria o del reparto operativo. Sembrava
giovane, ipotizzo' un'eta' attorno ai venticinque anni, il che
concordava con il grado di ensign.
Nel frattempo, le altre stavano osservando una figura che si
trovava nel corridoio, evidentemente cio' che aveva attaccato
l'ensign. Era di forma vagamente umana, bipede con due braccia, ma li'
finiva la somiglianza. La sua pelle sembrava essere di colore verde,
ma squamosa, mentre gli occhi, o meglio cio' che sembravano essere
tali, erano enormi in proporzione alla testa.
E sembrava che le avesse viste, visto che rivolse il bastone che
teneva in mano verso di loro, e lascio' partire una sfera di energia
nera verso di loro. Ancora assorta nell'esaminare il membro
dell'equipaggio, Mercury fu presa in pieno. Ci fu un breve lampo di
luce che illumino' il corridoio quando la sfera colpi', e la scaglio'
contro la parete.
"Mercury!" urlo' Sailor Moon. Dal corridoio, l'alieno disse
qualcosa e si spavento', quasi le avesse riconosciute. Si volto' e
inizio' a fare fuoco nel corridoio.
"Oh, no! Non lo farai di nuovo!" urlo' Venus "VENUS... LOVE ME...
CHAIN!" La catena dorata di energia venne rilasciata, legando
l'alieno. Disperato, cerco' di combattere contro il legaccio meglio
che poteva, cercando di spezzare la catena con il suo bastone.
"E adesso cadrai!" urlo' Jupiter, invocando il proprio potere.
"SPARKLING WIDE... PRESSURE!" La sua mira fu esatta e il potente colpo
elettrico colpi' l'alieno, facendolo svenire. "Preso!" grido' Jupiter
trionfante quando l'alieno cadde al suolo.
Mentre Venus e Jupiter se la vedevano con l'alieno, le loro
compagne controllavano Mercury. "Stai bene, Mercury?" chiese Sailor
Mercury, nonostante un po' scossa, annui', ma non sembrava niente
di serio. "Si', penso di si'. Staro' bene in un minuto."
"Se quella e' la minaccia piu' grossa che c'e' qui attorno,
dovremmo riuscire a ripulire la nave in poco tempo." osservo' Jupiter,
quando con Venus si riuni' alle altre.
"Siamo riuscite a sorprenderlo. Potrebbe non essere cosi' facile la
prossima volta." disse Mercury, guardando l'alieno attentamente
attraverso il visore ed accigliandosi. Era ancora scossa dal colpo
ricevuto, ma cio' non intaccava le sue analisi tattiche. "Infatti, le
letture di energia che rilevo sono molto problematiche, e stanno ad
indicare una minaccia molto piu' grande."
"Ami, quando parli cosi', mi preoccupi." disse Venus.
"Sono preoccupata" rispose Mercury. E molto. Se non mi sbaglio,
l'energia nera che abbiamo visto usare da questo alieno attraverso il
suo bastone, non e' nativa della sua specie, ma e' il risultato di un
processo di potenziamento attraverso l'uso di Nega-energia. Per essere
precisa, lo stesso tipo di energia usato dalla Negaforce."



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Ammiraglio di Flotta
Ammiraglio di Flotta
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Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
Località: Italy

Messaggio da trekfan1 » 4 ott 2009, 20:45

Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Senshi e' mai giunta prima...
Capitolo 2 - "Prego indicare la natura..."
Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Sailor Senshi e' mai giunta prima...

Capitolo 2 - "Prego indicare la natura..."

Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


Un lieve lamento proveniente dal pavimento interruppe altre
discussioni. Tutti gli occhi si rivolsero verso l'ensign ferito, che
stava cercando di muoversi lentamente. Sbatte' gli occhi diverse
volte, cercando di schiarirsi la vista, poi guardo' il gruppo confuso.
"Chi..?" inizio', ovviamente non sicuro di cosa fare o dire. Dopo un
attimo di confusione, "Sono... l'ensign Harry Kim..." Qualsiasi cosa
volesse aggiungere fu interrotta da un'ondata di dolore che lo pervase
mentre cercava si sedersi.
"Stai steso immobile." gli disse Mercury, mentre attivo' il visore
per verificare le sue ferite. Il risultato era cio' che si aspettava,
ovvero non buono. "L'alieno ti ha colpito duramente. Hai diverse
ferite interne." Guardo' le altre. "La plancia puo' aspettare.
Dobbiamo portarlo in infermeria e velocemente!"
"Peccato che non sappiamo dove sia l'infermeria su questa nave."
disse Tuxedo Kamen.
"E' sul... ponte cinque." disse sottovoce Harry. "Ma dovete...
Sette..." la voce svani' quando cadde di nuovo, svenuto.
"Sette?" chiese Mars perplessa, ma non era la sola. "Sette cosa?"
"Forse qualcosa sul ponte sette?" suggeri' Jupiter.
"Lo scopriremo dopo che il dottore della nave avra' visto le sue
ferite." disse Mercury. "Vorrei che ci fosse un'altra strada per il
ponte cinque. Non mi va di farlo passare per i tubi di Jeffries nelle
sue condizioni."
"E il turbolift e' fuori uso." disse Mars, dando uno sguardo verso
La bionda comunque non stava ascoltando, ma stava guardando il
pavimento. Prima che qualcuna potesse, punto' a cio' che aveva
attratto la sua attenzione. "Che ne dite di questa strada?"
Avvicinandosi, videro cio' che sembrava una botola nel pavimento che
chiaramente dava accesso al ponte inferiore. "Sembra una strada per
scendere" aggiunse forse inutilmente. Prima che potessero fermarla, si
piego' e apri' la botola. Tutte istintivamente fecero un passo indietro
per evitare i fuochi di artificio, ma per qualche ragione, non
successe nulla.
Mars si avvicino' e diede un'altra occhiata all'apertura. Dopo un
momento per esaminarla, apparve un sorriso sulla sua faccia. "Niente
roba elettrica. Ecco perche' non ti e' scoppiata in faccia."
Venus fece uno sguardo indignato. "Molto divertente!"

Dopo pochi momenti, Sailor Moon stava guardando il corridoio del
ponte cinque, con Sailor Mercury al suo fianco. Pochi metri dietro di
loro, Mars e Venus stavano tenendo d'occhio l'altra parte, in allerta
per qualche segno degli alieni che avevano invaso la nave stellare
della Federazione. Nel mezzo, Jupiter e Tuxedo Kamen stavano facendo
scendere attentamente Harry attraverso la botola. "Preso" grugni'
Tuxedo Kamen, poi si sposto' per permettere a Jupiter di saltar giu'
dal ponte superiore.
"Ora tutto cio' che dobbiamo fare e' trovare l'infermeria."
osservo' Mars.
Jupiter guardo' entrambe le direzioni del corridoio. "Qualche
"Prendiamo una direzione" suggeri' Tuxedo Kamen.
"Mi va bene" concordo' Venus. "Andiamo di qua." si mosse e Mars la
segui'. Sailor Mercury si pose dietro di loro, col visore attivo, per
ricavare la mappa del corridoio. Jupiter opto' per fare da
retroguardia e permettere a Sailor Moon e a Tuxedo Kamen, che stava
ancora trasportando l'ensign Kim svenuto, di precederla. Ogni tanto
si voltava e controllava il corridoio oscurato, pronta per ogni
L'oscurita' del corridoio amplifico' gli sforzi di ricerca, visto
che dovevano controllare ogni porta. Questo le rallentava, e inizio' a
L'oscurita' sembrava anche ingrandire ogni suono che arrivava dal
corridoio. "Cos'era?!?" esclamo' Sailor Moon, saltando ad un rumore
improvviso e molto forte.
Mars si giro' a guardarla, irritata. "Forse un topo." disse.
"Un topo?" chiese Venus, non intuendo il sarcasmo di Mars. "Lo
sapevo che dovevamo portarci Luna e Artemis."
Mercury sospiro' e spero' di trovare l'infermeria in fretta. "Non
e' niente" rassicuro' Sailor Moon.
"Beh, dovremmo trovarla in fretta." disse Jupiter. "Ormai abbiamo
fatto quasi tutto il giro di questo ponte."
"Meglio farlo in fretta." grugni' Tuxedo Kamen. "Questo ragazzo non
e' proprio leggero."
Jupiter sorrise "Se pensi che sia pesante, avresti dovuto provare a
portare Sailor Moon sulle spalle attraverso la Negaverse." gli
Sailor Moon si giro' e esclamo' "Ti ho sentita!" proprio prima che
una scarica di energia nera la colpisse in pieno. Il colpo la fece
arretrare ed avvicinarsi ad una porta. Sorprendentemente, la porta si
apri' automaticamente prima di colpirla e volo' all'interno, con
la porta che si richiuse automaticamente dietro di lei.
"Sailor Moon!" Jupiter si volto' velocemente, arrabbiata verso gli
alieni per l'attacco vigliacco e con se stessa per essere stata presa
di sorpresa. C'erano dei lievi movimenti nell'ombra, che le diedero un
bersaglio per scaricare la sua ira. "Voi vermi la pagherete! SPARKLING
L'impatto della scarica elettrica colpi' l'alieno e lo sbatte' a
terra, con un leggero urlo. Ma nella luce dell'attacco di Jupiter,
poterono vedere che c'erano altri invasori. E come conferma, si
poterono sentire diversi strani suoni, seguiti da altri come risposta.
"Arrivano!" esclamo' Venus quando gli alieni caricarono.
Cio' che segui' puo' essere meglio descritto come puro caos, in
quanto le Senshi avevano successo con i loro attacchi, mentre gli
alieni si raggruppavano prima di attaccarle. Tuxedo Kamen si sbrigo' a
mettere a terra Kim per intervenire col suo attacco floreale. I poteri
delle Senshi stavano abbattendo gli attaccanti, ma il numero dei
caduti veniva rimpiazzato da un numero maggiore di altri in
arrivo. Infatti, uno era tanto vicino che Jupiter era arrivata al
combattimento corpo a corpo.
Poi la porta si apri', con la luce dall'interno che illuminava il
corridoio. "Fermi tutti!" urlo' una voce, fermando la battaglia.
Anche se non la potevano vedere bene, la luce dalla stanza fece
chiaramente vedere una silouette familiare. "Sono la paladina
dell'amore e dalla giustizia, Sailor Moon! Raddrizzo i torti e trionfo
sul male! E questo siete voi!" Gli alieni esitarono, incerti su come
reagire alla sua ricomparsa improvvisa. Questo diede a Sailor Moon il
tempo necessario. "MOON SPIRAL... HEART... ATTACK!" Con il loro leader
ed un grosso numero di essi ucciso dall'attacco di Sailor Moon, gli
alieni rimanenti ripiegarono lungo il corridoio.
"Sailor Moon, stai..." inizio' Tuxedo Kamen, mentre le altre le si
"Sto bene" lo rassicuro'. "Ed inoltre..." indico' la stanza dietro
di lei e fece un passo di fianco, dando loro la possibilita' di
guardare all'interno "... penso di aver trovato l'infermeria."
Mercury si avvicino' e annui'. "Si', l'hai trovata. Mamoru, portalo
dentro." Dopo un momento per essere sicuro che Sailor Moon stesse
bene, Tuxedo Kamen prese l'ensign svenuto dal pavimento e lo porto'
Di fianco a Sailor Moon, Mars sorrise "Solo tu saresti stata capace
di trovare il posto che cercavamo cadendoci dentro."
"Ci sono stata sbattuta, se non ti dispiace" disse Sailor Moon,
sparandole fuori la lingua prima di rientrare.
Attenta che gli alieni non la sorprendessero di nuovo, Jupiter
tenne un occhio di riguardo per il corridoio ed entro' per ultima
nell'infermeria. Dopo che la porta si richiuse, tocco' un controllo
sul pannello di fianco. "Questo dovrebbe bloccarla, se ben mi
Ora che la porta era bloccata, il gruppo si rilasso' un poco e
diede un'occhiata in giro. L'infermeria era ben illuminata, non come
il corridoio o la stiva di carico, e i vari pannelli di controllo
sembravano attivi. Ma era anche abbastanza deserta. "Che fortuna!"
borbotto' Jupiter. "Non c'e' il dottore."
"O qualcun altro, tra l'altro" aggunse Venus, controllando la
stanza attigua.
Mercury si acciglio'. Senza nessun membro del personale medico,
toccava a lei cercare di fare qualcosa per le ferite dell'ensign Kim.
E mentre la strumentazione era disegnata per un facile utilizzo, aveva
bisogno di una certa conoscenza per poterla usare correttamente.
Sperava che le sue capacita' fossero sufficienti per il suo compito.
"Mettilo su quel bioletto." disse a Mamoru, indicando quello in fondo
alla stanza. Il fatto che fosse isolato dagli altri bioletti indicava
che poteva essere quello usato per emergenze chirurgiche, spero'.
Mentre Mamoru eseguiva, Mercury ando' alla console del computer. Come
il resto dei sistemi dell'infermeria, sembrava attivo, un fatto
che venne confermato quando rispose subito al suo tocco, facendo
vedere la data stellare. "Data stellare 51405.0" borbotto'. "Piu' o
meno cinque anni da quando abbiamo visto il capitano Picard, per
Sailor Moon vide Mercury armeggiare alla console per un po', poi le
chiese "Che stai facendo?"
"Visto che non c'e' un dottore, spero che ci sia un database medico
nel computer che possa usare per stabilizzare l'ensign Kim..." si
fermo' e guardo' il bioletto. Kim sembrava stabile, per il momento, ma
poteva non durare a lungo. "Almeno per farlo sopravvivere finche' non
troviamo un vero dottore."
Sailor Moon guardo' l'amica con attenzione. Nonostante non fosse un
cervellone come Mercury, ne' avesse poteri psichici come Mars, sentiva
gli umori attorno a lei. Poteva dire che Mercury aveva dei dubbi sulle
sue abilita' di aiutare Kim. "Non ti preoccupare, Ami, sono sicura che
ce la farai." le disse per incoraggiarla, mettendole una mano sulla
spalla. "Se qualcuno puo' fare qualcosa qui dentro, sei tu."
Nonostante tutto, Mercury sorrise. "Sono contenta che lo pensi, ma
io..." La sua voce svani' quando qualcosa sullo schermo catturo' la
sua attenzione. Tocco' un altro controllo sul pannello, ed accedette
ad un programma particolare. "Interessante."
Qualcosa nella sua voce catturo' l'attenzione degli altri. "Cosa?"
chiese Venus.
"Stando a questo, la nave e' equipaggiata con un programma medico
di emergenza." rispose Mercury. "Piu' che altro, un dottore
"Un ologramma che fa da dottore?" chiese Mars dubbiosa "E'
Mercury alzo' le spalle. "Non vedo perche' no, visto il livello
della loro tecnologia. Ma sembra che il sistema sia inattivo al
Mars sbuffo'. "Che sorpresa. Sembra che non funzioni nulla qui!"
"Non proprio tutto. Gli altri sistemi qui dentro sembrano
funzionare." Mercury tocco' un altro controllo e fece apparire uno
schermo diagnostico. "E non c'e' nulla che non vada nei sistemi
olografici." disse dopo aver controllato. "Devono solo venire
resettati. E penso di poterlo fare." Si mosse verso un pannello di
fianco e, dopo aver studiato la console, inseri' una serie di comandi.
"Ecco, dovrebbe andare."
Jupiter si guardo' intorno. "Non succede nulla."
"Ho resettato il sistema, ma credo che dovremo attivarlo." spiego'
Mercury. "Io..."
"Oh, vuoi dire che dobbiamo dire al computer di accenderlo, magari
come sui ponti ologrammi" disse Sailor Moon, ricordando la permanenza
sull'Enterprise D. "Magari dicendo 'Computer, attivare il dottore', o
qualcosa del genere."
Alle sue parole, il computer reagi' istantaneamente. Un uomo
nell'uniforme blu della Flotta Stellare si materializzo' vicino a
Sailor Moon. La sua improvvisa apparizione la spavento', e con un
salto fini' in braccio a Tuxedo Kamen. Senza guardare la reazione,
l'uomo disse con voce calma "Prego, indicare la natura dell'emergenza
medica." e poi si guardo' attorno in infermeria. "Beh, sembra che
abbiamo ospiti." commento' osservandoli, con lo sguardo che termino'
su Tuxedo Kamen che teneva Sailor Moon. "A meno che non sia lei ad
aver bisogno di cure, consiglierei che la deponesse a terra."
"Abbiamo portato un membro dell'equipaggio per delle cure" cerco'
di spiegare Mercury indicando il bioletto. "Noi siamo..."
"Le Sailor Senshi e Tuxedo Kamen" disse il dottore, interrompendola
e finendo la sua frase. Ignorando gli sguardi sorpresi che stava
ricevendo, l'ologramma ando' al bioletto e controllo' le letture. Dopo
un momento, allungo' la mano. "Tricorder." Reagendo per prima, Jupiter
prese il primo tricorder che vide, che era quello alla cintura di
Harry, e lo diede al dottore. Lo apri' ed esamino' le letture per un
momento prima di richiuderlo e ridandolo alla ragazza, con
un'espressione annoiata. "Tricorder *medico*!" disse.
"Hey, come faccio a sapere la differenza?!?" gli rispose Jupiter.
"Ecco, dottore." disse con calma Mercury, fornendo lo strumento
corretto al dottore.
"Grazie." disse l'ologramma, e inizio' a scansionare Harry.
"Hmmm... ci sono costole rotte, una commozione e diverse ferite
interne. E una leggera esposizione alle radiazioni. Serio,
specialmente se viene lasciato incurato, ma niente che non possa
affrontare. E' un bene che non ci abbiate messo di piu' a portarlo
qui." Chiuse il tricorder e scelse diversi strumenti li' vicino.
"Lei e' molto fortunato, signor Kim."
"Un attimo. Ci conosce?" chiese Tuxedo Kamen.
"E' piu' corretto dire che so di voi." rispose l'ologramma mentre
faceva un'iniezione di ironalina a Harry. "Il mio programma contiene
la conoscenza medica cumulativa dell'intera Federazione, compresi
diari medici di diversi eccellenti dottori della Flotta Stellare. Il
sapere di chi e cosa siete e' ben descritto da due di loro." Si fermo'
e guardo' Sailor Moon, esaminandola attentamente, "Anche se vedo che
la sua uniforme e' cambiata in qualche modo."
"Va bene, lei sa di noi" disse Mars. "Ora forse potrebbe..."
"Ho paura che ulteriori spiegazioni dovranno attendere" la
interruppe il dottore. "Ho bisogno di concentrarmi per curare l'ensign
Kim, e non lo posso fare se vengo interrotto da continue domande. Dopo
saro' ben lieto di rispondere a tutte le domande che mi farete."
Vedendo la logica nella sua richiesta, iniziarono a lasciare la
stanza, anche se con riluttnza. "Non te" disse il dottore a Mercury.
"Ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi assista."
Sembro' incerta. "Sarei felice di aiutare, ma anche se ho una
minima conoscenza medica, non ho fatto nessun addestramento."
"Non ti preoccupare." le rispose il dottore con un tono leggermente
ironico. "Ho avuto a che fare con il tenente Paris come assistente, e
chiunque di sicuro e' meglio di lui."

"Fatto." disse il dottore con un tono soddisfatto un po' di tempo
dopo. Diede un'ultimo sguardo alle letture del bioletto, e poi annui',
sorridendo a se stesso. "Un altro paziente strappato dalle braccia
delle morte." Voltandosi versi Mercury, aggiunse "La tua assistenza e'
stata di grande valore. Diventerai un eccellente medico nel futuro."
Internamente, Mercury fu compiaciuta del complimento del dottore,
ma si senti' un po' imbarazzata. "Grazie, dottore" disse a bassa voce.
Il dottore noto' il lieve arrossamento delle sue guance, ma non
fece altri commenti se non alzare un sopracciglio. "Penso che sia ora
che raggiungiamo le tue amiche. Ho la sensazione che abbiate molte
domande a cui rispondere." Mercury annui' e segui' l'ologramma fuori
dalla zona chirurgica.
Quando entrarono nella stanzetta, trovarono gli altri che si erano
riuniti nel piccolo studio, parlando fra loro per passare il tempo. E
nonostante sembrassero rilassati, c'erano diverse espressioni di
impazienza fra di loro, le piu' evidenti erano sulle faccie di Mars e
Jupiter. "Com'e' andata?" chiese Venus.
Il dottore sorrise. "E' stata dura per un momento, ma grazie
all'eccellente preparazione e con l'aiuto di un'eccellente
assistente" le guance di Mercury si fecero piu' rosse "il signor Kim
si riprendera' completamente."
"Bene" commento' Jupiter. "Ora forse potrebbe dirci che succede."
"Certamente, ma prima..." Il dottore apri' il tricorder medico che
aveva in mano e procedette a scansionare ogni Senshi e Tuxedo Kamen.
"Che sta facendo?" chiese Sailor Moon, dando voce alla domanda che
tutti si stavano facendo.
"Sto vedendo se siete stati esposti a radiazioni." rispose
l'ologramma "E sembra che voi due" indicando Moon e Mercury "sembriate
"Radiazioni?!?" esclamo' Sailor Moon con la voce impaurita.
"Non mi preoccuperei troppo." la rassicuro' il dottore. "La vostra
costituzione sembra sopportarle senza problema. In ogni caso, vi faro'
un'iniezione di ironalina come precauzione."
"Dev'essere stato a causa di quei colpi ad energia." teorizzo'
Mercury mentre il dottore preparava un hypospray. "Sia io che Sailor
Moon siamo state colpite."
"Vuoi dire che gli alieni usano questa energia come arma?" dopo che
Mercury annui' in conferma, il dottore continuo' "In questo caso, faro'
a tutte un'iniezione. E dovro' fare in modo di disperdere una
quantita' di ironalina attraverso i sistemi atmosferici della nave per
l'equipaggio." Partendo da Mercury, fece il giro della stanza, facendo
a tutti un'iniezione dall'hypospray. "Capite, non vi rendera' immuni
alle radiazioni, ma attenuera' gli effetti collaterali."
"Allora, com'e' la storia?" chiese Mars. "Chi sono questi alieni, e
perche' sono sulla vostra nave?"
"E perche' e' quasi tutto fuori uso sulla vostra nave?" chiese
Sailor Moon.
Il dottore esito', poi ammise con riluttanza "Purtroppo, la mia
conoscenza della situazione corrente e' limitata. So solo che stavamo
avvicinandoci ad un pianeta per investigare un'anomalia spaziale che
era stata rilevata dai sensori. Poco dopo la nave si scosse
violentemente. Anche se il signor Paris non ha attitudini nelle
competenze mediche, e' un eccellente pilota. Posso concludere che la
nave e' finita sotto attacco. L'ultima cosa che mi ricordo prima che
si spegnesse il mio programma e' stato l'allarme intrusione che
suonava. Dev'essere stato quando la nave e' stata abbordata." Il
dottore guardo' il gruppo. "E questo e' tutto cio' che conosco della
situazione corrente. Posso immaginare che qualsiasi cosa abbia mandato
il mio programma offline e' lo stesso fenomeno che vi ha portate sulla
"Provi di nuovo" disse Mars.
"Non siamo state portate sulla Voyager" spiego' Mercury. "Il suo
programma dev'essere stato messo offline dal fenomeno che vi ha
portati sulla Terra."
Cio' prese l'ologramma abbastanza impreparato. "Terra?" esclamo'
con la voce stupita.
"Gia'" disse Jupiter. "In questo momento la nave e' a terra, al
Polo Nord della *nostra* Terra."
"Non ci posso credere" borbotto' il dottore dopo essersi preso un
attimo per capire la notizia. "Di nuovo sulla Terra. Prima nel tempo
sbagliato, ora nell'*universo* sbagliato."
Cio' che aveva detto il dottore non era chiaro per Sailor Moon.
"Perche' e' cosi' scioccato di essere sulla Terra? Voglio dire, ci
sarete stati un sacco di volte, no?"
Il dottore realizzo'. "E' vero... Non conoscete la situazione al
completo. Date alcune circostanze uniche, la Voyager si trova
all'incirca a sessantamila anni luce dallo spazio della Federazione."
"Sessantamila anni luce?" esclamo' Mercury. "Cio' vuol dire che vi
trovate dall'altra parte della galassia!"
Il dottore annui'. Corretto. Siamo nel Quadrante Delta, su una
rotta che ci riportera' nel Quadrante Alfa. Inizio' piu' o meno
cosi'..." Nei minuti successivi, l'ologramma diede loro una breve
descrizione di come la Voyager, all'inseguimento di un vascello
Maquis, era stata trasportata nel Quadrante Delta, all'incirca a
settantamila anni luce da casa. Diede anche un veloce resoconto degli
eventi che erano accaduti alla nave negli ultimi quattro anni. "... e
se non troveremo delle scorciatoie, dovremmo raggiungere il Quadrante
Alfa in sessant'anni, piu' o meno." concluse il dottore. "Ma al
momento, la mia nave e' stata invasa da una forza ostile, e devo
assumere che controllano l'intera nave e che tengano l'equipaggio
prigioniero. So di essere solo un ologramma, ma sono anche l'Ufficiale
Medico Capo su questa nave. Ho il dovere di tentare di riprendere la
nave. E per farlo... ho bisogno del vostro aiuto."
"E glielo daremo!" affermo' Sailor Moon. "La aiuteremo a ripulire
questa nave e a buttar fuori la Negaspazzatura! Nel nome della
"... e Jupiter..."
"... li puniremo!" gridarono alla fine all'unisono.
"Il vostro entusiasmo e' apprezzabile" noto' seccamente il dottore.
"Se fosse sufficiente, vinceremmo senza combattere!"
"Dottore, ho un dubbio." disse Mercury. "Se ho letto bene i dati
riguardanti il sistema MOE, gli emettitori olografici che servono per
crearla sono limitati all'infermeria. Se e' cosi' e con le
comunicazioni interne interrotte, come ci puo' aiutare a liberare la
"Una volta ti avrei dato ragione." concesse il dottore. "Comunque
ora posso lasciare i confini dell'infermeria." Ando' dove teneva
l'oloemettitore portatile e prese il piccolo dispositivo. "Con
l'assistenza di questo pezzo della tecnologia del ventinovesimo
secolo, ora ho accesso all'intera nave..." Il suo sorriso si allargo'
quanto possibile. "Inoltre, posso anche lasciare la nave per missioni
"Ventinovesimo secolo?" chiese Mercury, ancora piu' confusa. E
vedendo le altre, non era la sola ad esserlo. "Pensavo che voi foste
del ventiquattresimo!"
"Lo siamo!" Il dottore esito', non sapendo come spiegare come ebbe
ottenuto l'emettitore portatile. "E' una lunga storia che riguarda un
loop temporale complicato, ma non e' il caso che ve ne parli, viste le
necessita' primarie attuali."
Mars annui', concordando con l'ologramma. "Va bene, lei conosce
questa nave meglio di noi. Qual'e' la nostra prima mossa?"
"Ho a disposizione diversi sedativi che possono venir rilasciati
nell'atmosfera della Voyager. Se mi poteste aiutare a raggiungere i
controlli atmosferici..."
"Non funzionera'" disse Tuxedo Kamen.
Il dottore si acciglio' "E perche' no?"
Mercury parlo' "Abbiamo trovato un membro dell'equipaggio svenuto
sul ponte quattro. Aveva tracce di anestetico nel sangue. Sembra che
l'equipaggio abbia gia' provato questa strategia."
"Hmmm..." il dottore sembro' incerto. "La loro fisiologia li rende
immune a certi sedativi. Dovrei averlo sospettato dall'autopsia. Cio'
mette un freno alle cose."
"Aspetti... autopsia?"
"Si'" disse il dottore a Tuxedo Kamen. "Abbiamo trovato una nave
alla deriva che aveva subito grossi danni, all'apparenza dallo stesso
tipo di alieni. Fra i rottami, il nostro away team ha scoperto un
corpo. E' stato portato a bordo, e ho fatto l'autopsia. Ma penetrare
la sua pelle squamosa e' stata una sfida. Era molto resistente al mio
bisturi laser."
"E' sicuro che si tratti dello stesso tipo di alieni?" chiese
Abbastanza sicuro. Comunque..." Il dottore ando' verso i tubi di
stasi, e ne apri' uno. Quando questo usci' "Siete voi che conoscete
gli alieni che stanno girando per la nave. Ditemelo voi."
Le Senshi si avvicinarono per dare un'occhiata piu' da vicino, ma
non ci volle molto per la verifica. "Piu' o meno e' lo stesso." disse
Tuxedo Kamen.
"All'infuori del colore della pelle, che e' arancio" noto' Venus.
"Quelli che abbiamo visto fuori erano verdi."
"Potrebbe indicare un rango fra di loro. O forse e' solo una
mutazione razziale." disse il dottore. "Avevo appena finito di fare
l'autopsia quando e' successo l'inferno." si fermo', poi chiuse il
tubo di stasi. "Devo dire che sono alquanto sorpreso che la nave sia
ancora tutta intera."
"Perche'?" chiese Mercury.
"La nave che avevano attaccato, era un cubo Borg."
Cio' catturo' la loro attenzione. "Oh!"
"Oh! Esatto."
Il menzionare i Borg ricordo' a Sailor Moon una domanda che voleva
fare. "Comunque, cos'e' quell'equipaggiamento Borg nella stiva di
Il dottore sembro' incerto per un momento. "Ah, voi intendete le
alcove Borg nella stiva di carico due. E' l'alloggio del nuovo membro
dell'equipaggio, Sette di Nove."
"Sette di Nove?" E che nome e'?"
"E' quello che voleva dirci lui" disse Jupiter, indicando a pugno
chiuso col pollice Harry. "Voleva che trovassimo questo 'Sette'"
"Sembra esatto." concordo' il dottore.
"Ma questo non spiega ancora quelle alcove Borg" disse Mars.
"E' molto semplice." inizio' a spiegare il dottore, prima che un
suono di metallo risuono' dalla botola di accesso dei tubi di Jeffries
e lo interruppe. Subito le Senshi si misero sulla difensiva e Tuxedo
Kamen si preparo' a lanciare una rosa, mentre il dottore per non
essere da meno, preparo' un hypospray. Comunque subito sospiro' di
sollievo vedendo chi stava uscendo. "Sono contento di vederti, Sette."
le disse, aiutandola ad uscire. "Vedo che mi ero sbagliato nel credere
che tutto l'equipaggio fosse fuori combattimento." Vedendo che il
dottore la conosceva, gli altri si rilassarono.
"A quanto so, la maggior parte dell'equipaggio e' senza conoscenza.
Comunque controlliamo ancora il ponte e la sala macchine." spiego'
brevemente. "Il tenente Paris ha mandato me e l'ensign Kim all'armeria
attraverso la stiva di carico due. Dovevamo recuperare dei fucili
phaser e modificarli per renderli piu' efficienti con gli alieni. Ci
hanno attaccato mentre eravamo per strada, e ci siamo dovuti
"Il tenente Paris?" il dottore sembro' perplesso. "Che e' successo
al capitano Janeway? E a Chakotay? E a Tuvok?"
"Il capitano Janeway e' rimasta incapacitata durante la transizione
verso questo universo." spiego' Sette. "Il comandante Chakotay e il
tenente comandante Tuvok erano in missione quando gli alieni hanno
abbordato la nave. Non abbiamo avuto il tempo di recuperarli prima
della transizione." Si fermo', vedendo che il dottore non era solo in
infermeria. "Le Sailor Senshi." osservo', dopo averle guardate
velocemente. "Allora l'anomalia dimensionale che abbiamo attraversato
porta nel loro universo."
"Ah, avrei dovuto sapere che eri informata su di loro." commento'
il dottore. "Da quanto mi hanno detto, loro sono piu' efficaci contro
gli alieni delle nostre armi. Stavo sperando che col loro aiuto
potessimo allontanare gli intrusori dalla nave."
"Una strategia logica" concordo' la Borg. "Le loro capacita' unite
ai phaser modificati dovrebbero essere sufficienti per lo scopo."
Nel frattempo, le Senshi si stavano riprendendo dalla facilita' con
cui Sette le aveva riconosciute. "Sembra che tutti su questa nave ci
conoscano. Dobbiamo essere una lettura obbligatoria all'Accademia della
Flotta Stellare." disse Venus.
"No, ci dev'essere un corso su di noi, ormai." aggiunse Jupiter "Lo
posso vedere 'Sailor Senshi 101'."
"Non e' quello" disse Sailor Moon. Nonostante la sua faccia fosse
pallida, stava guardando Sette duramente, e la sua voce rimase ferma.
"Ci ha riconosciute perche' lei e' una Borg."
Diverse bocche rimasero aperte incredule. "Borg?!?"
"Una volta ero parte del collettivo Borg, si'" disse Sette prima
che lo potesse fare il dottore. "Una volta Sailor Moon fu assimilata
in esso, e la sua conoscenza ed esperienza fu aggiunta ad esso allo
stesso modo. Percio', vi conosco."
Il dottore pote' sentire la tensione fra le Senshi alzarsi
all'istante quando la drone parlo'. "Non e' un buon inizio..."



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Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
Località: Italy

Messaggio da trekfan1 » 4 ott 2009, 20:46

Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Senshi e' mai giunta prima...
Capitolo 3 - Allarme intrusi!
Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Sailor Senshi e' mai giunta prima...

Capitolo 3 - Allarme intrusi!

Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


"Vedo che i tuoi rapporti interpersonali hanno ancora bisogno di
migliorare, Sette." noto' il dottore, cercando di far rilassare la
situazione. "Ma credo che dovranno aspettare. Dobbiamo sapere cos'e'
successo alla nave dopo che ha lasciato il relitto Borg."
"Molto bene" rispose Sette. "Siamo usciti dalla curvatura poco
prima di entrare nel sistema. I sensori hanno mostrato che l'anomalia
che stavamo cercando era molto vicina al quarto pianeta,
nell'atmosfera. Siamo scesi a velocita' di impulso, e siamo entrati in
un'orbita standard. Un away team composto dal comandante Chakotay, dal
tenente comandante Tuvok e Neelix e' stato mandato..."
"Non era cio' che avevo in mente" la interruppe il dottore. "Se
vogliamo capira appieno la situazione, abbiamo bisogno di dettagli."
Sette non era convinta. "Il tipo di dettagli a cui si riferisce,
sono irrilevanti."
"Difficile." ribatte'. "Il minimo dettaglio potrebbe essere una
traccia per sapere cio' che ci serve. Ora, per favore, ricomincia da
quando la Voyager si stava avvicinando al pianeta."
"Visto che lei lo ritiene importante, forniro' i dettagli che
vuole. Ma credo che sia un uso improduttivo del nostro tempo." Sette
si volto' verso le Senshi. "Come ho detto, ci siamo avvicinati al
pianeta a potenza di impulso. Quando abbiamo raggiunto la giusta
distanza, il capitano Janeway..."

"Orbita standard, signor Paris" ordino' Janeway.
"Stiamo entrando in orbita" confermo' il timoniere.
Janeway osservo' il pianeta in silenzio mentre Tom metteva la nave
in orbita. A parte il fatto di avere un colore piu' pallido rispetto
agli altri pianeti di classe M che aveva visto negli anni, non c'era
altro di strano riguardo al piccolo pianeta. Infatti, dall'apparenza
sembrava abbastanza pacifico. Ma Janeway sapeva bene che le apparenze
molte volte nascondevano qualcosa. "Che mi puo' dire, Harry?"
Ci fu un breve silenzio mentre il giovane ensign guardava le
letture dei sensori prima di rispondere. Uno sguardo alla stazione
operativa disse a Janeway che qualsiasi fossero i risultati, non erano
buoni. "E' difficile, capitano. Ho fissato la posizione dell'anomalia
all'incirca ad un chilometro dalla superficie, ma c'e' uno strano
campo di energia di sottofondo che interferisce coi sensori."
Janeway si acciglio'. "Che tipo di campo di energia?"
"Non so" confesso' Harry. "Sto ancora cercando di identificarlo, ma
le interferenze non rendono facili le ricerche."
"Non ho mai visto niente del genere" disse Chakotay, concentrandosi
sul pannello fra le sedie del capitano e del primo ufficiale. "Sembra
una specie di energia negativa, ma considerando l'abbondanza di vita
laggiu', non sembra dannoso per la vita organica. Potremmo avere delle
letture migliori se inviassimo un away team." Dopo un momento, guardo'
Janeway, che non gli aveva ancora risposto. "Capitano?"
Esito' per un momento prima di annuire. "Va bene." disse, con una
certa riluttanza nella sua voce. "Prepari un away team. Ma non restate
troppo tempo laggiu', Chakotay. C'e' qualcosa di questo pianeta che mi
sta dando una cattiva sensazione."
Il tono della sua voce, fece voltare Paris dal timone, che scambio'
uno sguardo incerto con Harry. Al tattico, l'impassibile Tuvok alzo'
un sopracciglio, ma non ebbe altre reazioni. Chakotay noto' con la
coda dell'occhio che anche Sette di Nove era turbata dallo strano
comportamento del capitano. Comunque, pur essendo disturbato, Chakotay
disse "Si', capitano." Indico' Tuvok, e il Vulcan lo accompagno'
fuori dal ponte.

"Comandante Chakotay!"
Chakotay si fermo' all'entrata della sala teletrasporto, voltandosi
per guardare chi lo aveva chiamato. Ma aveva gia' capito dalla voce
chi era. "Che posso fare per lei, Neelix?"
Il Talaxiano si fermo', respirando affannosamente. Era ovvio che
aveva corso per arrivare li'. "Comandante, indovino se penso che
stiate per scendere in missione sulla superficie del pianeta?"
Chakotay annui'. "Si'". Neelix apri' la bocca per parlare, ma
Chakotay lo precedette. "So che sta per chiedere, Neelix. Ma voglio
che l'away team sia ridotto al minimo indispensabile."
"Puo' essere giusto, comandante." concordo'. "ma i Borg stanno
senza dubbio mandando una nave qui, visto quello che e' successo
all'altra. Il che mi dice che non potremo sostare qui molto a lungo.
Percio', visto che le nostre risorse di cibo stanno diminuendo,
dovremmo utilizzare il nostro tempo qui al meglio." Si fermo' per un
momento. "E dato che io sono l'esperto in materia di vegetazione
commestibile, vi dovrei accompagnare sulla superficie."
"Comandante, sono esitante nel concordare, ma c'e' una certa logica
in quello che dice Neelix." disse Tuvok.
Neelix si illumino' letteralmente. "Ehi, grazie, signor Vulcan."
"Troppo difficile per me discutere di logica con un vulcaniano."
disse Chakotay. "Venga con noi, Neelix."

Neelix sbatte' gli occhi, disorientato dal cambio del livello di
luce quando si materializzarono sulla superficie. "E' strano"
commento', controllando la vegetazione col tricorder e i suoi sensi.
"Pensavo che saremmo scesi sulla parte illuminata a giorno del
"Lo siamo." gli rispose Chakotay. Punto' verso l'alto dove il sole
del sistema era visibile. Ma invece di essere una palla lunimosa,
appariva solo come un pallido disco giallo, non piu' luminoso della
Luna piena della Terra.
Tuvok alzo' un sopracciglio. "Cio' e molto strano. Il sole locale
e' una stella di classe G5, e il pianeta e' approssimativamente a 1.25
AU da essa. Non rilevando stranezze nell'atmosfera, questi fattori
dovrebbero fornire un livello di luce pari a quello della Terra."
Chakotay guardo' il suo tricorder ed esamino' i dati che stava
registrando. Non sembrava esserci nulla fuori dalla norma, ad
eccezione di... "Ecco il campo di energia che ha rilevato Harry. Ma e'
piu' esteso di quanto pensassimo. E' dappertutto attorno a noi...
nelle piante, negli animali... anche nel suolo."
"Tutto cio' che possiamo scansionare." noto' Tuvok. "L'interferenza
sta limitando il raggio dei nostri tricorder a meno di trenta metri."
"Il campo di energia sta assorbendo i raggi esplorativi." concordo'
Chakotay. "Questo probabilmente e' anche la causa della luce bassa."
Premette il suo comunicatore. Era ora di informare il capitano.

Janeway ascolto' attentamente il rapporto iniziale di Chakotay. "Il
campo di energia e' pericoloso?"
"Solo se rimaniamo per un periodo esteso... diciamo circa una
settimana." rispose il primo ufficiale fra le interferenze. Janeway
diede uno sguardo a Harry che annui', indicando che stava gia'
lavorando sulla pulizia del segnale. "E, capitano, abbiamo delle
difficolta' nel ricevere il vostro segnale."
"Abbiamo lo stesso problema." rispose Janeway. "Dev'essere un altro
effetto di quel campo di energia. Harry sta lavorandoci per migliorare
il segnale."
"Capitano, dai dati dei tricorder dell'away team, sono riuscito ad
avere un indizio sul campo di energia." Harry si fermo', quasi non
credendo a cosa era apparso sul pannello. Quando parlo', sembro'
alquanto imbarazzato. "E'... un campo di Nega-energia."
"Nega-cosa?" esclamo' Janeway.
"Harry, te lo sei appena inventato, vero?" chiese Tom con una voce
poco seria.
"Sembra ridicolo anche a me, ma questo e' cio' che il computer sta
dicendo." disse Harry, difendendosi.
"La Nega-energia e' un campo bioeletrico che era emanato da
un'entita' chiamata la Negaforce." disse Sette dalla sua postazione
davanti ad Harry. Si mosse dalla postazione e guardo' il capitano, che
era accigliata. C'era qualcosa di familiare in quel nome, ma non
riusciva a trovare il nesso. "La Negaforce era un essere
interdimensionale estremamente potente che e' stato presumibilmente
distrutto da Sailor Moon."
Harry sembro' ancora piu' perplesso. "Sailor Moon?"
Janeway schiocco' le dita. "Ora ricordo! Jean-Luc Picard aveva
tenuto una breve riunione su di lei alla conferenza tattica della
Flotta Stellare prima che partissimo. Sailor Moon fa parte di un
gruppo chiamato Sailor Senshi. E sebbene possano apparire delle
ragazzine, hanno poteri straordinari. Cinque anni fa hanno aiutato
l'Enterprise D in uno scontro con una nave Borg." Guardando Sette "Se
ben mi ricordo, Sailor Moon era stata assimilata per un breve periodo
di tempo."
"Esatto" rispose Sette.

Chakotay smise di fare scansioni col tricorder e si guardo'
attorno. Non sentiva o vedeva nulla di strano, ma c'era qualcosa che
gli stava facendo rizzare i capelli alla base del collo. Era solo una
sensazione che provava, ma era qualcosa che aveva imparato a
considerare dai primi giorni in cui si era unito ai Maquis. "Capitano,
penso che non siamo soli quaggiu'."
"Non rilevo niente di pericoloso nelle nostre vicinanze" osservo'
Tuvok, che comunque estrasse il proprio phaser. Era solo logico essere
pronto per ogni evenienza.
Ciascuno di loro senti' un'ondata di pressione sopra di loso, e si
ritrovarono improvvisamente circondati da forme umanoidi. Ma la
somiglianza con l'essere umano finiva li', visto che sembravano piu'
insettoidi: la loro pelle verde era composta di una sostanza squamosa,
e il loro grossi occhi sporgevano dalle teste. Prima che Chakotay
potesse fare o dire qualcosa, il capo alzo' il bastone che aveva in
mano e lo abbasso' velocemente verso di loso. La scarica di energia
che risulto' colpi' il Talaxiano, buttandolo a terra. "Neelix!"

"Ho perso il contatto con l'away team." disse Harry allarmato.
"Voyager a Chakotay, risponda." disse Janeway, sperando in una
risposta del suo primo ufficiale. Sfortunatamente, l'unica risposta fu
il silenzio. Si volto' alla stazione delle operazioni. "Harry, li
riporti su. *Ora*!"
Harry cerco' di ubbidire, ma il suo tentativo falli'. "Non riesco a
focalizzare il teletrasporto su di loro." disse. "Il campo di energia
si e' intensificato. Sta disturbando il raggio di confinamento."
"Provi ad intensificare il confinamento anulare..." il suggerimento
di Janeway fu interrotto da un balzo della nave improvviso, tanto che
il movimento era oltre il limite degli smorzatori inerziali.
Paris lottava col timone, cercando di stabilizzare la nave.
"Qualcosa ci ha preso, capitano. Ci sta portando giu'"
"Pieno impulso." ordino' subito Janeway.
"Pieno impulso." Paris diede i comandi al timone, poi scosse la
testa. "Abbiamo rallentato, ma stiamo ancora scendendo."
"Stiamo entrando nell'atmosfera" disse Sette.
Come se il destino avesse deciso di aggiungere altri problemi,
l'allarme intrusione scelse quel momento per iniziare a suonare. 'E
adesso?' penso' Janeway, poi disse in qualche modo "Rapporto!"
"Diversi allarmi intrusione sui ponti da cinque a dodici." rispose
Harry. "Si stanno teletrasportando attraverso gli scudi."
"Mandate squadre della sicurezza su quei ponti subito." ordino'
Janeway all'ensign Graves, che aveva preso il posto di Tuvok al
tattico. Annui' ed inizio' a dare gli ordini alle squadre. "Harry,
innalzare campi di forza su tutti i ponti."
"Si, signora." disse Harry, eseguendo gli ordini.
"Le squadre di sicurezza stanno facendo rapporto. I nostri phaser
sono inefficienti contro gli intrusori." disse Graves. "Li riescono a
rallentare, ma non a fermare."
"Dannazione" sussurro' Janeway. "Rinforzare i campi di forza e
proteggere le zone vitali della nave. Computer, disabilitare le
funzioni di comando in tutte le aree controllate dagli intrusori.
Autorizzazione Janeway gamma echo quattro sette."
"Funzioni di comendo disabilitate." rispose il computer.
Il ponte si scosse duramente di nuovo, ricordando a Janeway che
c'erano altri problemi. "Stiamo ancora scendendo." disse Ton
inutilmente, visto che un'occhiata di Janeway allo schermo le aveva
gia' dato la situazione. "Altezza cinquanta chilometri."
"Dobbiamo liberarci da quel raggio." borbotto' Janeway guardando la
sua console e controllando le letture dei sensori. Le venne un'idea, e
uno sguardo speranzoso le si formo' sul viso. "Ponte a sala macchine.
B'Elanna, ho bisogni che regoli i motori a curvatura per generare un
campo curvatura attorno alla nave, secondo una frequenza che faccia da
controvariante al raggio che tiene la nave."
"Sto eseguendo." rispose il tenente. "Quanta potenza curvatura
pensa che avremo bisogno?"
"Non ne sono sicura" rispose Janeway. "Forse tutta. E forse di
piu'." Si volto' verso Harry di nuovo. "Harry, stabilisca un canale
fra i sensori e i motori a curvatura. Il campo a curvatura deve essere
della frequenza esatta perche' funzioni, e gli alieni potrebbero
modificare il raggio quando vedranno che stiamo facendo."
"Si', capitano." rispose.

"Va bene. Vediamo di fare in fretta." disse B'Elanna ai suoi
sottoposti. "Carey, prepara i motori a generare il campo attorno alla
"Si, tenente." disse muovendosi verso la console di controllo della
guida a curvatura.
B'Elanna si era gia' rivolta a qualcun altro. "Vorick, fai in modo
che il collegamento che Harry sta preparando sia connesso
direttamente ai controlli della propulsione a curvatura." Il Vulcan
annui'. Nel frattempo, B'Elanna controllo' la situazione del nucleo a
curvatura. Se il capitano aveva ragione, avevano bisogno di portarlo
al limite, e forse oltre.

Tom alzo' lo sguardo dal timone, con una certa preoccupazione.
"Meglio fare in fretta. La nostra altezza e' nove punto sette
chilometri e sta diminuendo."
"Qui siamo pronti." disse la voce di B'Elanna dall'interfono.
"Collegamento dei sensori alla guida curvatura attivato." aggiunse
"Non perdiamo tempo." disse Janeway. "Engage!"
Giu' in sala macchine, B'Elanna premette i controlli per dare
energia alle gondole a curvatura, generando il campo attorno alla
nave. Fuori, le gondole si alzarono nella configurazione di volo e
emisero una luce blu. Sul ponte, Janeway poteva sentire il ronzio dai
motori mentre l'energia si incrementava. Lo schermo stava dicendo a
tutti che la discesa della nave verso la superficie stava diminuendo
visibilmente. "Porta i motori al massimo, B'Elanna."
"Si', capitano."
"Sto leggendo delle fluttuazioni subspaziali dall'anomalia." disse
Harry, con la voce leggermente allarmata. "Ci siamo quasi sopra..."
La nave si scosse di nuovo, ma questa volta il movimento fu
accompagnato da un lampo di luce. "Siamo liberi!" noto' Paris con
sollievo, ma era preoccupato da un altro dato dello stato della nave.
"Altezza un chilometro. Ma abbiamo perso i motori ad impulso."
"Anche i motori a curvatura non sono disponibli." aggiunse Harry,
poi inizio' a leggere la litania dei danni. "La potenza principale e'
fuori linea, e anche l'ausiliaria... Capitano!"
La voce allarmata di Harry distolse l'attenzione di Tom dal timone
per un momento, e poteva vedere che era pienamente giustificata. Il
capitano Janeway era a terra, apparentemente senza conoscenza. Questo,
combinato con l'assenza sia di Chakotay che di Tuvok, lo poneva
nell'insolita posizione di essere al comando. "Sette, vedi che puoi
fare per il capitano." La Borg annui', e stava gia' prendendo il kit
medico di emergenza del ponte. "Harry, devo portar giu' la nave.
Prepararsi per un atterraggio di emergenza. I razzi funzionano, ma
sono troppo ballerini per i miei gusti." Diede un rapido sguardo ai
sensori di navigazione. "Spero solo che il suolo sia solido."
"Forse il ghiaccio solido potrebbe andar bene" disse Sette.
Confuso, Tom guardo' lo schermo principale per la prima volta da
quando si erano liberati. "Sembra che siamo stati trasportati su un
altro pianeta, sulla sua calotta polare ghiacciata."
"Dovra' andar bene." disse Tom, tornando al timone. "Perche' non
possiamo tornare in orbita solo con la potenza di emergenza."
"Ho configurato gli smorzatori inerziali per l'atterraggio." disse
Harry. La sua voce sembrava ferma, ma Tom sentiva che l'amico stava
guardando Sette alle prese col capitano. Non che rimproverasse
l'amico. Se il ponte fosse stato disegnato in maniera diversa, forse
avrebbe fatto lo stesso. "E ho trasferito tutta la riserva di
emergenza ai razzi."
"Grazie, Harry." E adesso vediamo se davvero sei un buon pilota, si
disse. "Altezza settecento metri... seicento..." La nave prese quel
momento per impennarsi improvvisamente. Tom si prese al timone con una
mano, cercando di stabilizzare la nave con l'altra. "Scusate."
"Sono i nostri amici laggiu'" disse Harry. "Stanno dannegiando le
linee di comunicazione ODN. Sto reindirizzando evitando il danno."
Dopo pochi istanti, Tom senti' il timone che rispondeva meglio. "Va
meglio. Buon lavoro, Harry. Altezza duecento metri. Estendere le
strutture di atterraggio." Quattro pannelli si aprirono nella parte
inferiore dello scafo secondario e le strutture di atterraggio si
estesero e si bloccarono in posizione. Tom fece gli ultimi
aggiustamenti al timone e porto' la nave a terra dolcemente.
Con la nave ora a terra sul ghiaccio, Tom era libero di lasciare il
timone. Si inginocchio' di fianco al capitano. "Come sta?" chiese a
"Stabile per ora. Comunque non riesco a trovare una causa
fisiologica per il suo stato di incoscienza."
Tom sapeva che le sue conoscenze mediche erano limitate, ma lo
trovava lo stesso difficile da credere. Ma finche' non si fosse
svegliata, era lui al comando. E sapeva che il capitano Janeway aveva
a cuore la salvezza del suo equipaggio prima della propria. "Harry,
situazione intrusi?"
"Ancora li', ma almeno il loro numero ha smesso di crescere. Non
possono mandare nessuno attraverso l'anomalia. I motori a curvatura
l'hanno attivata, mandandoci qui. Ecco perche' si e' interrotto il
raggio." Guardo' verso Tom. "Comunque ho scoperto cosa e'. Non e' un
wormhole, ma un flusso quantico."
Tom scosse la testa. "Traduci, Harry."
Fu Sette a rispondere. "E' un fenomeno spaziale che puo' servire
come porta fra due universi. E questo evidentemente lo e'."
"Grande." borbotto' Tom. "E noi che pensavamo che essere nel
Quadrante Delta fosse disastroso."
"Potremmo tornare attraverso il flusso in una maniera piu'
controllate." disse Sette. "Ma suggerirei di occuparci degli intrusi
Tom annui'. "Giusto. Harry, riempire tutti i compartimenti con
l'eccezione del ponte e della sala macchine con anestezina. Se abbiamo
fortuna, dovrebbe metterli fuori combattimento."
"Se non funzionera', tutto l'equipaggio sara' incapacitato." disse
"Hai un'idea migliore?" chiese Tom.
"Non al momento" ammise con riluttanza.
"Sto rilasciando l'anestezina." disse Harry. Ci furono diversi
attimi di silenzio sul ponte attendendo i risultati. "Non penso stia
funzionando, Tom. Gli alieni si stanno ancora muovendo, e..." si
fermo' e sudo' frustrato. "Non so come l'abbiano fatto, ma hanno
appena messo fuori uso i sensori interni."
"Che stavano facendo?"
Harry diede uno sguardo alle registrazioni dei sensori. "Sembra che
ci siano due gruppi che stanno cercando di entrare in sala macchine e
sul ponte." Involontariamente tutti guardarono le varie entrate del
ponte. Non c'erano segni al momento, ma tutti stavano pensando che gli
alieni stessero facendosi strada attraverso i campi di forza che
sbarravano loro la strada. "Ce ne sono altri sparsi per la nave. Una
specie di pattugliamento, penso."
"Abbiamo bisogno di armi che li possano contrastare." disse Tom.
"Ovviamente i nostri phaser non sono sufficienti, anche al massimo."
Guardo' Sette. "Hai un'idea su questo?"
La Borg sembrava pensierosa. "Possibile. Posso riuscire a
modificare alcune unita' per renderle piu' efficienti. Ma avro'
bisogno di andare nella stiva di carico due.
Tom annui'. "Non saro' io a fermarti. Harry, vai con lei."
Sette non sembro' felice dell'idea. "Posso eseguire il compito da
"Lo so che ne sei in grado." rispose Tom. "Ma hai lo stesso bisogno
di qualcuno che ti copra le spalle. E inoltre, due persone possono
portare piu' phaser qua."
Sette non era ancora felice, ma non fece altre obiezioni, e segui'
Harry nei tubi di Jeffries.

"Abbiamo raggiunto il ponte tre prima che gli alieni ci
intercettassero. Ho detto all'ensign Kim di precedermi alla stiva di
carico due mentre mi occupavo del problema. Dopo che ebbi finito, lo
seguii. Vedendo che l'ensign Kim non era ancora arrivato, ho deciso di
venire in infermeria sperando di trovare l'aiuto del dottore." disse
Sette, concludendo il racconto.
"E come hai fatto a vedertela con gli alieni sul ponte due?" chiese
Sette la fisso' con uno sguardo tagliente prima di risponderle. "Io
sono una Borg."
Jupiter rimando' lo sguardo a Sette quando questa rivolse la sua
attenzione alla console. "Ah, gia'! Lo sei di sicuro!" borbotto'.
"Scusatemi." disse il dottore prima di andare da Sette. Abbassando
la voce solo per lei, le disse "Sette, capisco che siano poco
amichevoli con te, ma non e' una scusa per essere rude allo stesso
"Come ha notato, dottore, sono loro che sono ostili."
"Questo perche' sei una Borg." le rispose, con la voce che si
alzava. "E' naturale che abbiano dei sentimenti ostili verso di te. Ma
trattarle in questo modo non migliorera' la situazione!" Guardo' la
console. "Che stai facendo?"
"Sto cercando di accedere ai sensori interni. Dobbiamo scoprire la
disposizione delle forze aliene prima di procedere." Smise i suoi
sforzi, frustrata. "Sfortunatamente, i sensori interni sono ancora
fuori uso."
"Sembra che si siano concentrati in tre aree." Tutti si rivolsero
verso Mercury. "Una e' appena fuori da una grossa stanza sul ponte
"Fuori dalla sala macchine." disse Sette.
"... un altro e' ammassato a quella che sembra l'entrata della
plancia. Il terzo e' in una grossa sala sul ponte due."
Il dottore le si era avvicinato. "Ponte due, sezione tredici."
noto'. "La sala mensa. Forse lo stanno usando come posto di comando
finche' non riusciranno ad entrare sul ponte. Dubito che siano li' per
la cucina."
"Ci sono altre forme di vita presenti. Penso siano membri
"Un momento, Mercury." obietto' Sailor Moon. "Pensavo che tu non
fossi in gradi di fare delle scansioni accurate per quella cosa che
"Vero. Ma ho cercato di filtrare l'interferenza. Le letture non
sono ancora precise come vorrei, ma possono bastare." Si fermo' quando
un altra segnalazione apparve sul visore. "Un momento. Ci sono delle
instabilita' che si stanno formando nel flusso quantico."
Curiosa, Sette ando' dietro di lei per leggere i risultati, mentre
il dottore si sposto'. "Riconosco queste letture. Stanno preparandosi
per un trasporto interdimensionale." In risposta agli sguardi
interrogativi, aggiunse "I Borg hanno usato un processo simile."
"I Borg possono muoversi fra gli universi?" chiese Mars. "Non ce
n'e' abbastanza da assimilare qui?"
"Volevamo migliorarci." rispose Sette.
"Percio' vogliono portar qui rinforzi" disse Tuxedo Kamen.
"Non penso." rispose Sette. "Sembra che siano pronti ad inviare
"Vuoi dire che stanno per teletrasportare la nave?" chiese Sailor
Sette scosse la testa. "Improbabile. Non penso che abbiamo la
potenza necessaria per teletrasportare la Voyager. E con i motori
della nave danneggiati, non la possono sollevare da terra e portarla a
contatto col flusso."
"Allora cosa stanno mandando..." La risposta colpi' Mercury come un
fulmine. "L'equipaggio! Vogliono trasportarli. Almeno quelli in sala
"Meglio muoversi, allora." disse il dottore. Si mise l'emettitore
portatile sul braccio, scaricando il programma nel piccolo
dispositivo. "Dobbiamo preparare un piano, andare all'armeria e
muoverci velocemente quando Sette avra' finito il suo lavoro."
"La scelta migliore sarebbe colpire simultaneamente le tre zone."
disse Sette. "Cio' dovrebbe dare agli alieni poco tempo per reagire."
"Mi sembra giusto." disse Venus. "Ci divideremo in tre gruppi. Io
andro' in sala macchime..."
"Io vengo con te" disse Jupiter, aggiungendo mentalmente 'Solo per
essere sicura che non toccherai il nucleo a curvatura.'
"Io dovro' andare sul ponte." disse Mercury. "Se il capitano e'
ancora svenuta, potro' capire che le e' successo."
"Io ti vengo dietro" le disse Mars.
"Sembra che io e Sailor Moon andremo in sala mensa" disse Tuxedo
Sailor Moon lo guardo' sorridendo. "Hey, siamo una squadra naturale!"
Il dottore sembro' soddisfatto. "Mi sembra una giusta divisione
delle forze. Sette, tu porterai Venus e Jupiter alla sala macchine, io
andro' con Mars e Mercury, e..." la sua voce si spense quando
realizzo'. "Sembra che abbiamo finito le guide."
"No, non le avete finite." disse una voce debole dal lettino
chirurgico. Tutti si voltarono per guardare in quella direzione. Harry
era seduto sul lettino, debole ma pronto. "Andro' io col terzo
"Che cosa cerca di fare, ensign?" disse il dottore, correndo verso
il bioletto.
"Come ho detto, vengo con voi." rispose l'ensign.
"Assolutamente no! Ho appena finito di metterla insieme, signor
Kim. Ha bisogno di riposare."
"Sto bene." rispose, scendendo dal bioletto. Ma le sue azioni
contrastavano le sue parole, visto che quasi cadde, aggrappandosi al
letto, quando cerco' di mettersi in piedi. "Whoa!"
"Sta bene, vero?" il dottore noto' che la faccia di Harry era
diventata piu' pallida e che stava sudando a profusione. L'ologramma
lo scansiono' velocemente, ma si senti' sollevato non rilevando altri
problemi. "Penso che questo dimostri che lei non sta bene affatto. Ha
bisogno di riposo, ensign."
"Forse ha ragione" ammise. "Ma avete lo stesso bisogno di me. Avete
già deciso di dividervi in tre squadre. Lei e Sette ne potete guidare
due, ma chi guidera' la terza squadra?"
L'ologramma sbuffo'. "Beh, troveremo qualcun altro."
"E chi? Che le piaccia o no, Doc, tocca a me."
Il dottore si acciglio', visto che Harry aveva guadagnato un punto.
"Molto bene, ensign. Lei accompagnera' Sailor Mars e Sailor Mercury in
plancia. Cosi', se le dovesse succedere qualcosa, Mercury e il tenente
Paris potranno fare qualcosa per lei." Guardo' Sailor Moon e Tuxedo
Kamen. "Penso che saro' la vostra guida verso la sala mensa."
"Bene!" disse Sailor Moon. "Mi sta anche venendo fame!"
"Che novita'!"
Il dottore intervenne prima che il conflitto potesse continuare.
"Se il signor Neelix ha lasciato qualcosa di cucinato, potreste anche
pensare di lasciar stare."
"Cucina cosi' male?" chiese Sailor Moon.
"Non ha ancora fatto vittime fra l'equipaggio, ma c'e' sempre una
prima volta."
Jupiter sorrise. "Sembra che abbia frequentato la stessa scuola di
cucina di Minako."
"Molto divertente." brontolo' la bionda.
"Dobbiamo andare." disse Sette, dirigendosi verso l'entrata del
tubo di Jeffries.
"Pensi che sia possibile migliorare i phaser contro di loro?" le
chiese Mercury.
"Dovrebbe essere possibile usando la tecnologia Borg." Si fermo' a
pensare. "Comunque le informazioni del tuo computer riguardanti la
Negaforce ci potranno servire." senza aggiungere altro, entro' nel
Mars segui' la Borg nel tubo, seguita da Mercury, Moon e Tuxedo
Si senti' il sibilo di un hypospray, quando il dottore fece
un'iniezione ad Harry. "Questo dovrebbe farla star in piedi, ensign.
Ma non ne abusi."
"Grazie, Doc." Harry scese dal bioletto e lentamente si incammino'.
Fermandosi un attimo per raccogliere le forze, entro'.
"Prego" disse il dottore alle Senshi rimaste. "Io faro' la
"Per me va bene." disse Jupiter, inchinandosi ed entrando.
Venus fece un sorriso al dottore prima di entrare. "Ancora una
volta sulla spiaggia."
Il dottore rimase stupito per un momento prima di entrare,
dicendole "Non si dice cosi'!" La porta del tubo si chiuse con un
rumore metallico, lasciando l'infermeria vuota dietro di loro.



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Ammiraglio di Flotta
Ammiraglio di Flotta
Messaggi: 6435
Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
Località: Italy

Messaggio da trekfan1 » 4 ott 2009, 20:47

Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Senshi e' mai giunta prima...
Capitolo 4 - La Voyager colpisce ancora!
Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


Sailor Trek: Voyager
Dove nessuna Sailor Senshi e' mai giunta prima...

Capitolo 4 - La Voyager colpisce ancora!

Storia originale di Bill Harris
Traduzione ed adattamento di Ezio "Bosk" Boscani


Mars picchiava la punta del piede a terra impazientemente e guardo'
ancora intorno nella piccola, ma nonostante cio' piena, stanza che
serviva come armeria della Voyager. Il loro viaggio fino a li' era
stato stranamente tranquillo, ma ormai erano li' da quasi due ore
mentre loro, o quantomeno lei, guardava Harry e Sette finire le
modifiche ad una dozzina di fucili phaser. Ma alla fine sembrava che
il traguardo fosse vicino, visto che Harry stava rimodulando l'ultimo
phaser di cui avevano bisogno.
Naturalmente, non la aiuto' il fatto che lei era praticamente
l'unica che non aveva nulla da fare al momento. Harry era ancora
occupato a riprogrammare l'ultimo fucile ad una modulazione di
frequenza che Mercury aveva detto poter essere la migliore contro la
Negaverse, o contro quelli potenziati dalla Negaforce. Da parte sua,
Sette stava ancora lavorando sull'aggiungere tecnologia Borg alle
camere di prefuoco, intensificando il raggio di uscita per rendere le
armi ancora piu' mortali. O almeno, quello era cio' che aveva capito
da Sette. La drone aveva dato una spiegazione lunga e molto tecnica di
cio' che stava facendo, ma non aveva capito la meta' di quanto aveva
Non era sicura che neanche Mercury avesse capito tutto.
Parlando di Mercury, lei e Jupiter formavano la fine della catena
di montaggio. Quando l'arma veniva richiusa, Jupiter la provava contro
un bersaglio mentre Mercury scansionava il raggio per misurare
l'efficienza stimata.
Per gli altri, Sailor Moon e Tuxedo Kamen stavano parlando a bassa
voce dall'altra parte della stanza. Dagli sguardi che continuavano a
mandare verso Sette, Mars poteva intuire quale fosse l'argomento della
Venus stava nei pressi di Harry, conversando con lui. Non sembrava
parlarle, ma Mars non era sicura che l'ensign fosse a conoscenza che
la bionda stesse flirtando con lui.
Per il dottore... Era uscito appena erano arrivati li', a
perlustrare i corridoi adiacenti alla ricerca dei loro avversari. E
non era ancora tornato...
Un lieve bussare alla porta improvviso la spavento', e si volto'
verso la porta, come tutti gli altri. Imperturbabile come sempre,
Sette si alzo' con calma e premette la sicurezza manuale, aprendo la
porta. L'apertura era solo di pochi centimetri, ma era abbastanza perche'
il dottore comprimesse la sua forma olografica e entrasse nella
stanza. "Dov'e' stato?!?" gli sibilo' Mars quando Sette chiuse la
porta e rimise la sicurezza.
"Ho fatto una ricognizione, come avevo detto che avrei fatto quando
vi ho lasciati." L'ologramma la guardo' curioso. "C'e' qualche
"Si'! Non pensa che due ore siano troppe per guardare qui attorno?"
Il dottore alzo' un sopracciglio. "E allora? Non sapevo che avevo
un limite di tempo per il mio compito." Mars guardo' l'ologramma.
"Suppongo che sarei riuscito a finire prima la mia missione se non
avessi dovuto preoccuparmi di rimanere nascosto."
"Che ha trovato, dottore?" chiese Sette, precedendo un'altra
reazione di Mars.
"Ho controllato tutto questo ponte in tutte le direzioni, compresi
i corridoi e i tubi di Jeffries. Non ho trovato segni degli intrusi.
Sembra che stiano concentrando i loro sforzi cercando di entrare sul
ponte e in sala macchine."
"E cercando di portar via il vostro equipaggio." aggiunse Mercury,
controllando di nuovo col computer. "Posso stimare che saranno in
grado di teletrasportare alcuni di loro in circa quaranta minuti."
"Allora abbiamo poco tempo da perdere." disse Sette. "Ensign Kim,
come va?"
Harry chiuse il pannello di manutenzione del fucile phaser, e lo
mise sul tavolo. "Appena finito." disse con un tono soddisfatto.
"Undici fucili phaser rimodulati."
"Bene. Rimangono solo i tre a cui sta lavorando Sette." disse
"Dottore, ensign Kim. Visto che avete piu' strada da fare, vi
suggerisco di prendere i vostri gruppi e di procedere verso le vostre
destinazioni immediatamente." disse Sette. "Nel frattempo, finiro' di
lavorare alle unita' phaser qui e poi andro' in sala macchine."
"Chi ti ha eletta capo?" borbotto' Mars.
"Non hai bisogno di noi per provare gli altri?" chiese Jupiter.
"Sarebbe prudente, ma il tempo sta scarseggiando." Sette guardo'
Mercury. "Se non sbaglio, non hai trovato nessun problema nelle unita'
modificate finora."
"Non ancora." ammise Mercury. "Ma..."
"Allora altre obiezioni sarebbero irrilevanti. Ripetero' la stessa
procedura con gli altri fucili."
Ci furono diversi sguardi incerti fra i nuovi alleati della
Voyager. "Odio ammetterlo, ma ha ragione quando dice che abbiamo poco
tempo." disse Tuxedo Kamen.
Sailor Moon diede uno sguardo ad ogni amica, che annui' con
riluttanza. "Va bene. Andiamo!"
Essendo il piu' vicino alla botola, il dottore apri' l'accesso ai
tubi di Jeffries. Mentre lo faceva, gli altri presero i fucili che
avrebbero portato. "Dopo di voi." disse a Sailor Moon e a Tuxedo
Dopo che il primo gruppo entro', Harry si mosse per seguirli.
Quando entro', Mars lo senti' dire qualcosa, ma non capi' le parole.
"Che c'e'? Non mi dire che sei preoccupato del fatto che non possiamo
affrontare gli alieni?"
Harry la guardo' e scosse la testa. "Non e' quello. Sto solo
pensando a cosa stanno facendo Chakotay e gli altri."

In quel momento, ad un universo di distanza, il primo ufficiale
della Voyager veniva condotto attraverso una serie di tunnel. Cercando
di memorizzare la strada nel labirinto, Chakotay rallento' il passo,
ma sembrava che le sue guardie fossero alquanto impazienti. Una di
loro gli diede una rude spinta nella parte bassa della schiena col suo
bastone, facendolo cadere in una grossa caverna. Chakotay si rimise in
piedi lentamente, guardando la guardia dalla pelle verde, ma non
fece altro. L'altra guardia fece dei gesti, indicandogli di muoversi.
Voltandosi, riprese a camminare verso il centro della camera.
Dopo alcuni momenti, si avvicino' ad un piccolo cerchio di luce.
Vedendo che Tuvok e Neelix erano gia' all'interno di fronte a lui,
accelero' il passo verso di loro. Nonostante a prima vista sembrasse
tutto a posto, i loro vestiti erano sporchi e strappati com'era la sua
uniforme. "Come state?"
"Meglio di quanto sperato, comandante." rispose il Talaxiano.
Neelix stava esternando un buon umore, ma Chakotay poteva vedere negli
occhi del Talaxiano che stava ancora combattendo col dolore dei colpi
ricevuti quando fu catturato. Chakotay stesso sentiva ancora le botte
dell'attacco. Fortunatamente per loro, sembrava che i loro nemici li
volessero vivi e relativamente in buona salute. Almeno per ora.
"Le mie condizioni sono abbastanza buone, comandante." aggiunse
Tuvok. Stava ovviamente mantenendo il tipico stoicismo Vulcan, ed era
quasi impossibile capire come stesse realmente. Ma considerando che i
Vulcan erano abbastanza forti quanto i Klingon, Chakotay sapeva che
probabilmente era quello messo meglio dei tre.
Un alto rumore di una porta che si apriva disse a Chakotay che
qualcuno si stava avvicinando, e interruppe il dialogo coi compagni.
Ci sarebbe stato tempo per quello dopo. Invece guardo' attentamente un
gruppo di alieni che si avvicinavano, con uno di essi in testa.
Sembravano identici a quelli che li avevano catturati, solo che la
loro pelle era arancio. E quello in testa aveva una colorazione blu.
Dalla sua posizione e dal modo in cui gli altri si comportavano con
lui, doveva essere il leader. Fece un passo avanti verso l'alieno e
gli parlo'. "Sono il comandante Chakotay, primo ufficiale della nave
stellare Voyager. La nostra e' una missione pacifica. Non c'e' ragione
di trattarci come se fossimo dei nemici."
Il leader degli alieni rispose nel suo linguaggio, ma subito una
voce si senti' provenire dal cristallo in cima al suo bastone.
Evidentemente non serviva solo come arma, ma anche come traduttore.
"Sappiamo chi siete, umano." Sia Chakotay che Neelix si stupirono,
mentre Tuvok alzo' un sopracciglio. "E ci sono tutte le ragioni, visto
che siete nostri nemici. Tutti quelli che servono la *Flotta
Stellare*..." la voce femminile che arrivava dal traduttore fu molto
dura nel pronunciare 'Flotta Stellare'. "...sono nostri nemici."
Chakotay la guardo', incredulo. Questo pianeta era a sessantamila
anni luce dall'avamposto piu' vicino della Federazione, ma questa
creatura conosceva la Flotta Stellare. Ed era ostile verso chiunque ne
facesse parte.
Neelix si fece avanti. "Non sembra essere amichevole, comandante."
"Silenzio!" urlo' una voce dal traduttore.
"Ripeto. Non siamo vostri nemici." reitero' Chakotay, ignorando il
comando. "La missione della Flotta Stellare e' quella di
un'esplorazione pacifica. Cio' che ci ha portato verso il vostro
pianeta era cercare di capire se un'anomalia spaziale che abbiamo
scoperto ai limiti della vostra atmosfera potesse esserci utile per
tornare a casa."
La leader aliena non rispose se non guardandolo freddamente. Poi,
come in risposta ad un comando silenzioso, una delle guardie colpi'
Chakotay con il suo bastone, facendolo piegare in due. Tuvok e Neelix
cercarono di andare verso il comandante, ma vennero fermati da altre
guardie. "Ho detto 'Silenzio', umano."
Cercando di riprendere fiato, Chakotay non fu in grado di
rispondere. Ma dopo un momento fu nuovamente in grado di rimettersi in
piedi, guardando l'aliena con uno sguardo di sfida.
"Risparmiami le tue bugie patetiche, umano. Noi di Negara
conosciamo bene la Flotta Stellare." Si avvicino' a Chakotay, con fare
minaccioso. "E per tua informazione, io sono Metallah, Regina di
Negara. E le domande qui, le faccio *io*!" Era ormai chiaro a Chakotay
che ogni tentativo di diplomazia era tempo perso. "Ora mi risponderai.
Ho mandato piu' di cento fra i miei migliori guerrieri sulla tua
misera nave, e questa ha avuto l'ardore di *svanire*. Dov'e' la tua
nave?" La voce dal traduttore si fece piu' alta ed acuta quando chiese
"*Dov'e' la Voyager*?!?"

Dopo diverse ore, uno stanchissimo e ancor piu' maltrattato
Chakotay si stava rialzando dal pavimento della cella dopo che la
guardia aveva sbattuto la porta. Lancio' uno sguardo alla porta quando
riusci' a tirarsi su. "Mi sto stancando di essere sbattuto in questo
modo." disse ai suoi compagni, con la voce poco chiara. Indicando la
direzione della sala del trono, disse "Avete un'idea di che diavolo
stesse parlando?"
Neelix scosse la testa. "Non ne ho idea, comandante. Non conoscevo
la Federazione finche' non ho incontrato la Voyager. Non so come lo
Tuvok si acciglio' leggermente, considerando il problema. "E'
possibile che un'altra nave della Federazione sia stata trascinata nel
Quadrante Delta prima della Voyager." ipotizzo'.
Neelix alzo' le spalle "Se fosse cosi', non ne ho mai sentito
"Il Quadrante Delta e' molto vasto, signor Neelix" osservo' Tuvok.
"E' possibile che la notizia di una nave stellare della Federazione
non le sia mai arrivata."
"Possiamo parlarne tutto il giorno e non concluderemmo nulla."
disse Chakotay. "Tutto cio' che sappiamo e che c'e' qualche
collegamento con questa Metalliah. Cio' che mi preoccupa e' che alcuni
dei suoi abbiano abbordato la Voyager."
"Almeno un centinaio." disse Nelix. "Ma ha anche detto che e'
svanita. Forse il capitano Janeway ha trovato il modo di eluderli."
Tuvok scosse la testa, sembrando piu' astioso di quanto potesse
essere un Vulcan. "Mi piacerebbe condividere il suo ottimismo, signor
Neelix. Ma pur avendo fiducia nelle abilita' tattiche del capitano
Janeway, deve considerare che gli alieni si sono rivelati immuni ai
phaser e quindi potrebbero aver benissimo catturato la Voyager."
"Se e' successo questo, allora potremmo essere l'unica possibilita'
rimasta alla Voyager." Chakotay guardo' attorno nella cella. "Dobbiamo
trovare una via di fuga."
"E cio' non sembrerebbe essere facile, comandante." noto' Neelix.
"Infatti" aggiunse guardando alla porta solida "potrebbe essere
Chakotay sorrise al Talaxiano. "Non si preoccupi, Neelix. Troveremo
il modo. Quando eravamo nei Maquis facevamo l'impossibile ogni giorno
per sopravvivere."

Tom diede un altro sguardo lungo il corridoio del ponte due. Come
prima poteva vedere il campo di forza che si illuminava colpo dopo
colpo degli alieni che stavano cercando di forzarlo. Non ci sarebbe
voluto molto prima che cedesse, permettendo agli intrusi di
conquistare il ponte. Voltandosi, diede un'altra occhiata al sistema
di difesa. L'Ensign Graves stava dietro al timone, armato con un fucile
phaser. Tom e Chell, un Boliano che era stato coi Maquis e che si era
unito all'equipaggio, ognuno al fianco del timone, entrambi armati con
phaser portatili. In teoria l'entrata dal ponte due era coperta.
Sfortunatamente, vista la resistenza ai phaser che avevano dimostrato
gli intrusi, era come se avessero tirato dei triboli contro di loro.
"Tutti pronti?"
"Certo," rispose l'Ensign Graves con la sua voce stridula, mentre
Chell annuiva. "Pronti a fare la nostra imitazione del Generale
"Suvvia, non e' cosi' malvagia" disse Tom, cercando di
sdramatizzare con il suo tono di voce. "Potremo essere pochi e mal
messi, ma ci siamo trovati in situazioni peggiori contro i
Graves non reagi' alla frase, ma Chell fu veloce a ribadire. "Se tu
colpisci un Cardassiano, quello cade. Non e' la stessa cosa con
questi... cosi."
Tom fece un sorriso stentato, non potendo controbattere l'obiezione
di Chell. Al momento non potevano fare altro che sperare in un
miracolo se volevano salvare il ponte. 'Sbrigati Harry'.
Come in risposta ai suoi pensieri, la botola del pavimento del tubo
di Jeffries si apri'. Di riflesso tutti puntarono le armi per tener
d'occhio l'apertura, ma si rilassarono subito appena Harry usci'. "Era
ora!" disse Tom, visibilmente sollevato.
"Spiacente per il ritardo" inizio' Harry, ma appena cerco' di
mettersi in piedi, perse l'equilibrio e quasi cadde. L'unico motivo
per cui non fini' a terra fu perche' riusci' ad aggrapparsi alla
console della plancia.
Vedendo il pallore di Harry, Tom corse verso di lui. "Harry, sembri
appena uscito dall'inferno!"
"Ammetto che le cose sono andate peggio di quanto mi fossi
aspettato", rispose Harry con un lieve sorriso. Annui' verso la botola
"Ma sono riuscito a trovare un po' di aiuto."
Tom segui' lo sguardi di Harry verso la botola, e quasi non credeva
a chi stava emergendo. "Chi... ?"
Chi emerse dal tubo di Jeffries erano due ragazzine quindicenni. La
prima, con lunghi capelli neri e vestita con un'uniforme per lo piu'
bianca con una gonnellina rossa, si alzo' guardando Harry. "Che
vorresti dire con 'Ci hai trovati' ? " chiese. "Noi ti abbiamo
trovato, mentre eri sotto attacco e ti abbiamo salvato la vita,
"E smettila, Mars." Le disse l'altra. Tom noto' the il colore
principale che dominava in questa era il blu, come il colore dei suoi
"Harry..." inizio' Tom, spaesato.
"Ti ricordi delle Sailor Senshi di cui parlava Sette?" Dopo che Tom
annui', Harry continuo' "Beh, queste sono due di loro. Questa e'
Sailor Mercury e quella con un caratterino forse solo secondo a quello
di B'Elanna e' Sailor Mars."
Mercury sorrise e fece un lieve inchino per salutare Tom, ma Mars
era troppo occupata a guardare arcignamente Harry. "Io *non* ho un
brutto carattere!" disse.
Tom era ancora confuso "Come sono arrivate qui?"
"Ricordi quanto ti ho detto sul flusso quantico? E come siamo
finiti in un altro universo?" Dopo che Tom annui' di nuovo "Beh, siamo
finiti a casa loro. In altre parole... Benvenuto sulla Terra."
Tom tenne la bocca chiusa, perche' era sicuro che se l'avesse
lasciata aperta, il mento sarebbe finito sul pavimento. Quando si
senti' abbastanza sicuro, torno' a parlare. "Terra?"
"Esatto. E non e' l'unica notizia che ho." Harry lancio' a Tom il
fucile phaser che stava portando. Sciolse poi quello che portava a
tracolla sul dorso. Allo stesso tempo, Mars e Mercury lanciarono i
fucili a Graves e a Chell. "Cortesia di un minimo di ingenuita' da
parte mia, un po' di innovazioni Borg da parte di Sette e un aiutino
da parte di Mercury" fece cenno con la testa verso la senshi. Mercury
fece un lieve sorriso in risposta. "Ora abbiamo un phaser modificato
che dovrebbe far riflettere due volte gli alieni prima di prendere la
Tom guardo' il phaser con attenzione, sentendo un senso di
ottimismo crescere dentro di se' per la prima volta dopo tanto tempo.
Se le Sailor Senshi erano potenti quanto aveva descritto il Capitano
Janeway, e con questi nuovi phaser, forse avevano un'altra
possibilita', dopotutto.

"Quanto manca ancora?" chiese Venus con impazienza.
"Ci siamo quasi" rispose Sette con tanta pazienza quanta ne poteva
mostrare. "Mancano quindici metri prima di raggiungere la botola della
sala macchine."
"Io ripeto che avremmo dovuto uscire fuori dalla sala macchine e
attaccare gli alieni" disse Jupiter. "Li avremmo potuti sopraffare
senza problemi."
"C'e' ancora tempo" disse Sette. "Inoltre la nostra missione
primaria e' portare questi fucili phaser modificati alle persone in
sala macchine.
"Se ci occupassimo degli alieni, non avremmo bisogno di entrare in
sala macchine." rispose Jupiter. "E come fai a sapere che c'e'
abbastanza tempo?"
"Basandomi sulle osservazioni delle capacita' degli alieni, sono
stata in grado di stimare quanto avrebbero tenuto i campi di forza che
proteggono la sala macchine. Basandomi su questi dati, ho stimato il
tempo necessario per effettuare le modifiche alle armi." Si fermo' e
si volto' verso le senshi. "Naturalmente, ho dovuto modificare il
ruolino di marcia per aggiungere il tempo perso dalle discussioni
irrilevanti di Sailor Venus."
"Ma che... Che vorresti dire con 'discussioni irrilevanti'?" le
chiese la bionda.
"Il fatto che tu flirtassi con l'Ensign Kim non era favorevole
all'esito della missione."
"E che c'e' di male?" chiese Venus, poi sorrise. "Gelosa?"
"Difficilmente." ripose Sette, prima di tornare sui suoi passi.
Venus non voleva perdere l'occasione. "Aha! Lo sapevo. Tu
davvero..." si fermo', sentendo i rumori che arrivavano dalla fine el
tubo di Jeffries. Sette e Jupiter fecero lo stesso "Che succede?"
Sette si acciglio'. "Gli alieni hanno neutralizzato il campo di
forza e sono entrati in sala macchine." Senza dire altro, si mosse
verso l'uscita piu' velocemente. Le senshi la seguirono.
"Alla faccia dei piani ben congegnati." borbotto' Jupiter.

Il Dottore entro' carponi attraverso la porta aperta della sala
mensa, con Sailor Moon e Tuxedo Kamen che lo seguivano allo stesso
modo. All'interno poterono vedere i tavoli accatastati da una parte,
per lasciar libero un grosso spazio al centro della stanza. Era
abbastanza largo da permettere a un gruppo di alieni, cinque per la
precisione, di disporsi in circolo. Sembrava che non stessero facendo
nulla, ma il Dottore sapeva che stava accadendo qualcosa, visto che la
parte superiore del bastone che ognuno aveva in mano stava brillando.
Attorno a loro, all'erta, un'altra dozzina di alieni. "Ne ho contati
piu' di una dozzina" sussurro' ai suoi compagni dopo essersi ritratto
per alcuni metri.
"Ci sono anche molti membri dell'equipaggio" rispose in un sussurro
Tuxedo Kamen, con Sailor Moon che annuiva.
"Lo so." Infatti sarebbe stato difficile per l'ologramma non
essersene accorto, visto che erano tutti a terra per tutta la stanza,
in alcuni casi uno sopra all'altro. Da quanto poteva vedere, erano
solo senza conoscenza, ma era impossibile fare un'analisi piu'
accurata senza un esame piu' dettagliato. Che sicuramente gli alieni
non avrebbero permesso. "Ci dev'essere un terzo dell'equipaggio qui."
"Quanto tempo prima che si possano teletrasportare?" chiese Sailor
"Siete voi gli esperti di queste cose" rispose il Dottore.
"Ditemelo voi." Comunque lo sguardo che si scambiarono era molto
eloquente. Non mancava molto tempo. Anzi.

Il chiaro suono di un campo di forza che cedeva riporto' Tom alla
realta'. "Tutti in posizione!" urlo', saltando al riparo della
postazione del timone. L'Ensign Graves prese posto alla sua destra
mentre Chell si apposto' alla sua sinistra. Harry si apposto' alla
postazione di controllo di Ingegneria, usandola come copertura.
Mercury e Mars reagirono in fretta, mettendosi ai fianchi
dell'equipaggio. Guardando l'assetto difensivo, Mars senti' come un
senso di deja-vu, ricordando quando lei e le altre, escludendo Sailor
Moon, avevano affrontato Zoicite con una squadra di sicurezza
dell'Enterprise. Questo senso divento' reale quando il personale della
Flotta Stellare presente fece fuoco immediatamente quando gli intrusi
divennero visibili sul ponte. Le previsioni di Sette furono esatte, in
quanto i phaser erano piu' efficaci contro gli alieni, ma non quanto
aveva calcolato. Ci volevano comunque due o tre colpi per fermare uno
degli intrusi. Ma con la potenza di fuoco che avevano a disposizione
per sbarrare la porta di ingresso, non sembrava che gli alieni
avessero molte probabilita' di conquistare il ponte. Specialmente
quando Mars e Mercury si unirono alla battaglia.
Quando il primo alieno apparve sulla porta, Mars sussulto',
sentendo qualcosa di piu' di una sirena di allarme nella sua testa.
C'era qualcosa di pericoloso e malvagio sul ponte, qualcosa di diverso
dagli alieni che stavano salendo dal ponte inferiore. Quando i
difensori della Voyager aprirono il fuoco, si guardo' intorno
velocemente, cercando di focalizzarlo. Giusto in tempo di vedere una
porta alla sua sinistra aprirsi e un alieno attraversarla. "Laggiu'!"
avviso' gli altri, mentre richiamava il suo potere. "BURNING MANDALA!"
Piegandosi in due dal dolore. l'alieno svani' nelle fiamme dei cerchi

Non avendo tempo per qualcosa di piu' sottile, Sette scalcio' la
porta di accesso ai tubi di Jeffries della sala macchine e si sporse
fuori. Ma si ritiro' quando vide un raggio phaser rivolto verso di
lei. "Ti ho visto, alieno!" urlo' una voce quasi in preda al panico.
"Non sono un alieno. Sono Sette di Nove." rispose irritata. Sporse
la sua testa fuori dal tubo, e guardo' verso l'origine del raggio. Il
membro dell'equipaggio abbasso' l'arma che aveva puntato verso di lei,
con una smorfia di scuse che si andava formando sulla faccia.
"Scusa, Sette" disse "E' solo che... " Giro' gli occhi verso la
sala, con lo sguardo rivolto al livello inferiore. "... sono
Uscendo dal tubo, Sette pote' vedere che la descrizione non era
esagerata. Gli intrusi in sala macchine erano in soprannumero, e ne
stavano entrando altri. Diede un fucile al membro dell'equipaggio.
"Tieni" disse, slegandone un altro. "Credo che troverai quest'arma
piu' efficiente contro di loro." Ricevette un cenno di assenso in
risposta, ma quando vide Jupiter che stava uscendo, punto' l'arma
verso l'entrata el tubo. Sette gli prese il braccio e lo spinse via
con forza. "Spara agli alieni, non a loro!" gli disse, per poi
iniziare a fare lo stesso. Ci vollero tre colpi, ma uno degli alieni
cadde a terra.
"Finalmente un po' di azione!" Sette senti' dire da Jupiter, mentre
percepi' un grosso accumulo di energia statica che si stava formando
dietro di lei, prima che Jupiter facesse partire il suo attacco con un
urlo. La scarica elettrica colpi' in mezzo ad un gruppo di intrusi
vicino all'entrata della sala macchine, facendoli cadere come birilli.
Sorridendo in trionfo, Jupiter salto' dalla balaustra al ponte
inferiore, con Venus che la segui'.
Nel momento un cui atterrarono, Venus si porto' a sinistra, dove
vide un altro membro dell'equipaggio, un Vulcan, che era alle prese
con un alieno. Calmo come tutti i membri della sua razza, non mostrava
alcuna emozione mentre scaricava il suo phaser contro l'invasore.
Sfortunatamente, questo non aveva effetto. Ma Venus sapeva che poteva
cambiare le cose. "VENUS LOVE-ME CHAIN!"
Rispondendo alla sua chiamata, la catena dorata di energia lego'
l'alieno, immobilizzandolo. Il Vulcan fu leggermente sorpreso da
questo intervento, ma esito' solo per un attimo. Si mosse e mise la
sua mano alla base del collo dell'alieno. Questo sussulto' per un
momento, poi cadde a terra.
"Affascinante" annoto' il Vulcan. "Anche se la sua pelle e'
squamosa, e' ancora valida la presa al collo vulcaniana."
"Va bene!" gli rispose la senshi. Poi gli lancio' il fucile laser
che portaca dall'armeria, ben felice di liberarsi del suo peso. "Sette
dice che questo dovrebbe aiutarvi nel combattimento."
"Questo potra' essere di grande aiuto." disse prima di rivolgere
l'arma verso la sua direzione.
"Hey!" Prima che potesse reagire, il Vulcan premette il grilletto,
mandando un colpo di phaser dietro alle spalle della senshi. Dietro di
lei, senti' come il suono di un alieno che si contorceva dal dolore.
Voltandosi, vide che un alieno le era quasi alle spalle. Il Vulcan
fece fuoco ancora due volte prima che l'alieno finalmente cadde.
"Sembra che tu abbia ragione." disse "Anche se sono necessari
diversi colpi per neutralizzarli." La guardo', con un sopracciglio
alzato. "Io sono l'Ensign Vorick."
"Sailor Venus."

"Credo che non abbiamo tempo per elaborare un piano" disse il
Dottore. Poteva gia' sentire il suono del fuoco dei phaser in
distanza, che senza dubbio proveniva dal ponte. Gli alieni sicuramente
erano riusciti a penetrare il campo di forza che proteggeva il ponte e
sicuramente erano entrati anche in sala macchine. "Andro' avanti per
primo e li distrarro'. Quando la loro attenzione sara' rivolta verso
di me, fate la vostra mossa."
"Aspetti. Che ne sara' di lei?" obietto' Sailor Moon "Verra'
Il Dottore sorrise. "Apprezzo la tua preoccupazione, ma non e'
necessaria. Sono un ologramma, ricordi? Sono immune ai loro
attacchi..." Fece una breve pausa prima di aggiungere "... spero!"
Gli alieni si stupirono quando videro il Dottore, ma la sua
sicurezza li disarmo', permettendogli di avvicinarsi ad uno del
cerchio. "Sembra che tu abbia bisogno di un po' di riposo." disse
prima di premere l'hypospray contro il collo dell'alieno. Si senti' il
rumore dell'hypo che si scaricava, e l'alieno dopo pochi secondi
collasso' al suolo. "Come pensavo" noto' il Dottore con una certa
soddisfazione. "Sono immuni all'anestetico in forma gassosa, ma non se
iniettato direttamente."
Gli alieni non sembravano compiaciuti. Tre di loro rilasciarono le
loro scariche di energia contro di lui, ma queste passarono attraverso
la sua forma olografica. Ma dopo alcuni secondi, la sua forma vibro'
momentaneamente. "Oh no!" disse accorgendosi che non era totalmente
immune alle scariche di energia aliene. Non l'avevano colpito
direttamente, ma avevano introdotto una leggera instabilita' nella
sua matrice olografica. Al momento non era grave, ma se fosse stato
colpito ancora...
"Fermi tutti!" Tutti gli alieni si voltarono verso l'entrata, dove
si trovavano Sailor Moon e Tuxedo Kamen. Prendendo vantaggio dalla
situazione, il Dottore decise di mettersi al riparo. "Io sono Sailor
Moon. Questa nave appartiene alla Flotta Stellare e non a voi! Percio'
considerate questo come un avviso di sfratto, che eseguiro'... in nome
della Luna!"

Nel momento in cui Mars grido' il suo allarme, Tom si volto' per
affrontare la nuova minaccia. Le Sailor Senshi avevano gia' sistemato
il primo, ma si potevano vedere altri alieni dietro di lui che stavano
entrando dalla ready room. "Coprite l'ingresso dal ponte due. Noi ci
occupiamo di questi." ordino' Tom all'Ensign Graves.
Annui' senza smettere di sparare. "Si', signore."
Mercury fece una rapida analisi delle possibilita' mentre Tom e
Harry sparavano all'ingresso della ready room. Poteva prendersi carico
dell'alieno che stava arrivando, ma con la potenza di fuoco ormai
divisa, c'era un pericolo che due o tre sarebbero potuti passare il
fuoco dei phaser e potevano metterli in condizione di inferiorita'. La
loro opzione migliore era di trovare riparo dagli attacchi degli
alieni, per poi passare all'offensiva. E visto che non c'era molto a
disposizione sul ponte, rimaneva solo... "SHABON... SPRAY!"
La nuova ondata di alieni ora si trovava faccia a faccia con una
nebbia impenetrabile. Incapaci di vedere i propri bersagli, esitavano.
E questo fu la debolezza che l'equipaggio attendeva, visto che loro
e le Sailor Senshi non erano accecate dalla nebbia. Gli Ensign Graves
e Chell fecero fuoco velocemente, abbassando il numero degli intrusi.
Il gruppo successivo si trovo' di fronte Sailor Mercury al
contrattacco. Un'ondata di freddo glaciale invase il corridoio,
congelando gli intrusori. Quelli congelati rallentavano l'ondata
attaccante successiva.
Stava peggiorando leggermente sull'altro fronte, ma il banco di
nebbia di Mercury funzionava egregiamente, permettendo ai tre
difensori di fare fuoco con molta efficienza. Diversi intrusi erano in
grado di farsi strada sul ponte, ma quasi acciecati dalla nebbia, il
loro attacco era praticamente nullo. Ma il loro numero stava
preoccupando Tom. Presto o tardi, uno di loro sarebbe riuscito a
raggiungere un difensore, o la nebbia si sarebbe sciolta, e allora...
Senza preavviso, senti' cio' che sembrava essere una scarica
elettrica provenire dalla ready room. Le urla di dolore di diversi
alieni segui' di li' a breve. "Che diavolo..." Guardando Mars, poteva
dire che la ragazza era stupita allo stesso modo. Ci fu un'altra
scarica di energia che arrivo' dalla ready room, e stavolta colpi'
tutti gli alieni che erano sul ponte.
"Che e' stato?" chiese Mars in un sussurro.
"Bella domanda" rispose Tom. "Vorrei avere una risposta." Tom e
Mars si voltarono. Mescury era dietro di loro, e stava analizzando la
zona col computer. Tom vide che Graves e Chell erano sulla porta che
portava al ponte due, senza far fuoco, e che la nebbia sul ponte si
stava dissolvendo.
Vedendosi osservata, Graves annui' a Tom "La situazione e' sotto
controllo, signore. Penso che li abbiamo fermati."
"Bene. Fate il possibile per bloccare quella porta." Tom si volto'
verso la porta aperta della ready room. "Nel frattempo, voglio
scoprire che e' successo al capitano."

B'Elanna era alle mani con un alieno, cercando di richiamare un
altra briciola di forza. La sua parte umana sapeva che era quasi una
lotta senza speranza per salvare la sala macchine, ma la sua meta'
klingon non se ne curava. Ed era questa parte che in questo momento
aveva il controllo.
Sfortunatamente non le era di grande aiuto. Aveva preso il bastone
di un alieno e stava cercando di scaraventarlo via, ma questo era piu'
forte anche di un klingon e stava lentamente facendola arretrare verso
la parete. Stava forzando pericolosamente il bastone verso il suo
collo quando senti' una voce gridare "Lasciala stare!". La cosa che
vide subito dopo B'Elanna fu che il suo attaccante veniva respinto da
una ragazza dai capelli castani che aveva assestato un calcio
perfettamente in mezzo al muso dell'alieno. Nonostante tutta la forza
che aveva usato contro B'Elanna, non era in grado di contrastare la
forza di questa ragazza e cadde a terra come un sasso.
B'Elanna fece un paio di lunghi respiri per riprendere fiato, e
ringrazio' la sua benefattrice. "Grazie, chiunque tu sia."
"Nessun problema. E il mio nome e' Sailor Jupiter." rispose,
porgendole un fucile phaser. "Tieni. Se Sette ha ragione, questo
dovrebbe aiutare a capovolgere la situazione."
"Lo spero proprio" disse B'Elanna, controllando i settaggi del
phaser. "Accetto qualsiasi aiuto possibile... ATTENTA!"
Jupiter si giro' all'avviso di B'Elanna, solo per vedere la cima di
un bastone alieno a pochi centimetri dalla sua faccia. Ma per qualche
strana ragione, non aveva colpito. Dopo un attimo capi' il perche'.
Qualcuno stava tirando il bastone. Per l'esattezza, Sette di Nove.
Jupiter e B'Elanna guardarono il confronto fra Sette e l'alieno.
All'inzio sembrava troppo alla pari per poter stabilire chi avrebbe
vinto, ma lentamente e inesorabilmente Sette inizio' a farlo
arretrare. Poi si senti' un rumore quando Sette ruppe in due il
bastone dell'alieno. L'alieno era troppo sorpreso per reagire quando
Sette lo prese e lo fece volare contro la parete da dove cadde sopra
quello che Jupiter aveva messo fuori combattimento. "La resistenza e'
"Grazie" disse Jupiter
"Prego" rispose Sette, riprendendo la sua arma.

Considerando il tutto, penso' il Dottore, le cose stavano andando
abbastanza bene. Dopo il discorsetto iniziale di Sailor Moon, gli
alieni che non stavano preparando il teletrasporto avevano iniziato
l'attacco contro di lei e Tuxedo Kamen, solo per trovarsi di fronte ad
un potente attacco e ad uno sciame di rose letali. Sfortunatamente, il
Dottore poteva fare ben poco. Aveva evitato l'attacco successivo degli
intrusi, o quasi. La mano che teneva l'hypospray era stata colpita e
l'hypo era stato danneggiato.
Fortunatamente sapeva che c'erano dei kit medici di emergenza su
ogni ponte. Muovendosi rapidamente prese il kit e si fece strada
verso un nascondiglio sicuro dietro il bancone della cucina di Neelix.
La cosa migliore che poteva fare al momento, penso', era di far
riprendere alcuni membri della sicurezza e dar loro i fucili phaser
che avevano portato.
Non avendo tempo per pensare ad altro, l'ologramma somministro' a
tre di loro una forte dose di inimizina, uno stimolante molto potente.
Avrebbe dovuto contrastare l'anestezina che avevano inalato prima.
Sporse la testa oltre il bancone. Da quel punto di vista, sembrava
che i suoi due alleati avevano ancora la situazione sotto controllo,
visto che diversi alieni ormai giacevano a terra. Ma la difesa per
quelli che erano disposti a circolo era molto intensa. Eccettuato
quello che aveva messo ko col sedativo, gli altri erano ancora li' e i
loro bastoni stavano emanando una strana luce accecante.
Richinandosi, mise i fucili phaser nelle mani dei tre ancora
confusi. "Usateli contro gli alieni, ma solo contro di loro. Siamo
riusciti ad avere un aiuto dall'esterno, e non sarebbe gentile se
Non riusci' a finire la frase. Ci fu un lampo di luce accecante e
poi un urlo "NO!"
Alzandosi rapidamente, il Dottore fece una rapida valutazione di
cio' che era successo. Quello che vide, o meglio, che non vide, lo
turbo'. "Uh, oh."

Tom fu il primo ad entrare nella ready room. Sembrava tutto come
l'aveva lasciato, con il capitano svenuta reclinata sulla scrivania.
Ma entrando nella stanza, capi' come gli alieni erano entrati. C'era
un grosso foro nel pavimento che portava al ponte inferiore. "Il
capitano non sara' felice di tutto questo" borbotto' "E neanche
B'Elanna." A parte cio', non c'era nient'altro nella stanza, nessun
segno di cio' che aveva attaccato gli alieni alla fine della lotta.
Tralasciando il tutto per il momento, si diresse verso il capitano
Janeway. Mercury era gia' al suo fianco, analizzandola col suo
computer. L'altra senshi, Mars, era dietro di lei, guardando il
capitano con gli occhi socchiusi. "Qualche idea?"
"Non proprio." disse Mercury scuotendo la testa. "Non ci sono segni
di traumi cranici o danni neurologici."
"E' cio' che rilevo io." disse Tom. Non era un dottore, ne' aveva
desiderato esserlo, ma era frustrato dal fatto di non poter far nulla
per il suo capitano. "Niente che possa giustificare il suo stato di
"Beh, io ho trovato qualcosa" disse Mercury "Anche se non capisco
cosa voglia dire."
Curioso, Tom si avvicino' per poter dare un'occhiata al computer.
Un'espressione confusa si formo' sulla sua faccia. "Che diavolo...?"
"Speravo che me lo potesse dire lei"
Mars attese impazientemente la spiegazione da uno dei due, ma
entrambi erano troppo attenti nel guardare il display del computer.
"Qualcuno mi potrebbe dire di che state parlando?" disse alla fine.
Entrambi si ripresero dall'osservazione "Il Capitano Janeway mostra
un tracciato elettroencefalografico doppio." rispose Mercury.
Tom riapri' il tricorder medico e riprese ad analizzare il
capitano. "Lo rilevo anche io." disse, accigliandosi. "Ma non c'era
l'ultima volta che l'ho controllata."
Anche Mercury si acciglio' "Strano"
"Potrebbe essere, ma concorda con quanto percepisco da lei."
aggiunse Mars "C'e' una doppia personalita' dentro di lei, come se ci
fossero due menti nella sua testa." Si volto' verso Tom. "La buona
notizia e' che non sento nulla di malvagio da nessuna delle due."
"Cio' non vuol dire molto. Potrebbe sempre essere una forma di
parassita neurale o di un virus."
"No, non e' niente del genere" insisté Mars. "C'e' un'altra
intelligenza. Un'altra mente."

B'Elanna guardo' attorno al motore dopo che il tuono dell'ultimo
attacco di Jupiter svani', cercando un altro bersaglio. Vedendo che la
stanza era vuota con l'eccezione dell'equipaggio e delle due Senshi,
si mosse verso un pannello di controllo. "Ce l'abbiamo fatta. Abbiamo
"Naturalmente!" esclamo' Venus. Lei e Jupiter erano dall'altra
parte della stanza e si stavano congratulando a vicenda. Ma la loro
esuberanza svani' quando si accorsero che Sette le stava squadrando
con un'espressione che metteve in dubbio la loro sanita' mentale.
B'Elanna si mise al lavoro ad un pannello cercando di ripristinare
il sistema di comunicazione interno. Senza girarsi, disse "Sette,
perche' non provi a ripristinare l'energia principale?"
"Molto bene, Tenente" Sette si diresse verso il pannello
diagnostico del nucleo a curvatura e inizio' una serie di
Interessata, Venus la guardo' lavorare per alcuni istanti. "Posso
aiutare in qualche modo?"
Sette la fisso' con uno sguardo tagliente. "*NO!*"

Tom stava pensando a cosa fare con la scoperta di Mercury quando
arrivo' un beep inatteso dal sistema di comunicazione. "Kim a Paris.
Ho appena avuto notizie da B'Elanna. Sette e il suo gruppo sono
arrivati in sala macchine e hanno respinto gli intrusi. Come avrai
capito, ha rimesso in funzione le comunicazioni e sta lavorando per
ripristinare l'energia principale.
"Grazie Harry." Tom premette il suo comunicatore "Paris al
"Vada avanti."
"Com'e' la situazione li'?"
"Sembrerebbe che i nostri recenti ospiti abbiano deciso che la
discrezione era la cosa migliore e hanno lasciato la nave. O almeno
quelli in sala mensa."
Mercury fece un rapido aggiustamento al computer. "Ha ragione. Non
rilevo piu' nessun alieno sulla Voyager."
Tom sospiro' con sollievo. "E' la migliore notizia che ho avuto
oggi. Buon lavoro, Doc."
"Non si congratuli con me, signor Paris." Tom senti' il tono della
voce del Dottore e senti' una sensazione di apprensione. Mars e
Mercury smisero cio' che stavano facendo e si misero ad ascoltare.
"Quando se ne sono andati, i nostri amici hanno portato via una parte
del nostro equipaggio."
"Quanti?" 'E chi ?' si chiese.
"Non ne sono sicuro. Direi fra i venti e i trenta. Da cio' che
posso dire, erano per la maggior parte membri della sicurezza."
"Grande!" disse Tom. "Altre buone notizie?"
"Ho paura di si'." disse l'ologramma. "Sono anche riusciti a rapire
uno dei nostri alleati, Tuxedo Kamen. Inutile a dirsi, Sailor Moon non
l'ha presa molto bene."
Mars e Mercury si intristirono nel momento in cui il Dottore
parlo'. "Stai qui" le disse Mars. "Vado giu' io." Senza attendere
risposta, Mars usci' di corsa dalla ready room.

Intanto nel Quadrante Delta, Metallah entro' esitante in una grossa
camere nei livelli bassi della cittadella. Se Chakotay l'avesse vista,
avrebbe trovato strano che un essere cosi' arrogante, quando lo
interrogava, fosse quasi impaurito dall'entrare in una stanza vuota.
Vuota eccezion fatta per un grosso contenitore trasparente.
All'interno si potevano vedere diverse sfumature di colore, piu' che
altro blu, rosso e nero, cambiare in continuazione. Ancora esitante,
si avvicino' lentamente e gli parlo', con la testa chinata. "Abbiamo
fallito. La nostra forza di incursione e' stata ricacciata via dalla
Voyager, anche grazie all'interferenza delle Sailor Senshi." I colori
si rimescolarono agitatamente, prendendo un forte tono rossastro. "In
qualche modo quella nave maledetta e' stata in grado di aprirsi un
varco verso il loro mondo. Una piccola parte della nostra forza e'
stata in grado di teletrasportarsi indietro, ma spendendo una grande
quantita' di energia." Non volendo solo riferire fallimenti, aggiunse
velocemente "Ma siamo riusciti a catturare parte del loro equipaggio e
Tuxedo Kamen."
Come aveva sperato, parte dei colori rallentarono e assunsero una
tonalita' azzurrina. Dopo pochi istanti, una voce profonda risuono'.
"Molto bene, Metallah. Tieni i prigionieri al sicuro e preparati per
il ritorno della Voyager."
"Potrei mandare un'altro gruppo per prendere la nave" propose. "Ma
per poterci teletrasportare, abbiamo bisogno..."
"Non c'e' bisogno di inseguire la nave della Federazione."
l'interruppe la voce. "Visto che abbiamo il loro away team e quelli
che abbiamo catturato, possiamo essere sicuri che saranno loro a
tornare. Non lasceranno il loro equipaggio. E le Sailor Senshi saranno
con loro, cercando di salvare Tuxedo Kamen. Ci prenderemo cura dei
nostri nemici in un colpo solo."

Mars era fortunata che la sala mensa era sul ponte due e non su un
ponte inferiore. Ci riflette' mentre ci andava. Aveva lasciato il ponte
in fretta e furia che non aveva chiesto a nessuno come raggiungere il
suo obiettivo. Naturalmente avrebbe potuto chiamare Mercury per
chiederglielo, ma il suo orgoglio gliel'avrebbe impedito. In ogni
caso, trovo' la sala abbastanza velocemente da trovare il Dottore che
stava esaminando il resto dell'equipaggio. "... Stanno aumentando
rapidamente, signor Paris." stava dicendo "Ho almeno una decina di
feriti e non so quanti ne posso avere in sala macchine. Ho bisogno di
"La vorrei aiutare, Doc, ma in questo momento non ne ho il tempo"
rispose Tom "Col Capitano Janeway svenuta, sono l'ufficiale in
comando. Ho una decina di cose da fare qui." Ci fu una breve pausa
dall'altra parte "Doc, Sailor Mercury si e' appena offerta volontaria
per assisterla. La raggiungera' in infermeria. Paris, chiudo."
L'ologramma sospiro', e la sua immagine si destabilizzo' di nuovo.
"Sta diventando irritante" disse seccamente, poi noto' Mars entrare
nella stanza. Prima che la ragazza potesse dire qualcosa, "Mi
aspettavo che saresti arrivata. E' laggiu'" disse indicando una
finestra. Guardando dove indicato, Mars pote' vedere Sailor Moon in piedi.
Si chiese come mai il dottore sapeva che sarebbe venuta, ma c'erano
cose piu' importanti al momento. "Grazie, Dottore."
Il Dottore la segui' con lo sguardo mentre si avvicinava a Sailor
Moon prima di ritornare ai feriti. Non gli era una sorpresa il fatto
che Mars sarebbe venuta per prima per confortare la leader delle
Sailor Senshi. Come aveva detto prima in infermeria, i diari medici di
diversi dottori della Federazione erano stati incorporati nel suo
programma. E fra questi, c'erano quello del Dr. Crusher e le sue
osservazioni sulle Sailor Senshi.
Mars si fermo' proprio dietro a Sailor Moon. Attese un attimo
perche' si accorgesse di lei, ma rimaneva ferma, con lo sguardo
perso nel vuoto. Alla fine le tocco gentilmente la spalla "Usagi?"
Non sapeva che reazione si potesse aspettare, ma Sailor Moon salto'
come se fosse stata colpita da una scarica elettrica, tanto era
immersa nei suoi pensieri. Sailor Moon si volto' verso Mars.
Mars non chiese "Stai bene?" visto che era ovvio che non lo era.
Anche se non si stava stropicciando gli occhi come faceva nel passato,
questi erano rossi dalle lacrime che stavano sgorgando, e
contemporaneamente c'era uno sguardo atterrito. "Me l'hanno portato
via, Rei!" disse con una voce singhiozzante dall'emozione.
"Lo so" le disse Mars. E senza curarsi del Dottore o degli altri,
le mise le braccia attorno, confortando la sua amica con un caldo
abbraccio. "Ci siamo gia' passate, Usagi. L'abbiamo gia' riportato
indietro una volta. E lo faremo ancora!"

La prima cosa che senti' Tuxedo Kamen mentre rinveniva, erano voci
in distanza, che diventavano piu' chiare man mano che riprendeva
conoscenza. Istintivamente cerco' di sedersi, poi grugni' quando il
dolore alla testa divenne insopportabile.
Uno di quelli vicino a lui si inginocchio'. "Calmo, amico. I nostri
amici sono stati un po' rudi nel trattamento."
"Gia', me lo ricordo." Senti' un bernoccolo sulla testa che gli
servi' come promemoria. Sbattendo le palpebre alcune volte per
schiarirsi la vista, esamino' il circondario. Era chiuso in una cella
con altri tre come compagni. Due di loro erano in uniforme, mentre il
terzo era vestito con abiti civili. "Dovete essere l'away team della
L'uomo che si era inginocchiato, con un chiaro tatuaggio sulla
parte sinistra della fronte, rimase sorpreso. "Esatto. Io sono il
Comandante Chakotay, questo e' il Tenente Comandante Tuvok e questo
"Neelix, al suo servizio" disse il Talaxiano. Si chino' leggermente
porgendo a Tuxedo Kamen il suo cilindro. "Questo l'hanno buttato
dentro assieme a lei."
"Mi sorprendo che l'abbiano fatto." Tuxedo Kamen riusci' a
rialzarsi appoggiandosi alle pareti della cella "Grazie, comunque."
Chakotay si alzo'. "Sembra che lei sia coinvolto con noi in qualche
modo. Ci puo' spiegare come?"
"Semplice. Ero sulla vostra nave, la Voyager, non molto tempo fa. E
ho incontrato alcuni dei vostri compagni." Nei minuti successivi,
ragguaglio' i tre su quanto aveva visto ed era successo durante il suo
soggiorno sulla Voyager.
Man mano che sentiva il racconto, Chakotay si stupiva sempre di
piu'. "Sa se gli altri gruppi hanno avuto successo?"
Tuxedo Kamen scosse la testa. "Non ne ho idea. Ma Sailor Moon ed io
stavamo cavandocela abbastanza bene contro di loro, percio' posso
immaginare che le altre Senshi ce l'abbiano fatta contro gli alieni."
"Si fanno chiamare Negariani" gli disse il primo ufficiale.
"Combacia" sbuffo' Tuxedo Kamen.
Chakotay annui' silenziosamente ponderando la situazione. Col
Capitano Janeway senza conoscenza, rimaneva Tom al comando. Pochi anni
fa si sarebbe preoccupato davanti a questa situazione, ma Tom era
migliorato molto negli ultimi quattro anni. Era sicuro che Tom avrebbe
tenuto la situazione in pugno, e che in qualche modo sarebbe riuscito
a far tornare la Voyager. "Dobbiamo muoverci velocemente." disse,
rivolgendosi ai compagni. "Se sono stati in grado di respingere gli
intrusi, allora Tom stara' preparandosi a riportare la Voyager qui il
piu' in fretta possibile. Sta a noi scoprire cosa vogliono fare i
Negariani e fermare in qualche modo i loro piani."
"Allora dovremmo attivarci il piu' presto possibile." osservo'
"Concordo." Chakotay si rivolse di nuovo a Tuxedo Kamen "E' un
vantaggio per noi che la abbiano messa qui con noi piuttosto che da
"Attivarci?" Tuxedo Kamen guardo' Chakotay e gli altri
attentamente. Sembravano molto seri. "Che volete dire? State
pianificando una fuga?"
Chakotay annui' "Esatto." Confermo', abbassando la voce. "Abbiamo
studiato un piano. E siamo pronti a metterlo in pratica."
Tuxedo Kamen guardo' la cella. I muri sembravano essere di pietra
solida, e la porta chiusa formava una barriera insormontabile,
tanto che anche il suo potere non sarebbe stato in grado di scalfire.
E non c'era stato il tempo per poter scavare un tunnel. "Che state
pianificando? Far aprire la porta alla guardia per farci uscire?"
Chakotay sorrise nonostante il sarcasmo delle parole di Tuxedo
Kamen. "Beh, in effetti... e' esattamente cio' che vogliano fare."



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Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
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Messaggio da trekfan1 » 11 ott 2009, 11:41

Capitolo 5 - La Grande Fuga

"B'Elanna's the only person I know who tried to kill her animal guide."

- Chakotay

Chapter 5 -- The Great Escape

Mercury took a deep breath and let it out in one large rush,

willing herself to relax. It wasn't easy, given the intense activity

that had been going on in sickbay. She and the Doctor had treated a

large number of cases over the last hour. (Or was it longer? She

couldn't be sure.) Once more she sent a silent word of thanks to Dr.

Crusher, wherever in the universes she was. During her time on the

Enterprise D, she had taught Amy on how to operate some of the

instruments used in a Starfleet sickbay. That experience had proven

invaluable here.

Fortunately, none of the injuries had proven to be serious or life

threatening. The worst of them had been a case of multiple fractures

from the fighting that had gone on in engineering. The Doctor had

handled that one while she and Tom Paris worked on the easier ones.

Despite his earlier protestations of being too busy, he managed to find

time to stop by and lend a hand before going down to engineering.

Now sickbay was empty, save for herself, the Doctor and the one case

they still had in there.

Namely, Captain Janeway.

The hologram had been standing by her biobed, studying the monitors

intensely while she wrapped up the last few cases. But his expression

was still the same -- one of a person who has no idea what to do next.

She went over next to him, but he took no notice of her. "Doctor?"

"Hmm?" The Doctor glanced over at her. "Oh... Thank you for your

assistance, Amy. There's no need for you to remain here, and I'm sure

you want to check on your friends. Feel free to leave."

"You're right, I do want to see how the others are, especially

Sailor Moon." She had a feeling that everything was alright, or at least

as alright as it could be, given the circumstances. If anything were

wrong, Rei would've called her and the others for help. "But first, is

there any change in Captain Janeway?"

The Doctor smiled grimly. "None whatsoever, I'm afraid. And I am

still at a loss as to how to treat her. This is like no other case I've

handled. Especially as there are no symptoms of anything wrong, other

than her being unconscious. Nothing else."

"Nothing? What about the dual EEG I detected when I examined her

earlier?" she asked.

"That's just it," the Doctor answered. "It's not there anymore."

"What?!?" Mercury exclaimed, not believing her ears. Moving

forward, she examined the medical readouts for herself but saw that the

Doctor was correct. Captain Janeway's EEG readings were now quite

normal. No sign remained of the mysterious second EEG pattern that had

been so evident only a short while ago. "I don't believe it."

"Neither do I." The hologram stared down at the biomonitors, his

expression glum. "I've treated all sort of cases -- everything from

plasma burns to the phage to macroviruses, and I have the entire medical

knowledge of the Federation incorporated into my program. But this case

has me absolutely baffled."

Chakotay looked up at Tuvok's approach. He was seated on the floor

of their cell, talking quietly with Tuxedo Mask, hoping to gain some

insight as to their captors from what he had observed on Voyager. Neelix

had stood nearby, listening in earnest. "What is it, Tuvok?"

The Vulcan squatted down, pitching his voice for his cellmates alone.

"A complication in our escape plans, Commander. While making preparations,

I established contact with other members of Voyager's crew. It seems that

Tuxedo Mask was not the only one they abducted from the ship."

The first officer frowned. "How many?"

"At least twenty three."

Tuxedo Mask watched as Chakotay digested this bit of news. That

many other captives could put a large crimp in their escape plans. Any

captive left behind would be easy prey for Metallah and her bunch, to be

used as hostages or worse. He had a feeling he knew what Chakotay's

ultimate reaction would be. It would probably be the same one he, Usagi,

or any of the others would have in the same situation.

Again he fought down the urge to begin pacing at the thought of

Usagi. Being teleported to an entirely different universe had disrupted

the bond between them. He was unable to get any sense of her state of

being, or even if she was alive. He didn't mind admitting that it was

driving him crazy. Talking to Chakotay about his experiences with the

Negaverse had helped distract him earlier, so he forced himself to

concentrate on the first officer.

Presently Chakotay nodded. "OK. You're right... it does complicate

things a bit. But continue your preparations, Tuvok. We'll begin

whenever you're ready. And that's when we get out of here." He looked

at each of his companions intently. "*All* of us."

The engineering door opened just before Tom got there, allowing Joe

Carey to exit. He nodded to Tom. "Lieutenant."

"Making a house call?" Tom asked, indicating the repair kit the

engineer had slung over his shoulder.

"Just heading up to deck four. We've got a turbolift that

malfunctioned somehow." Carey paused before continuing on his way,

then nodded back to engineering. "You heading there?"

"Yeah, I wanted to check on how the repairs were coming. Why?"

Carey took a moment to glance back into engineering before replying.

When he spoke next, it was in a much lower voice. "Be careful. I don't

know why, but something's got Lieutenant Torres upset. In fact, the

last time I saw her this angry was when she broke my nose."

Not sure how to respond, Tom just watched as Carey moved off, then

eyed the engineering entrance uneasily. He knew that B'Elanna had a

temper, probably better than anyone else in the crew. But he found it

hard to imagine what could set her off this badly. (Four years ago, yes,

but that was another matter entirely.)

Nothing seemed out of place when he finally entered Engineering.

The area was quiet at the moment, with several people scattered at the

various stations conducting repairs or performing required maintenance.

Even Seven of Nine was here, aiding in the repair efforts.

B'Elanna was over by the warp diagnostic panel. From what he could

tell, she was running through a series of checks on the warp core but the

way she was manipulating the controls clearly indicated to an observer

that she was frustrated. Instead of tapping at the controls she was

almost banging at them, hard enough that he was surprised that she hadn't

shattered the panel.

"Hello," he said walking up to her.

"Lieutenant," she responded stiffly.

Tom found himself taken somewhat aback by the tension in her voice.

"Lieutenant? Why so formal?" he responded, putting a light tone in his


B'Elanna turned sharply and glared at him. "Don't start with me,

Tom. I'm not in the mood."

"Now why is that, I wonder?" Tom mused. Looking about the room,

"It looks to me like the repair efforts are going pretty well. For

example, you've just about got main power back online."

"Oh sure, things are going fine *now*," B'Elanna said, her voice

heavy with irony. "But that was only after I kicked Sailor Venus out

of here."

Tom waited for her to elaborate. "What did she do?"

"You mean, 'What *didn't* she do?' First she nearly decrystallized

the dilithium matrix, then she nearly collapsed the containment fields

and finally, for good measure, she blew out the power converter!"

B'Elanna paused and took a ragged breath. Not sure in how to respond,

Tom watched as she tried to contain her temper. When B'elanna next spoke,

her voice was low and controlled. "But what I really don't understand is

how she did all that by just pressing three controls!"

"Come on, B'Elanna. This Earth we're sitting on is still in it's

twentieth century. It would be hard for someone of that technological

level to do that deliberately."

B'Elanna snorted. "Deliberate or not, she managed it quite well.

I'm telling you Tom, when it come to engineering, that... that..."

She paused, struggling to find the right way to describe Sailor Venus,

"...bubble headed blonde is a menace!"

"Lieutenant Torres," Seven said, choosing that moment to

interrupt. "Realignment of the injectors is complete."

"Finally," B'Elanna muttered, glad to have something to distract

her. "Now we can bring main power back online."

While B'Elanna was reactivating the warp core, Seven turned to

Paris. "Lieutenant Torres was not exaggerating Sailor Venus' penchant

for technological mishaps. Such behavior has been observed in her in

the past, and seems to be one of her more prominent characters traits."

B'Elanna paused long enough to throw Tom a look that had "I told

you so" written all over it. "You're kidding," Tom said, unable to come

up with a more suitable counterpoint.

"No, I'm not." Seven seemed mildly offended that Tom doubted her

veracity. "Sailor Venus has a rather extensive history of wreaking havoc

with electronics. Letting her handle any technology is akin to mixing

oxygen and hydrogen -- sooner or later, there will be an explosion."

Tom tried to frame a response, but a hum indicating a surge of power

from the warp core interrupted his train of thought. "OK, main power

is back online," B'Elanna noted with a tone of satisfaction.

"Good. Let me know when you get the engines working." He started

to go, then stopped and turned back. "Don't you think you were being a

bit hard on her, B'Elanna?" He held up a hand to forestall the

inevitable outburst. "I know she set your repairs efforts back a bit.

But she and her friends did help us save the ship... not to mention

our lives."

B'Elanna didn't respond immediately, but Tom could tell she was

mulling over what he said. While the engineer did have a volatile temper,

she wasn't one to hold a grudge very long, especially once she calmed

down. "You may be right about that, Tom," B'Elanna reluctantly agreed

after some time. "But I'm still adamant about one thing -- as long as

I'm chief engineer, she isn't setting one foot inside this room."

The Negaran guard stood stock still at his post, as did his

counterpart at the other end of the cellblock. Most might have thought

having guards in here would be superfluous, but Metallah was taking no

chances with her prisoners.

All was quiet, which wasn't surprising as the cells were

soundproof. Even so, the Negaran began fidgeting, becoming more and

more nervous as time went on. The other guard eyed him curiously, but

otherwise did nothing else.

Finally, the guard couldn't take anymore and moved to the cell door

that Tuxedo Mask had been thrown in hours before. For almost an hour

now, he had been having an odd feeling that the prisoners inside had

escaped somehow. If that happened on his shift, Metallah would quite

literally have his head. He knew that it was impossible, but he just

had to open up the door and be sure.

He opened it up slowly, but something tore it out of his grasp and

flung it wide open. The next thing the Negaran knew, he was being

tackled by something.

Tuxedo Mask followed right behind Neelix, looking about for other

guards. The second guard was still at the far end of the hall, stock

still in surprise at the sudden turn of events but that wouldn't last

for long. Even as Tuxedo Mask was starting to move towards him, the

guard had overcome his surprise and was starting to move towards the

exit, no doubt to alert his fellows at the jailbreak. He threw a rose

down the hall to disarm the Negaran then, lowering his shoulder, barreled

into the alien and slammed him into the wall. The Negaran keened sharply

in obvious pain as it slid to the floor and lay there unmoving.

This done, he turned to check on how his companions were doing.

And it didn't appear good.

The Negaran was just in the process of throwing Neelix off him.

The Talaxian had fought bravely, but this had simply turned out to be a

case where his ambition was greater than his ability. The Negaran reach

for his staff, but Chakotay got there in the same instance and contested

him for the weapon. Neelix threw himself back into the fray, but it was

evident that the guard was slowly gaining the upper hand.

Tuxedo Mask readied himself to lend a hand, but Tuvok intervened

before he could do anything. Then Vulcan, appearing slightly haggard

form his exertions, moved in behind the Negaran and place a hand at the

base of it's neck. Tuxedo Mask winced in some sympathy as the Negaran

dropped from the effects of the Vulcan Nerve Pinch.

Chakotay looked up and down the corridor, watching for other guards

to show up and listening for sounds of the same. But nothing was visible

and all he heard were the delightful sounds of silence. "It looks like

we got away with it. Tuvok, Neelix: get these two in our cell. Tuxedo

Mask and I will see to freeing the others."

Tuvok nodded and started dragging one into the cell, while Neelix

moved to the second guard. Less than a minute later, he had moved the

Negaran into the cell. "I hope you two enjoy your stay here," he

commented as he closed the door. "I think you'll find we left the

accommodations in good order." Turning, he saw that Tuvok had arched an

eyebrow but had yet to make any other comment. "Well... there's no need

to be impolite," he commented lamely.

"I see," Tuvok replied in a bland tone. With that he turned and

headed for the other end of the cellblock. Their crewmates, now

liberated from their cells, were clustered down there around Chakotay.

The first officer was giving them a quick briefing on what their current

situation was.

Neelix hustled to remain alongside the Vulcan. "I must say,

Commander, that was a rather clever strategy -- using your Vulcan mind

techniques to implant a feeling that we had escaped in the guard's mind

so that he would open the door for us. Very clever indeed."

"While your admiration is understandable, it is misdirected,"

Tuvok informed him. "I was not the originator of this particular


"Really?" Neelix asked. "Then who?"

"A Vulcan named Spock." Tuvok started down the corridor to rejoin

Chakotay. "I first learned of this technique while I was posted on the

Excelsior. Captain Sulu served many years with Spock and he frequently

regaled us with tales of the exploits of the Enterprise crew."

The mess hall didn't look as if it had been the site of a major

battle only a little while ago, Harry reflected as he entered the room.

Prodded by the Doctor, Tom had ordered him off duty soon after the battle

for the ship had ended. But after returning to his quarters he had found

that, although his body was exhausted, his mind was too actively engaged

with current events for him to fall asleep. So after an hour or so of

tossing and turning, he grabbed a padd and headed for the mess hall.

For the most part the room was deserted, which was to be expected

as nearly everyone else was busy conducting repairs or being treated for

injuries sustained during the fighting. But three of the Sailor Senshi

(Venus, Mars and Sailor Moon) where seated at a table. Venus smiled and

waved at him, which he politely returned. Making his way to the counter

for a cup of coffee (if any was available), he idly speculated on where

the other two were. No doubt Mercury was giving the Doctor a hand, he

decided. But he couldn't think of where Jupiter might be at the moment.

A quick check confirmed his worst fears: no coffee. If any had been

left over from that morning's breakfast, no doubt it had been spilled

during the aliens takeover of the mess hall and the subsequent combat.

Still, Neelix probably had some stored somewhere in the kitchen that he

could use to make a new batch. He leaned over the counter looking for


...and promptly stood back sharply as someone popped up from behind

the counter. "Hi!" Jupiter said brightly.

Her appearance briefly confused him, but Harry was quick to recover. "Sailor Jupiter? What are you doing back there?"

"Well, since your replicators are down, I'd thought I'd whip up

something for us to eat." She cast a quick glance over to the others.

"Hopefully it'll help Sailor Moon cheer up a bit." She eyed him

speculatively. "If you want, I could make something for you."

"Um... no thanks, I was just looking for some coffee," he stammered.

"You don't have to go to any trouble."

Jupiter gave a wave of dismissal at his concerns. "It's no trouble

at all. I love cooking. Even if the ingredients are a bit..." She

picked up a vegetable that looked like a cross between a red pepper and

a tomato and eyed it critically. "...unusual."

Harry got the feeling that any further attempts to dissuade her

would be futile. In their own way, they could be as single minded as

Seven. "OK. I admit I'm hungry enough to have a bowl of Neelix's

leola root stew without complaining." He watched her go to work for a

few minutes, and he had to admit to himself that it certainly looked like

she knew what she was doing. Casting a quick glance back at the others,

he asked her, "By the way, did something happen in engineering? Venus

just seems a little more subdued than the last time I saw her."

"Well, after we beat those aliens out of the engine room, she tried

to help out in the repairs. Seven and I both tried to stop her, but once

she gets an idea in her head..." Jupiter hesitated. "Let's just say

that things didn't go too well and then..." She shrugged helplessly.

"I think I can fill in the rest," Harry said. "I know what

B'Elanna's temper can be like."

"Yeah. There's no one that can yell at you quite like a Klingon."

Harry could only nod in agreement to that. Leaving her to her

work, he went over to the table. "Hi, Harry," Venus said. "Feeling


"A little bit," he said. "I just came here for a cup of coffee

and try and get a little bit of work done."

"Oh?" Venus leaned over and glanced at the padd. "What're you

working on?"

"A way to block the aliens from teleporting onto Voyager," he

said. Tapping a control on the padd, he immediately launched into a

highly technical explanation as to the ideas he had along those lines.

Venus feigned attention, pretending to understand even though she was

lost almost from the first word.

While Harry was trying to explain his ideas, Mercury entered the

mess hall and sat wearily at the table. "Finally finish in sickbay,

Mercury?" asked Sailor Moon.

"Yes. Fortunately, most of the cases we had weren't serious."

After a moment she amended this, "Except for Captain Janeway."

"How is the captain?" Harry asked.

"There's very little change, I'm afraid. She still remains

unconscious, and there's still no discernable cause." She gave a

helpless shrug. "I've got no idea on what to do to treat her, and

neither does the Doctor."

Sailor moon noted the look of anxiety that crossed Harry's face.

Trying for a moment to put her own worries aside, she reassured him,

"Don't worry, Harry. I'm sure she'll be fine."

The Doctor eyed the latest readings he took of the captain intently,

but not so much that he didn't see a burst of movement out of the corner

of his eye. Getting up from his desk, he shifted his gaze to the biobeds

and his jaw dropped in amazement. "Captain Janeway!" The hologram

moved rapidly out of his office and over to the biobed, where Captain

Janeway was now sitting upright. "I must say I'm delighted to see you're

up and about. I just wish it were the result of my medical expertise."

"I'm sure you did your best, Doctor," Janeway remarked, sliding off

the table.

The Doctor started to perform a scan on her but when she started for

the doors, he interposed himself in her way. "And just where do you

think you're going?"

"To the bridge." The captain regarded him with a somewhat annoyed

expression. "Is there any reason why I shouldn't?"

"Yes," the hologram responded somewhat indignantly. "I haven't

released you yet."

Janeway placed her hands on her hips. "Is there something wrong

with me, Doctor? Do you have any indication that I may be unable to

perform my duties as captain?"

"Well..." The Doctor's voice trailed off reluctantly. Ever since

the captain had been brought to sickbay from the bridge, her readings had

been normal. So officially, he had no reason to hold her here, now that

she had recovered. But he still wanted to be sure what it was that

caused that double EEG reading that Mercury and Paris had detected.

"No," he finally admitted. "But I would still would like to run some

tests. You exhibited some very odd EEG readings earlier, and I would

like to make certain that there are no lasting repercussions."

"So what you're saying is that I appear to be perfectly healthy,"

Janeway said. She continued speaking as she headed for the exit.

"Doctor, after this is all over, I'll be glad to let you conduct all the

tests you want. But until then I've got a ship to run. We've still got

to complete repairs, make preparations to return to our universe and find

a way to rescue the away team and the crew the aliens abducted."

Shaking his head after she left, the Doctor went over to his office

to update his medical files. He was able to do most of this by rote,

which enabled part of him to wonder just what it was that drove ship's

captains to extreme measures at the expense of their own health. Thus

several minutes went by before it struck him. "Wait a minute... how did

she know that we had left our own universe? Or that the aliens had

captured some of the crew?"

He may be a hologram, but that didn't prevent him from getting a bad feeling about this...

"...I must say that all this creeping around is giving me a bad

feeling," Neelix said. The assorted crew of Voyager had spent the last

half an hour proceeding as quietly as they could through a series of

tunnels inside the citadel. After they had emerged from the cellblock,

Tuvok had led them to a concealed entrance. "Are you sure we're going in

the right direction, Commander?"

"Not with absolute precision, but I believe I made a reasonable

estimate," Tuvok replied.

"In other words, you're guessing," Tuxedo Mask noted.

Tuvok arched an eyebrow. "Your supposition is illogical. Vulcans

do not guess."

"I don't care if you went on a vision quest first, Tuvok," Chakotay

noted. "Just so long as you're right."

"Regrettably, the information I obtained from the guard's mind

regarding these tunnels was imprecise," Tuvok said. "Apparently knowledge

of their existence is restricted to Metallah and her elite guard. They

are used to move the higher echelons of this society quickly in and about

the citadel. However, for me to obtain greater knowledge of their layout

would have required a more intimate meld. And as even a low level meld

proved," the Vulcan suppressed a shudder, "unsettling, that is an

experience I would rather avoid."

"Whatever. I just hope we find an exit soon." Tuxedo Mask cast a

glance backwards, but saw no sign of any pursuit. Which was fortunate,

as the escapees were crowded closely together in the tunnel. "We're

pushing our luck as it is."

Tuvok rounded a corner, then paused before looking back at Tuxedo

Mask. "Would now be soon enough?" he asked, gesturing to what could only

be a door a few meters further down the corridor.

Moving ahead, Chakotay cautiously opened the door and gazed outside

the citadel. The forest beyond seemed peaceful enough, but that had been

the case just before their capture by the Negarans. But if luck was with

them this time, the Negarans wouldn't be so quick to locate them. He

took a moment to determine which of the escapees other than the away team

was senior. He was gratified to see that it was Ensign Lambert, who had

been an expert at stealth tactics in the Maquis. "Take the others outside

and find a good spot to hide," he told. "The four of us are going to

senshi inside, try and find out what the Negarans are up to and how to put

a monkey wrench in their plans. When we're ready, we'll find you."

"Yes, sir," Lambert replied. Looking ruefully into the brush, he

commented, "I just hope the Negarans don't find us first."

Chakotay smiled. "Don't worry. It shouldn't be any worse than that

time on Celtris III."

"On Celtris III, we at least had phasers to use against the

Cardassians," Lambert countered.

"Unfortunately, we're not dealing with the Cardassians right now.

And considering how invulnerable these beings are to phasers, I doubt

it'd make much difference right now if you had any," the first officer

pointed out.

Lambert could only nod at this. Gesturing to the others, he

silently led them into the underbrush. Chakotay watched until he lost

sight of them which, given the density of the forest, wasn't long at all.

"Let's go," he told the others while closing the entrance. "Tuvok,

take point."

The Vulcan nodded and started towards the inner sections of the

citadel, Tuxedo Mask beside him. Listening carefully for any signs of

pursuit, Chakotay and Neelix brought up the rear of the party.

Tom absently noted the turbolift opening, but paid it no mind.

Seated in the command chair, his attention was firmly on the captain's

console as he read the latest repair updates. Thus he was unaware that he

was being approached until... "Mr. Paris, I think you're in my seat,"

Janeway noted with an air of mild reproach.

Startled, he bolted to his feet. "Captain! I'm glad to see you."

He gestured sheepishly at the command chair. "Sorry about --"

Janeway waved off his apology. "Forget it, Tom. Given the

circumstances, it was appropriate that you'd use the big chair. What's

our status?"

"Not bad, all things considering," Tom replied. "Main power and

warp engines are back online, but B'Elanna is still working on the

impulse engines. We've still got some secondary system damage, such as

the replicators, but repair teams are working on those too."

"Good," Janeway said. "What about our guests?"

"We captured about forty of the intruders. That's too many to hold

in the brig, so I had them locked up in cargo bay one behind a level

eight forcefield... and under guard by a security team." A rueful smile

came to his face. "Those we got left, that is. A good many of our

security teams were captured when the other intruders teleported off the


"Don't worry, Tom. We'll get them back," Janeway reassured him.

"Actually though, when I asked about our guests, I was referring to the

Sailor Senshi."

"Right." Tom took a moment to think about that. The last few hours

had been hectic, but he was reasonably sure he knew the answer. "The last

I knew, they were in the mess hall."

Janeway nodded. "Good. Let's both go down there, and you can

introduce me to them."

" one of the first things we need to do is find a way to block

their teleport ability," Janeway was saying as she entered the mess hall.

"That could be tricky. We just don't know that much about how

they're doing it," Tom said, following the captain inside.

"Hopefully the answer lies inside the sensor logs. We should get

Seven and Harry working on analyzing them. Speaking of Harry..."

Janeway moved over to the table Harry was seated. As they approached,

the Scouts became aware of them, Mercury blinking in surprise at seeing

Captain Janeway up and about. "Mr. Kim, I'm glad to see you're feeling


"Likewise, Captain. The way Sailor Mercury was talking when she

came in, I wasn't sure you were ever going to recover." He gestured to

the adjacent table. "I don't know if Tom told you about them..."

"I've been brought up to date, Ensign."

"Then you know that these are the Sailor Senshi that Seven told

us about." Going around the table, Harry introduced each of the four

present to Janeway.

"Welcome to Voyager," Janeway said after he had finished. "First,

I'd like to thank you for your help in our recent crisis." She turned

her gaze to Sailor Moon, her expression taking on a sympathetic hue.

"Tom told me about the abduction of Tuxedo Mask by our adversaries. Let

me assure you that all the resources I have available to me are at your

disposal in getting him back."

"Thank you, Captain," Sailor Moon replied.

"By the way, Harry, I thought I told you to get some rest," Tom

admonished him. Then he sniffed appreciably at the tray of food in front

of the ensign. "And since when did you become a cook?"

"I am resting," Harry countered. "As for the food..." He gestured

towards the kitchen. Janeway and Paris glanced over there. Jupiter was

busy preparing dishes for a couple of other crewmen that had entered.

"You have Sailor Jupiter to thank for that."

"I just hope she's a better cook than Neelix," Tom commented.

"Are you kidding?" Sailor Moon interjected. In stark contrast to

her earlier mood, her eyes lit up brightly as she gushed about Makoto's

past creations.

"She's not exaggerating, Tom. Give it a try," Harry said.

Taking the proffered fork, Tom took a sample from Harry's plate.

Instantly his eyes lit up. "That's great!"

"Told ya," Sailor Moon said, grinning broadly.

"Don't get spoiled by it, gentlemen," Janeway cautioned them.

"Sooner or later, we're going to have to go our separate ways."

"Maybe we can make a trade," Paris suggested. "Jupiter can take

over here as ship's cook, while Neelix can fill in for her spot in the

Sailor Senshi."

The Scouts faces instantly showed varying degrees of shock at

Tom's suggestion. But before Janeway could respond, Harry spoke up.

"I don't think so, Tom," he said, continuing the joke, "The last thing

any of us need to see is Neelix in a skirt that short."

Tuvok paused at a tunnel intersection, his Vulcan ears straining

for sounds of anyone approaching while he looked down one passage.

Beside him, Tuxedo Mask was looking down the other direction. Even so,

it was Neelix who heard the sounds of someone approaching before Tuxedo

Mask saw the first indications of movement from that direction. Moving

quickly, the escapees moved back several paces to a place of concealment.

There they waited for whoever else was in the tunnel to pass by. Tuvok

raised an eyebrow in surprise when he saw that it was none other than

Metallah herself.

"Interesting," Neelix commented. "I wonder what she's up to."

"I'd like to know that myself," Chakotay said. With that, he

started to stealthily follow the Negaran monarch, his companions doing likewise.

After what seemed like an eternity, they came to the entrance to a

large chamber in what must have been the lowest levels of the Citadel.

Crouching at the entrance, the four of them watched as Metallah

approached a large container-like object. Inside it they could see pure

energy swirling about in several different colors.

Tuxedo Mask frowned. There was something about this room that

seemed familiar to him. After a few moments, the hazy memory came to him

and he involuntarily shuddered.

Standing now in front of the large container, Metallah began speaking

in her native language, her head bowed in obvious deference to whatever

was inside. As she didn't have her translator with her, the four of them

couldn't understand her. So it came as some surprise when a voice

emerged from it, "I am deeply disappointed, Metallah. Containing a group

of unarmed prisoners should have been easy." Metallah grew agitated,

almost terrified. "No matter. Voyager will return for them in any event."

Then in a tone that was laced with unmistakable menace, "Make sure you

don't fail me when it *does* return." Nodding, Metallah scurried from

the room.

Seeing she was leaving, the four moved quickly themselves to a safe

distance and waited for Metallah to leave. Chakotay looked around the

small group. "Any thoughts about what we just saw?"

"I'm not sure it means anything," Tuxedo Mask responded, "but that

room was almost identical to the chamber the Negaforce resided in back in

the Negaverse."

"You're certain?" Chakotay asked.

"Yeah. Except for one thing: the voice was different."

"Was it really speaking?" Neelix asked. "I thought I 'heard' it in

my head."

"Mr. Neelix is correct," Tuvok said. "Though Metallah was speaking

in her native tongue, the presence was responding telepathically. Our

proximity allowed us to perceive what it was saying to her. Undoubtably

it is a high order telepath, even if the thought patterns I sensed were

of a human nature."


"Yes, Commander. I am quite certain."

"Human though patterns inside something that acts like the

Negaforce? How could that happen?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"I don't know," Chakotay said. "But I don't think we'll like the


"Do you think it sensed us?" Neelix asked.

Tuvok shook his head. "I do not believe so. It's attention at the

moment was firmly fixed on Metallah. But it would be prudent to leave

the vicinity."

"Agreed," Chakotay put in. "And it's time we started taking some

action of our own."

"Like what?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"Locating our equipment, for one. Especially our communicators."

He cast a glance back towards the chamber. "Because like that voice

said, sooner or later Voyager will be back for us. And I intend to be

ready to help them any way I can."

Next time: Voyager makes preparations to go "Back to the Delta Quadrant!"

Note: Spock uses of the mind meld to escape a prison can be found in the

Classic Trek episodes "A Taste of Armageddon" and "By Any Other Name"

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Messaggio da trekfan1 » 11 ott 2009, 11:42

Capitolo 6 - Il ritorno nel quadrante delta

Sailor Trek: Voyager

Bill Harris

"Remember this guideline: the captain is always right." - Tuvok

Chapter 6 -- Back to the Delta Quadrant!

Artemis slowly opened his eyes, and watched Luna pacing. His own

sense of annoyance grew with turn she made. "Luna, will you stop that?

You're going to wear a rut in the ground a mile deep... And that'll get

Rei really miffed at you."

"I don't care," the black cat retorted hotly. She stopped, only to

turn and begin another round of pacing. "They've been gone for hours

without any word. What could've happened to them?!"

"Stop worrying, Luna. I'm sure they're fine," Artemis replied

without much conviction. "And no doubt that whatever they're up to,

they're probably not as bored as we are."

Sailor Moon yawned. "Geez, don't those three ever get tired?"

"It doesn't look like it," Venus answered, stifling a yawn herself.

"But I can't imagine Seven ever getting tired. Borg can probably go on

like that for hours."

"Days," Mars corrected her. "And Harry is probably a lot like Amy

when he gets his nose into a problem -- just keeps digging at it until

he comes up with the solution."

The other two nodded as they watched Harry Kim, Seven of Nine and

Mercury continue to work together in Voyager's Astrometrics lab. They

had come here shortly after meeting with Captain Janeway in the mess hall,

as the Captain had been most anxious to put together a means of blocking

the aliens teleporting abilities. But they had very little to do

themselves, other than watch them work. Even the holodecks were out of

the question, as they had been shut down to conserve power until repairs

were complete to all systems. Jupiter was the lucky one, Mars mused.

She at least was being kept busy in the mess hall. Janeway had felt that

her working there would be good for the crew's morale. Thinking of

Voyager's captain sparked another thought in Rei's head and she

muttered, "I still can't figure it."

"Huh?" Sailor Moon gave her an odd look. "What'd you say, Mars?"

Mars shook herself. "I was just thinking about Captain Janeway,

and how odd it was she just woke up like that."

"Tell me about it," Venus put in. "I think that was the most

surprised I'd seen Amy get in quite a while."

"Yeah." Sailor Moon glanced over at Mars. "Are you sure..."

"I know what I sensed, Usagi," Mars snapped. Anyone else

listening would have assumed Mars was being harsh to Sailor Moon. But

the senshi, and Sailor Moon in particular, knew that Mars was simply

expressing her own frustration at the current situation "I know there

was another intelligence inside her head when I saw her in the ready

room. And it wasn't there when she showed up in the mess hall."

"Maybe it just left?" Venus suggested lamely.

Mars shook her head. "Doesn't fit with classic cases possessions.

Beings like that don't just leave, they have to be driven out. Or

somehow be convinced to leave." She frowned. "But that doesn't matter

right now. What does matter is getting over to their universe and

getting Tuxedo Mask out of whatever cell those Negacreeps have thrown

him in."

Neelix peered carefully around the corner. Just as Tuvok has said,

there was only one guard at this room. As to what was inside... well,

there was only one way to find out.

The small group had been making their way through Metallah's

fortress, carefully exploring the layout. Thus far they had yet to find

any of their equipment or gain further information, but on the plus side

they had eluded capture as well. Of course, every now and then they had

to confront a few Negarans but they had quickly developed a few routines

to handle them. One of which Neelix now put into play.

Trying to appear nonchalant, he strolled around the corner. The

guard noticed him instantly and crouched into a defensive position.

"Excuse me, but would you happen to know the way to the kitchen?"

Not understanding Neelix and not really caring, the guard chose to

reply with actions and not words. Neelix moved quickly to one side to

avoid the incoming energy blast. "Well if you're going to be nasty about

it, I'll just find it on my own." With that, the Talaxian darted back

around the corner, avoiding another blast. Predictably the Negaran moved

quickly to follow Neelix... and ran face first right into Tuxedo Mask's

cane. The guard went flying into the nearby wall and fell unmoving to

the ground.

Chakotay nodded. "Good work, you two."

"Anytime," the tuxedo clad warrior answered.

"Glad to be of service, Commander," Neelix added while Chakotay and

Tuvok grabbed the guard and dragged towards the door he had been guarding.

Tuxedo Mask got there ahead of them and took a moment to listen, then

slowly opened it and peered inside. Satisfied the room beyond was

unoccupied, he nodded to the two officers and they moved the unconscious

Negaran inside.

"This looks like a lab of some sort," he said.

Tuvok concurred with this after he had a moment to observe the room

for himself. "Agreed." He took a step over to a table that had several

very familiar looking pieces of equipment on it. Picking up one of the

phasers he said, "I believe Mr. Paris would say 'we hit the jackpot' at

this point."

"So how are we doing?" Janeway asked, noting to herself Astrometrics

was more crowded than it had ever been with all of the Sailor Senshi and

the remainder of Voyager's senior staff present. Being that it was bigger

than the normal briefing room, it made sense to her to hold their overall

strategy session here.

"I think we've got it, Captain," Harry answered, looking rather

pleased with himself.

Seven looked at Harry askance before putting in, "We have made

sufficient progress."

"Well, I'm glad your both in agreement," the captain noted drily.

"So what have you three come up with?"

Harry tapped on a control, bringing up a graphic on a nearby screen.

"From the sensor logs and Mercury's scans, we've determined that the

aliens transit through subspace when they teleport. So what we've come

up with is using the main deflector dish to generate a modulated subspace

pulse that will prevent them from materializing on Voyager."

"Ensign Kim is exaggerating the effectiveness of the plan," Seven

said. "Our simulations show that will block eighty five percent of the

teleports onto the ship. Some of the aliens will get through."

"Maybe they will, but you can rest assured that they won't be able

to do much," the Doctor told her. He turned to Janeway. "Based on the

autopsy I conducted, I determined that the aliens are capable of storing

several minutes of oxygen. Combined with their chitinous skin, this makes

them able to operate in a vacuum for extended periods. What I've done is

lace our standard anti-intruder gases with a compound that will cause the

anestazine to be absorbed through the skin, thus rendering our unwanted

guests unconscious."

"Sounds good. Excellent work, everyone. Now the only question to

answer is, how do we get back to the Delta Quadrant?" Janeway turned and

faced her chief engineer. "We triggered the transition accidently, but

the Enterprises were able to traverse the flux under their own power. Can

we do the same?"

"We could," B'Elanna responded in a very uncertain tone, "but I

wouldn't recommend it. When we crossed over the last time, it crippled

the ship. Even doing so in a controlled way like the Enterprise would

drain a significant portion of main power. And considering that we'll

be materializing over hostile territory, that's not something I think

you want to do. It would render the countermeasures we've developed


"Then do you have any other suggestions?" the captain asked.

B'Elanna hesitated momentarily, but before she could indicate a

negative answer, Mercury spoke up. "I think Sailor Moon could open it

up for you."

The blonde seemed stunned for a moment. "Me?"

Mercury nodded. "Yes. You can use the Silver Crystal to open the

rift through the quantum flux. Voyager should then be able to traverse

it without any degradation to their power systems."

"What about you and your friends?" Janeway asked, indicating the

other Scouts and by extension, Tuxedo Mask. "I don't want to leave you

stranded in the Delta Quadrant."

"I wouldn't worry," the blue haired senshi responded. "I think we

can use the Sailor Teleport to get back. As a worse case scenario,

Voyager could bring us back, then return to the Delta Quadrant."

"Good," Janeway said. "Then it looks like we're ready."

"Um, excuse me," Sailor Moon said hesitantly. "But ready for


"To go back to the Delta Quadrant," she replied. "And get our

people out of danger." Around the room there were several nods of

approval, and more than one vocal ones from the Scouts.

"You realize Captain, that the aliens will most likely attack the

ship the moment we return," Seven said.

Mars glowered at the Borg. "One in every crowd," she muttered.

"No doubt they will," Janeway agreed. "Which is why Voyager isn't

going to linger around. Instead, the ship will make for orbit and once

there will go to warp. But before that happens, we'll launch a shuttle

bearing a rescue team. They'll land on the planet, infiltrate the aliens

headquarters and break our people out. After that, they'll take care of

the Negaforce."

"Launching a shuttle like that is going to be a tricky maneuver,

Captain," Paris pointed out.

"I know, Tom. And while I may be a fair pilot, that's why you'll

be accompanying me on this mission."

Paris frowned. "You? Then who...?"

"Ensign Kim will be in command of Voyager until our return," Janeway

said, interrupting him.

"Me?!?" Harry exclaimed.

"Him?!?" Mars said equally forceful. Venus gave her a quick elbow in

the stomach, prompting her to glare at the blonde instead.

"With all due respect, Captain, why are you coming along with the

away team?" Tom asked, ignoring the minor glaring contest. "Shouldn't

you remain on the bridge?"

Janeway shook her head. "Not this time, Tom. My place is with the

rescue team." She held up a hand to forestall further objection. "The

decision's made, Tom. I'm going on this mission, and since you're our

best pilot, that means you are as well. Prepare the Shepard for launch."

When Tom didn't move right away she added, "That's an order, Lieutenant."

"Aye, Captain," the helmsman said reluctantly and exited the room.

Janeway took a step towards Ensign Kim, an expression of sympathy

on her face. "I'm sorry to put you in this position, Harry, but you've

done alright in the big chair before. I think you can handle it again."

Harry understood what Janeway was saying and that she was trying to

bolster his confidence; but he couldn't help but feel nervous at the

prospect. "I'll try not to let you down, Captain."

For their part, the Scouts could only exchange uncertain looks. It

was apparent to them that the crew thought it was a bad idea for Janeway

to leave the ship when so many of the senior officers were absent. But

it equally apparent that Janeway was adamant on going along for reasons

that only she knew. They could only hope the she knew what she was doing.

Tom was just finishing up the preflight checklist of the Shepard

when he sensed someone seating themselves in the copilot's chair.

Looking up, he saw that it was B'Elanna. "Are the accommodations for

our passengers all set?"

"We've got the extra seats installed," she replied, then glance

briefly at the pilot's console. "Did the shuttle pass preflight?"

"Yep," he said, nodding. "Everything checks out A-OK."

"It had better," she said, a mock edge in her voice. "We just

finished working on it last week."

Tom couldn't help but grin. "Getting a bit sensitive about our

work, are we?"

"Sensitive, hell," she retorted. "I'm just getting sick of having

to rebuild the things after you pilots abuse them."

"Don't worry," Tom assured her, choosing not to press the issue.

"This one will hold together."

"If it doesn't, it won't be because of the engines. I just ran a

level three diagnostic on them." She turned upon hearing someone enter

the shuttle. Seeing it was Janeway, she got up. "I better go." She

placed a hand on his arm, prompting him to look at her. "Good luck, Tom."

There wasn't much need for words between them, but still he said,

"Thanks. I'll see you when I get back."

B'Elanna started her way to the door, but froze in midstride when

she saw Venus standing there. But after only a half second delay, she

continued on, stopping in front of the blonde Sailor senshi. "Look, I..."

Venus interrupted her. "He means a lot to you," she said,

indicating Paris. "I saw the way you two were talking with each other."

B'Elanna took a backward glance, then faced her again. "Yes, he

does. It... took me a long time to admit it to myself, and even longer

to tell him. But yes, I love him."

Venus smiled. "I knew it! " she said, estactic. "But it was bound

to happen, given how long you've got to get home."

"Bound to happen?" B'Elanna asked.

"Well... not you two in general, just couples forming in general,"

she replied hastily. "You and Tom, Harry and Seven..." Her voice

trailed off. "I'll have to make sure he knows how she feels before we

have to part company."

B'Elanna could almost feel her jaw dropping. "Make sure *Harry*

knows?!?" As far as she knew, the attraction was strictly one way...

Harry's. It fact, she was positive that Seven had no feelings toward

Harry in that or any other regard.

But it seemed that Venus thought otherwise. "Yep. But don't worry,

just leave it all to me," she replied happily, before starting to make

her way to her own seat.

B'Elanna grabbed her arm, halting her progress. "Look, about what I

said to you in Engineering..."

"Forget it," she replied, smiling broadly and continuing on to her

seat. "That's water over the bridge."

As Jupiter stepped inside, it struck her that the interior of the

shuttle was not all that different from the Galileo. Of course, the

Shepard was much more modern looking than a shuttlecraft from Captain

Kirk's era.

It also seemed to be uncomfortably close to that of an airplane for

her taste.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to put aside her apprehensions. Too

much was riding on the success of this for her to be paralyzed by old fears.

Mars settled in her seat behind Paris, wondering once again why

Starfleet crew didn't have seatbelts on their seats. She took a glance

at Janeway, who was talking to the others on her way to her own seat in

the copilot's position. On the surface she couldn't sense anything

unusual about the captain of Voyager, but her own instincts told her

that something was up.

Whatever it was, she just hoped that they didn't end up regretting

coming to this ship.

Mercury sat down in her own seat, toward the rear of the shuttle

cabin. A casual observer would simply have seen her focus her attention

on her palmtop, but in reality she was thinking about something the Doctor

had told her just before boarding. "I hope you won't be needing this

information," the hologram had told her, "but given the double EEG pattern

you and Lt. Paris detected from the Captain earlier, it's possible that

some external entity has an influence over her. If you think that she is

not acting in the best interest of the ship or crew, you should inform

the ranking officer immediately."

"But I don't have any formal training in those areas," she objected.

"How will I know if she is not acting on her own volition?"

"Use your own judgement, and report that to the senior officer

around," the Doctor had advised her. "It will be up to them on whether or

not to relieve the Captain of command."

Sailor Moon tried to relax in her seat, just opposite of Mars and

right behind where Captain Janeway was to sit in the copilot's chair.

She found it hard to do, as anxious as she was to go an rescue Mamoru,

but a glance to her left at Mars helped settle her. A look at the Sailor

senshi of the red planet helped settle her nerves and reinforce her resolve.

They would get Mamoru back and destroy whatever remained of the Negaforce,

once and for all.

Janeway took a glance at the shuttle system readouts she took her

seat. "We've got the modified phasers stored aboard for our missing

crew," she noted as she sat down, satisfied at what she saw. Even so

she still asked the pilot,"So how are we doing, Tom?"

"All systems go, Captain. We're ready when you give the word."

"Then consider the word given. Janeway to bridge."

"Kim here."

"We're all set down here, Mr. Kim. Put Voyager in position to make

the crossover."

"Understood, Captain," Harry said. Glancing to his right,

"B'Elanna, stand by to engage ascent sequence."

"Acknowledged," the half Klingon officer replied. "Rigging systems

for atmospheric maneuvering."

Harry turned to the tactical station. "Sound Code Blue."

Graves nodded and triggered the shipwide intercom. "All personnel,

go to Blue Alert and report to Code Blue stations." All around the

bridge the alert lights started flashing blue.

"Atmospheric thrusters on stand by," Seven reported from the

Operations station. "Inertial dampeners are at maximum."

"All decks report Code Blue, sir," Graves said.

"Helm, take us up," Harry ordered. On screen, they could see the

polar ice field begin to recede as the ship gained altitude.

"Retracting landing struts," the helm officer reported. "Our

altitude is holding steady at one kilometer. We're in position to

initiate dimensional transfer."

"Good," Harry replied. But before he could proceed any further, a

sensor alarm started to sound.

"Two aircraft are approaching," Seven said after checking the



It was a moment before the Borg could reply. "Computer identifies

them as US Navy F-14 fighters. Range is eighty five kilometers and


"Great," Harry muttered. It was bad enough that Voyager had been

photographed during their brief visit to their own Earth's twentieth

century. Who knew what would happen if those planes got an up close and

personal look at the ship here. "We better get out of her before they

can get a good look at us. Shields up."

Janeway swiveled her seat around. "I hate to have to rush you,

Sailor Moon, but as you can see..." She gestured helplessly at the

sensor panel.

"Gotcha," Sailor Moon replied. "Don't worry, Captain, I'll have us

out of here in a jiffy!"

"We should be able to get a look at them," the weapons officer of

the lead F-14 said.

"About time," the pilot replied. Both he and his wingman had been

flying in a training mission over Alaska when they had been diverted to

this target, first reported by a reconnaissance satellite overflying the

Arctic. It had taken them many hours and two meeting with tanker aircraft

to refuel in midair.

But finally they were in position to get a look at the target,

which their radar showed to be airborne now. Activating the F-14's inbuilt

TV system, he trained it on the target. "What the hell is that?" he

said, getting a good look at Voyager.

"I don't know," his back seater replied, "but the radar signal from

it is getting all fuzzy. They must have some form of stealth system."

"Get on the horn back to base. Let them know we have visual

contact and -- whoa!" The pilot instinctively shielded his eyes as

the monitor flared brilliantly. A moment later it cleared and he was

able to look at it again. "What the...?"

"You see anything?" the back-seater asked. "It's not showing up on

radar anymore."

"I could've sworn there was something there a second ago," the pilot

said, "but now..." He moved the nose about, trying to relocate the

mystery object, but the sky around them was clear. "Nothing could've

moved that fast."

"Hey, I don't track mirages," the weapons officer retorted,

sounding mildly offended.

The pilot shrugged. "Well, it's not there anymore. We'll just mark

it down as another UFO."

A universe away, a similar burst of light briefly illuminated the

skies over Negara and then faded to reveal an Intrepid class starship.

Voyager was once again above the Delta Quadrant planet.

"We have completed the transition successfully," Seven announced.

"So far we appear to be unnoticed..." The deck trembled slightly under

their feet. "Correction: we *have* been noticed," she noted.

"I think we all figured that out," B'Elanna replied rather testily.

"Have they got ahold of us?" Harry asked her.

The engineer took a moment to examine her readouts. "No. The warp

field the engines are generating is deflecting over ninety percent of

the beam. We're clear to maneuver."

"Then let's get the hell out of here. Helm, take us up. Best


Outside, the noise from Voyager's thrusters increased dramatically

as the ship began gaining altitude. In moments it had entered the upper

reaches of the atmosphere, allowing the ship to engage it's impulse

engines. "We have reached launch altitude," Seven reported as the ship

now gained height dramatically. "Shuttle bay doors are open and the

Shepard reports ready to lift off."

Harry nodded. "Shuttle Shepard: You're clear to launch." He turned

to Ensign Graves. "Let's give them some cover. Set main phasers to wide

field dispersal pattern and open fire."

"Yes, sir." Complying with the order, she triggered a burst from

nearly all of Voyager's phaser banks. The wide field energy discharge

severely ionized the atmosphere in their area, creating a large

distortion. Simultaneously, the shuttle leapt from the bay and started

to descend rapidly.

In the maze of tunnels beneath the citadel, Tuxedo Mask came to a

abrupt halt. Chakotay managed to stop himself just before colliding with

him. "What's wrong?" he asked, watching the other gaze at the ceiling.

"She's here," he replied in a distant voice.

"Who?" Chakotay asked again. Then in a flash of insight he guessed,

"Do you mean Sailor Moon?"

Tuxedo Mask blinked, seemingly coming back to reality. "Yes,

Commander. She's here, in this universe."

"If Sailor Moon has crossed over to our universe, the logical

assumption is that Voyager has returned with her," Tuvok opined.

If so, there was an easy way to confirm that, Chakotay reasoned

to himself. "Chakotay to Voyager," the first officer said, tapping his

comm badge. However, no response was forthcoming. "The signal must be

blocked by the structure down here. Let's get to the surface."

"The Shepard has entered the troposphere. Our own altitude is four

hundred forty seven point two kilometers," Seven reported. "We are clear

to go to warp."

"Good," Harry said, nodding. "It looks like everything's going

according to plan. Helm, plot a course to a point a half light year

outside the system and engage at warp eight. Seven, launch the relay


"Yes sir."

Outside, the warp nacelles elevated to their flight configuration

and Voyager accelerated to supralight speeds. But just before it entered

warp, Seven was able to deploy a small probe into a high orbit to serve

as a communications relay.

Sailor Moon gulped, looking out the window as the planet surface

below rushed up towards them. Despite the inertial dampeners, she could

almost feel the shuttle freefall downward. Tom had said they would get

down to just above the planet surface quickly so they could approach

unseen, but still... "Do you mind slowing down a little? I think I

left my stomach back in orbit."

Tom grinned. "Don't worry about it. Everything's under control.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride." Even as he said this, he eased their

rate of descent and brought the shuttle onto a more level flight path.

There were several sighs of relief from behind him.

Which promptly stopped when an alarm sounded from the sensors.

"Tom, we have three large energy bolts on an intercept course."

"That's not good, right?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Definitely not," Mercury stated. "It means we're under attack."

"I was afraid you were going to say that."

Janeway wasn't paying any attention to the banter behind her.

"Shields are up, and I'm arming weapons."

"Everyone hang on back there," Tom said. "Evasive maneuvers!"

Tuxedo Mask stiffened suddenly. They had emerged from the fortress

not long ago, and had been makning their way through the dense and dark

forest surrounding it. "No!"

"What is it?" Chakotay asked. "What's wrong?"

"She's in danger," he replied, looking skyward. "Grave danger."

He continued looking skyward for a second or two before taking off on a

dead run.

Chakotay didn't hesitate, "Tuvok, Neelix: find the others and home

in on my comm badge." Not waiting for a reply, he started off into the

forest after Tuxedo Mask.

"Well, Mr. Vulcan, I guess it's just the two of us," Neelix observed

as the other two moved off into the darkness. Deciding against making

any reply, Tuvok led the Talaxian off to locate the other Voyager crewmen

on Negara.

Paris worked the helm, twisting the shuttle about is a desperate bid

to elude the onrushing bolts. It seemed he was successful, as the three

energy bolts passed close by. "So far, so good."

"Not really," Mercury warned. Her attention was fixed on her

computer. "Those energy bolts are altering their course. They must be

homing in on the shuttle."

"Oh, great," Mars snapped. "I thought the idea was to land without

them detecting us."

Tom shrugged. "Nobody's perfect."

"Can you stay ahead of them, Tom?" Janeway asked.

"One way to find out. Hang on!" Tom said as he shifted the

shuttle's course sharply to port, putting a tremendous strain on the

inertial dampeners. The resulting g-forces tried to fling them all to

the right side of the shuttle, triggering several gasps of shock from

the passengers and one outright shriek of terror from Sailor Moon.

From the outside they could all hear the groan from the engine nacelles

as the atmospheric pressures threatened to tear them free from their

housings. But this time the evasive maneuver didn't work, for the

homing missiles turned with the Shepard and slammed into it's shields.

"We're hit!" Janeway exclaimed somewhat unnecessarily as the

shuttle rocked violently. Several control panels exploded into a shower

of sparks and those inside felt the deck start to pitch downward at a

sharper angle. The captain took a look at the main diagnostic panel to

her right, most of the indicators on it glowing a bright red. Not a

good sign. "We're on emergency reserve power. Just about all major

systems are offline, along with a good many emergency systems."

Tom desperately worked the controls, but as yet there wasn't any

response from any of them. "I've got no thruster controls."

The ground was looming closer in the window as the shuttle careened

downward. "We're gonna crash!" yelled Sailor Moon.

Tuvok looked up from his tricorder. According to the readings, the

other Voyager crewmembers should be nearby but he was unable to see them.

"Mr. Lambert." The was a rustling in the undergrowth nearby, and Lambert stepped out into the open. Tuvok nodded in approval. "Excellent

camouflage, Mr. Lambert."

"Thank you, Commander," the former Maquis answered, smiling broadly.

"What's up?"

"We have reason to believe that a rescue party has been dispatched

from Voyager," Tuvok answered. "We --" A flare above them interrupted

him, and they all cast their gaze in that direction. In the darkened

sky they could see what could only be a Starfleet shuttlecraft on a

rapid descent, trailing fire and debris as it did so. "It would appear

that the rescue party may need rescuing themselves," Tuvok noted drily.

"It's going to come down not far from here," Neelix observed.

"Indeed," the Vulcan concurred. "Alert the others, Mr. Lambert.

We must make haste to that location."

Metallah watched as the shuttle continued to fall until it fell out

of view. "So much for their rescue team," she gloated. Dismissing the

image with a wave of her hand, she turned to her elite guard leader.

"Find the wreckage. If by chance there are any survivors... kill them."

Keeping up with someone as nimble as Tuxedo Mask was proving nearly

impossible for Chakotay. Only the density of the local plantlife was

keeping his speed down to the point where the first officer could almost

keep pace. Fortunately though, Tuxedo Mask stopped before Chakotay could

become too winded to stay with him. Leaning heavily back against a tree

to catch his breath, "Why did... you stop?"

Tuxedo Mask didn't reply vocally, but instead pointed skyward.

Chakotay looked in that direction and saw the rapidly descending shuttle.

With nothing else to do, the two of them watched it descend until it

passed behind a ridgeline. Chakotay could guess what was going through

the other man's mind, for it was going through a part of his as well.

"I'm sure Tom Paris was at the helm of that shuttle. If anyone can get

them down in one piece, he can."

"I've got to get there," Tuxedo Mask replied tersely. He started to

move forward, but Chakotay put a restraining hand on his shoulder first.

"We will," he assured him. "But let's take it a little slower, OK?

You might be capable of a ten thousand meter dash, but I'm not. Besides,

it's not as if they can't take care of themselves. And there is such a

thing as safety in numbers."

After taking a moment to think this over, Tuxedo Mask nodded and the

two of them set off at a much more reasonable pace.

Next time: "The Face of the Enemy"

Note: the shuttle 'Shepard' is named for US Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr.,

who passed away on 7/21/98.

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Messaggio da trekfan1 » 11 ott 2009, 11:42

Capitolo 7 - Faccia a faccia con il nemico

Sailor Trek: Voyager by Bill Harris

"We should have known Seska wouldn't let a little thing like death stop

her from getting even."

Tom Paris

Chapter 7 -- The Face of the Enemy

Tuxedo Mask grunted in surprise as he hit the ground hard. He

glared at Chakotay, who had pulled him roughly down. "What are you --"

he began, his voice harsh.

Chakotay quickly covered the younger man's mouth. "Quiet!" he

said in a low voice. Then he pointed over to their right. "We've

got company."

Tuxedo Mask glanced in that direction and was immediately grateful

that at least Chakotay had been paying attention, for one of the Negaran

soldiers could be seen moving in the distance. "I can't believe I

missed him," he muttered, chagrined.

"I wouldn't worry about it. You do have other things on your mind

at the moment." Tuxedo Mask couldn't help but agree. The foremost

thing on his mind had been to get to Sailor Moon as fast as possible.

"The important thing is that they haven't spotted us." Chakotay added

a mental 'I hope' while he tapped his comm badge. "Chakotay to Tuvok,

respond *quietly*."

"Tuvok here," came the muted response. The Vulcan may have only

been masquerading as a Maquis, but he would have made a good one,

Chakotay mused.

"We've got hostiles approaching the shuttle. We could use some

helping hands here."

"Understood," Tuvok replied. "We're on our way and should be there

shortly. Tuvok out."

Chakotay got up and crouched down beside a nearby tree, eyes

constantly looking about for other Negarans. Tuxedo Mask took a position

next to him. "I hate to be a pessimist, but even with all the other

crew here, what can they do to help? You've only got three phasers

among you and they're not exactly much use against the Negarans."

"If phasers don't work, then we'll use sticks and stones. Or even

our bare hands." Chakotay looked him right in the eye. "One rule that

both Starfleet and the Maquis both shared: we don't abandon someone just

because the odds are against us."

"I wasn't suggesting that you not help them," Tuxedo Mask replied.

"I know you weren't. But --" Chakotay never got to finish his

statement, for now Tuxedo Mask dove into him, sending him sprawling on

the ground. The reason was readily apparent as several energy bursts

slammed into the tree he had been next to. Tuxedo Mask leapt to his

feet, ready to do battle with the Negarans. Meanwhile, Chakotay readied

himself to help him in any way he could.

Even if it meant using his bare hands...

Not far from their position, the Shepard, or what was left of it,

lay on the planet's surface. The fuselage was still intact; which was

miraculous considering it had plowed a deep furrow in the ground upon

impact, completely shearing off the engine nacelles. The door opened

partway, then jammed. This was quickly rectified by a pair of gloved

hands that grabbed the door and forced it the rest of the way open with

a shriek of tortured metal. Jupiter leapt out of the wreck and looked

about. "Man, I'm glad to be out of there."

"You're not the only one," Sailor Moon observed as the others

followed her outside. Sailor Moon and Mars assisted Janeway while Venus

aided Paris outside. Mercury followed them, bringing with her the

shuttle's emergency medical kit. Thanks to their enhanced abilities none

of the Scouts had been seriously hurt by the crash, but both Starfleet

officers were groggy at best. Janeway was sporting a large bruise over

her left eye, but Tom obviously had the worst of the crash, as was

evidenced by a rather nasty cut on his forehead.

Venus took one look at the shuttle and grimaced. "Any landing you

can stalk away from is a good landing, I guess."

"Any landing you can walk away from," Mercury corrected her while

she examined Tom's injuries. Fortunately there didn't seem to be any

signs of a concussion. She fished into the medkit for a dermal

regenerator and began applying it's healing beams to the head wound.

"We were lucky," Tom said. "If the captain hadn't managed to bring

those thrusters back online..."

Janeway shook her head. "It wasn't me, Tom. My controls were

completely out."

The helmsman frowned. "Then who..?" Mercury clicked off the regenerator. Satisfied that the instrument had done it's work, she went

over to Captain Janeway.

"It must've been me," Venus said, beaming.

In the middle of conducting a scan of the captain, Mercury almost

dropped her computer while the other Scouts stared at Venus in shock.

"You?" Mars eventually choked out.

"Yep. During the crash, I tried to help out by fiddling with the

panel next to me. Nothing was happening so I finally gave it a good

solid whack." She demonstrated by slapping the flat of her palm against

the shuttle hull. "That's when Tom said he got some thruster control


Silence came over the group while they struggled to accept what she

had said. Finally Jupiter spoke. "I guess the shuttle's systems were

so badly damaged, the only thing she could do to them was get them to


"Yeah. There wasn't any way she could make it any worse," Mars



"It doesn't matter how it happened, whether Venus shocked the

thrusters back online or it just boiling down to good old fashioned

luck," Janeway said. "All that matters is that it worked and we managed

to get down in one piece." Mercury silently agreed with her as she got

back to completing her scan. It seemed that the captain had gotten away

with nothing more than a serious bruise which could easily be treated by...

She blinked. For a brief -- a *very* brief -- moment, Captain

Janeway's EEG had fluctuated, showing once more the double pattern she

had seen on the bridge. For the moment, she decided to say nothing, but

she knew she'd have to speak to Tom about it at the first opportunity.

Seemingly unaware of Mercury's concern, Janeway did notice that Tom

was gazing ruefully at the wreckage of the Shepard. "Something wrong,

Mr. Paris?"

"I was just getting to like that shuttle," Tom responded. "It was

almost broken in."

Janeway smiled slightly and patted the helmsman on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Tom. We'll just build a replacement..." Then, sighing,

she added, "...again."

"Again?" Mars asked. She glanced back and forth at the two

Starfleet officers. "The way you two are talking, you'd think you go

through shuttles the way Usagi goes through her lunch."

"I heard that, Mars," Sailor Moon growled at her.

"Not now, you two," Mercury said. "We don't have any time for this."

Janeway nodded in agreement as she got to her feet. "Mercury's

right. We need to get all the phasers out of the shuttle that weren't

damaged in the crash, along with anything else we can use and then get

out of here. Someone was bound to have seen the shuttle go down, so

we're very likely to have visitors soon. And I don't think they'll be

the friendly type."

Her words proved prophetic, as several Negaran energy bolts shot

into the area. Through sheer happenstance most of them only struck

nearby trees or the shuttle's hull, but one struck Sailor Jupiter and

knocked the tall senshi roughly to the ground.

"Jupiter!" cried out Sailor Moon. Immediately she went to her

friend's side as did Paris. Janeway took up a defensive position while

Venus and Mercury followed Mars' lead and cut loose themselves at the

attacking aliens.

"Jupiter, are you OK?" Sailor Moon asked. Paris was already scanning

her with the medical tricorder and was relieved to note that the blast

hadn't caused any significant damage.

"Oh, I'm fine," Jupiter growled, gritting her teeth, her hand rubbing

the area the blast had struck her in the side. "But *they're* not gonna

be!" With that, she leapt to her feet, shoving her way past the two of

them. Paris could feel static electricity building up as electrical arcs

played around Jupiter. "JUPITER THUNDERCLAP ZAP!" she cried, flinging her

attack into a group of the aliens. There was a loud explosion as the

electrical discharge went off among them. When it cleared, several of

the attackers could be seen lying motionless on the ground.

But more of the aliens came out into the open, more than enough to

replace those Jupiter had felled. Several of them moved rapidly at her,

hoping that she proved less deadly in hand to hand combat. Jupiter

quickly showed them just how empty that hope was as she quickly disarmed

one and then, using a mok'bara throw Worf had taught her, used that

particular Negaran as a weapon against his fellows.

Taking cover by the Shepard, it was near impossible for Janeway to

tell how the others were doing, as the battle around the shuttle was

becoming extremely chaotic. She could hear the Scouts utilizing their

powers all around her, but as was the case in most battles, there was

little she could do at the moment other than try and deal with the

adversaries nearby. One appeared in front of her, ready to rush her

position and she took aim at it, but was taken aback when a fair sized

rock struck the Negaran square in the middle of it's forehead. "Hah!

Take that, you offspring of a Kazon!" a very familiar voice cried out.

Janeway turned towards the source. Sure enough, to her great joy

she saw... "Neelix!"

The Negaran did not seem impressed. In fact, it seemed downright

outraged at the Talaxian's attack, even if it didn't understand his

verbal gibe. It brought it's staff down sharply, sending a bolt of energy

at the Talaxian. But Neelix was far more nimble than it had supposed, and

he ducked down behind a small rockpile. The energy bolt passed over his

head and exploded harmlessly against a nearby tree. Neelix peered back

over the rocks at the Negaran. "Missed me," he taunted the alien.

Undaunted, the Negaran raised it's staff to try again, but this time

a flash of red hit the crystal at it's apex. The crystal fell from the

staff to the ground, cloven in two. The object that had sliced through

it continued unhindered, embedding itself in the ground.

"A rose?" Sailor Moon felt her heart leap for joy upon seeing it, for

it could only mean one thing. She looked up in the direction it had been

thrown from. Sure enough, high up in the trees was... "Tuxedo Mask!"

The tuxedo clad warrior leapt down among several Negarans and his

cane flashed about him, knocking several of the aliens to the ground.

In almost the same instance, two dozen Voyager crewman popped up from

seemingly nowhere and pelted the Negarans with a hail of rocks.

Thrown into a tumult of confusion by this sudden turn of events, the

alien assault faltered. Sensing the opportunity to drive the aliens off

altogether, Janeway cried out, "Now! Everyone attack at the same time!"

"We're on it, Captain," Sailor Moon responded, already beginning

the process of launching her own attack. "MOON SPIRAL HEART ATTACK!"

In nearly the same instance, the attack cries of the other Scouts rang

out through the area.

Between the Scouts' earlier efforts and this sudden barrage, the

Negaran leader realized that her force had been cut nearly in half and

what was left had been thoroughly disheartened. She called out in a

loud, shrill voice for a general retreat.

"That's it, run!" Jupiter shouted after the withdrawing aliens.

"Unfortunately, I have a bad feeling they'll be back," Paris said.

"And probably with reinforcements."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that, Lieutenant," Neelix said. The

Talaxian was smiling, glad to be reunited with some of his shipmates and

with his own performance in the recent battle. "I'm sure we'll be long

gone by then."

The conversation may have continued, but it was interrupted by a

loud (and joyful) cry of "Mamoru!" All eyes turned towards the source

to see Sailor Moon bounding towards Tuxedo Mask and seized him in a tight


"I'm... glad to... see you too, Usagi," he managed to get out.

"But... I can't... breath."

"Oops." She relaxed her grip slightly, but still kept her arms

around him. "Sorry about that."

Janeway turned from the happy reunion and regarded her first officer

with a broad smile. "The idea was for us to enter the citadel and rescue

*you*," she mildly admonished him.

He shrugged, unrepentant. "You know us old Maquis types... We like

to turn the tables on people. But if you want, I suppose we could go

back to our cell."

"That won't be necessary," she replied. "I guess I should have

known that you would be able to find a way to escape on your own."

"I just wish I had been able to get here sooner. But a group of

Negarans were insistent on treating us to their own brand of


"How did you get them to back off?" Janeway asked. "Your phasers

weren't modified to be effective against them."

"True," Chakotay admitted. "But as you saw, Tuxedo Mask can be

quite effective in hand to hand combat. And while the Negarans may be

immune to standard phaser fire, the same can't be said for the local

environment. They started to back off quick enough after I exploded a

rock in the middle of a group of them."

Janeway winced at the thought. "Ouch."

" we've been able to accomplish half our mission objectives,"

Janeway's voice echoed across the bridge. Harry stood in the center of

the bridge, listening intently to his captain's voice while B'Elanna

sat sulking at the engineering station, grumbling to herself over the

loss of another shuttle. "But in doing so we've lost any advantage of

surprise we may have had."

"Do you want us to close in and pick you up?" Harry asked.

"Negative. We still have to find a way to deal with this Negaforce.

If we leave it here unchecked it could prove a danger to the entire

quadrant... if not the Federation, or even the Scout's Earth." There

was a pause on the other end. "I was hoping to keep Voyager out of

danger, but we need every advantage we can get. We'll approach the

citadel on foot. A group will mount an attack on the main entrance

while a smaller team will work their way inside. At the same time, I

want you to bring Voyager into orbit and begin an attack on the citadel

from orbit. Use phasers only, no torpedoes. The two pronged attack

like that should keep the Negarans busy enough that we can get to the

central chamber without interference."

"Understood. When should we begin our attack?"

"I'll signal you when we're ready, Mr. Kim. Good luck. Janeway


In other circumstances, this would be a rather pleasant walk

through the woods, Tom reflected. Even if it was a bit on the dark side

and they were the constant threat of being attacked by the locals.

It was because of that they were being extremely cautious in

approaching the citadel. Mercury and Tuvok were at point, scanning

constantly for any danger. Next came Neelix and Sailor Jupiter. Tom

half hoped that the Talaxian was getting cooking tips from the Sailor

senshi. From the way the two of them were talking, it was entirely


He and Venus were covering one half of their rear sections, while

Chakotay and Mars kept watch on the other flank. That left Tuxedo Mask,

Sailor Moon and Captain Janeway in the center of their party. But he

noticed that Captain Janeway had isolated herself from them, walking

almost all alone in their small band. It went almost unnoticed by the

other two as they stuck close by one another.

Tom had to smile at that. He could imagine that he and B'Elanna

might react similarly under the same conditions.

"I'll take a wooden nickel for your thoughts," Venus spoke up.

Tom took a moment to think about that. "Isn't that supposed to be

'A penny for your thoughts'?"

"Whatever," the Sailor senshi answered. From her tone, Tom got the

impression that this wasn't the first time she had mangled a saying.

"Well to answer your sentiment, I was just thinking that this would

be a rather pleasant walk through the woods under other circumstances.

Especially if you ignore the fact that we're about to invade the

stronghold of some nigh-omnipotent being like this Negaforce."

"You know, that brings something else to mind that I've been thinking

of ever since I heard that the aliens were trying to capture Voyager."

"What's that?"

Venus turned and looked him square in the eye. "What does the

Negaforce want with a starship?"

Mars watched Chakotay try another scan with his tricorder, but

before long the commander was shaking his head in frustration. "If it's

not working, why do you keep trying?"

"Sheer stubbornness," he answered. "I know your friend Mercury

can keep a lookout with her computer, but I like having more than one

option. Of course, that's not always possible." He closed the tricorder

and returned it to his belt. "Like now. I was able to get better range

on a Borg ship."

Mars had started concentrating on the forest surrounding the party,

but this casual statement got Chakotay her full attention. "You've been

on one of those cubes?"

"What was left of one," the first officer replied. "Several months

ago, I led a small away team to get information on what had destroyed it

and it's companion cubes." Chakotay proceeded to give Mars a brief account

of that particular mission which resulted in the Voyager's first

encounter with Species 8472 after the interdimensional aliens had

annihilated a Borg armada consisting of fifteen of their cube ships.

Mars shook her head. "Sounds like they could help you guys against

the Borg."

"The enemy of my enemy isn't always my friend," Chakotay replied.

"Especially in this case. It turns out that Species 8472 has some

extremely xenophobic qualities. We think their goal at the time was

the annihilation of all life in this galaxy. In the end, we actually had

to work with the Borg against them."

Mars almost stopped dead in her tracks. "You're kidding."

"I'm afraid not. But if you don't mind, I'd like to change the topic

of discussion to the more recent past." He took a quick glance at Captain

Janeway, and then added in a lower voice, "Namely, what happened on Voyager

after I beamed down."

"What do you want to know?"

"Mercury already told me the details of what she saw, but I'd like

your point of view as well." He paused momentarily. "Namely, is that my

captain we're following and if so, is she doing this of her own free will."

Mars took this opportunity to scrutinize Janeway once again. "As far

as I know, the answer to both is yes. I'm not sure why she chose to come

along, but I believe she thinks her reasons are valid. Whatever it is

that's inside her head, it's not unduly influencing her." After a moment,

"I think. I can't make any promises about how accurate I am about this."

"Fair enough," Chakotay replied.

At the front of the group, Mercury kept her attention on her scans

of the area, while Tuvok walked beside her alert for anything nearby,

and keeping a firm grip on his phaser rifle. Since the scanning range

of Mercury's computer had proven to be far greater than the tricorders,

the Vulcan reasoned that the most logical course of action was to

maintain a careful watch on the area around them. They had seen that

the Negarans possessed a rudimentary teleportation ability, so it

behooved them to be wary of any Negarans appearing right on top of them.

"We're still clear," Mercury told him. "I haven't detected signs

of any other hostiles since we spotted that band earlier."

Tuvok nodded. Shortly after they had set out, Mercury had picked up

an approaching group, no doubt another assault force to capture them.

Thus warned, they were able to detour around them without being detected

themselves. "Very well. But I recommend you keep a watchful eye out.

We are still some distance from the entrance."

Mercury nodded. She had already deployed her visor and was using

it to keep a constant scan of the area, so that she could keep a visual

lookout herself. "I agree. I just hope you remember the layout of

those tunnels. I could scan them to find the correct route, but it would

be a lot easier if we knew it ahead of time."

"There is no need for you to concern yourself with that," the

Vulcan assured her. "When we recovered our equipment, I stored a map of

the tunnel system into my tricorder." He removed the instrument from his

belt and handed it to her. "If you wish, you can download it into your

computer. As you possess the greater scanning range, it would be logical

to do so."

"Thank you," she answered. With a flick of her wrist, she opened

the tricorder up. Within seconds, she had the Starfleet device

interfaced with her computer and was downloading the maps into it.

Form his place not far behind them, Neelix watched her work with

some awe showing on his face. Finally, moved up to the two of them and

quietly asked Tuvok, "Are you sure you're not related to her, Mr. Vulcan?"

Mercury flushed a light red in embarrassment, while just behind

them Jupiter struggled to conceal her own amusement. For his part,

Tuvok allowed himself a small flash of irritation before he resumed

his emotional control. Even so, he still appeared to be somewhat

exasperated for a Vulcan. "No," he replied, "we're not."

Chakotay frowned. They had made their way back to the concealed

entrance into the citadel, and unlike before there were guards

present -- but only two. "I don't like this," he muttered to himself,

shaking his head.

"Something wrong?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Only two guards," he replied, indicating the Negarans. "I

would've expected there to be more by this point. Metallah knows we

escaped, and she has to know we were moving around inside there by now."

In fact, now that Chakotay took the time to think about it, their

entire sojourn through the citadel had been rather easy. Too easy

by far.

He should have seen it long before now, the former Maquis leader

thought bitterly. But being first officer on Voyager for nearly four

years seemed to have dulled his reflexes, at least as far as these type

of operations went.

"It doesn't matter how many there are, Chakotay," Janeway said.

"It doesn't really change anything. We still have to get past them

and inside."

"Not to worry, Captain," he replied. "We've gotten plenty of

practice at this." He nodded to Tuvok and Tuxedo Mask.

"Be right back," the tuxedo clad man whispered to Sailor Moon.

Before she could answer, he put an arm around Tuvok and jumped upwards,

carrying the Vulcan into the branches above, and they were swiftly lost

to sight. There being little else for them to do, the remainder of the

group waited patiently (or in some cases impatiently) while keeping a

watchful eye out for any other Negarans.

As it turned out, they didn't have to wait long. Seconds after

they gone above, a black blur emerged from the branches and landed behind

the two guards. Before either had a chance to react, Tuvok had already

placed a hand at the base of one's neck. The guard spasmed slightly as

Tuvok performed the nerve pinch and it slumped to the ground. The

second guard fared little better. It had managed to turn to face them,

only to see Tuxedo Mask's cane on a direct course for it's face.

Janeway heard a muffled thud, followed by the Negaran flying into the

nearby treeline. It slammed into a large tree and slumped to the ground.

"That should take care of the guards," Chakotay noted.

"I'm not picking up any other Negarans," Mercury confirmed.

"Then it's time to get moving," Janeway replied. "Tuvok, you and

Sailor Mercury will take point. Tom and Sailor Jupiter will handle the

rear." She tapped her comm badge as she made her way to the entrance. "Janeway to Voyager."

Back on Voyager, there was little else to do at the moment other

than wait for the captain's signal. Seven chose to pass the time by

running a series of diagnostics as well as refining the deflector pulse

they would employ to block potential boarders.

Or that's she would have been working on had she not found herself

being continuously distracted. Finally she had had enough. "Ensign Kim,

would you please stop that?"

Harry paused. He had been pacing back and forth in front of the

command chair, but he seemed genuinely puzzled. "Stop what?"

"Your constant pacing," Seven elaborated. "It is becoming annoying."

At first Harry didn't believe her, but he was forced to when a

glance over at B'Elanna drew a confirming nod. "Sorry. I guess I'm a

little nervous."

Seven didn't react physically other than to return her attention to

the Operations board. But she still said, "Then perhaps the Doctor

should give you a tranquilizer."

That got an sniff from the Doctor. Evidently Seven's comment had

mildly offended the hologram. "I'll handle the medical diagnoses around

here, if you don't mind. Besides, I think it would be unwise to use a

sedative on the current commanding officer just before we go into battle."

"Thanks, Doc," Harry said. "I just wish I knew why the captain was

so insistent on going along with the rescue team."

"I wouldn't know," the hologram replied. "I'm a Doctor, not a

starship strategist."

"Don't worry about it, Harry," B'Elanna commented from the

engineering station. She paused in her current task an looked over at

the young ensign. "You'll do fine, Starfleet."

Harry couldn't help but smile at her use of the nickname she had used

for him during their first encounter, back on the Ocampa homeworld four

years previous. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Maquis."

Although she didn't comment on it, Seven found this whole exchange

not only distracting, but highly inefficient as well. But a chirp from

the Operations panel proved a welcome distraction for her. "We are

receiving a signal from Captain Janeway," Seven said. "They are in


The tension level on the bridge rose dramatically, the bantering

atmosphere rapidly dissipating. B'Elanna made her way to the turbolift,

"I better get to Engineering."

"And me to Sickbay," the Doctor added, following her into the


Harry hesitated, then took a seat in the command chair. "Ensign,

lay in a reciprocal course back to the planet. Bring us out of warp as

close to it as you can."

The helmsman nodded and made the appropriate settings to the helm.

"Course set, sir."

Harry nodded. "Engage at warp six. Graves, sound battlestations."

The bridge lighting shifted to a reddish hue while the alert klaxons

sounded. Within seconds the ship dropped out of warp, the mass of the

planet filling the screen. "Here we go..." he said, taking a deep

breath in a vain attempt to settle his nerves. Never in his wildest

dreams did he imagine that *he* would end up leading Voyager into a


"We are coming over the target area," Seven spoke, still

infernally calm. "Entering optimal firing range.

"Commence firing!"

Lambert almost jumped out of his skin when his borrowed tricorder

beeped. That was the signal he had been waiting for to commence his


Once they had broken off from the main party when leaving the

shuttle, he had lead his band over to what seemed to be the main

entrance into the Negaran citadel. To minimize the risk of detection,

he had broken up the group into small bands with orders to make their

way there as quietly as possible. Fortunately most of those with this

group had been with Voyager's security department, so they had already

been versed in these type of tactics. As far as he knew, the Negarans

were unaware of their presence.

He gave a hand signal to those around him to spread the word to

the others. In less than five minutes, they would begin firing on the

alien stronghold with the phasers they had gotten from the Shepard.

Mars frowned. The tunnels they had entered proved to be deserted

and they had been able to make their way downward without opposition.

The ease of their advance made her uneasy. "Where is everyone?" she

hissed to Chakotay. "This is way too easy."

The first officer nodded. "I had the same thought," he responded,

keeping his own voice low as well. "A few months before we arrived in

the Delta Quadrant, my Maquis cell tried a raid into a the headquarters

of a Cardassian Gul. We managed to sneak inside, but we were soon up

to our armpits in Cardassians. We had a devil of a time just getting

out in one piece. I can't see Metallah having security this bad,

unless..." His voice trailed off.

"You think it's a trap?" Mars asked after a moment.

"That's a good possibility," he answered.

"It doesn't mater, you two," Janeway said from behind them. "If

it is a trap, we'll just have to be ready to spot it before it closes

up. But for now, we are here and so is the enemy." The ground chose

that moment to shake beneath them and a shower of dust rained down from

the ceiling for emphasis.

"What was that?" Venus asked.

"I'd say Voyager's here," Mercury answered. Realizing that time

was growing short, the group hurried their way downwards into the heart

of the citadel.

"This time, you're not getting away," Metallah muttered, watching a

small holographic image of Voyager. It was apparent that the starship

was closing fast on her world and was clearly intent on settling into

orbit. As had been the case when it had reappeared, the attraction beam

was unable to get a firm grip on it. So she would have to employ

alternative strategies to capture the ship. Once again, she called upon

her troops to form boarding parties. Unfortunately, she couldn't call

upon all of them, for some had to be sent to ward off the simultaneous

attack made by some of the Starfleet crew upon the main gate. Meanwhile,

another group of her elite guard combined their energies and hurled

massive energy discharges upwards, just as they had done against the

shuttlecraft. But this time the goal was simply to disable the ship,

not destroy it.

Indeed, great care would have to be taken to avoid damaging the ship

too badly. They still needed it to leave their world and use it to

spread their influence over the entire galaxy. Bringing all that lived

within it under her domain.

So far all was going to the plan, Harry noted. Voyager had settled

into a synchronous orbit over the planet and was firing burst after burst

from it's main phasers.

But it wasn't proving a free ride for the starship. Several energy

bolts, similar and yet larger to those that had attacked the shuttle,

hurtled upwards and impacted on the shields. The bridge shook as yet

another bolt slammed into the shields. "Damage report."

"Shields are at eighty seven percent, and holding," Seven announced.

"They have adjusted their firing pattern again. I am altering the shields

to compensate." The bridge shook once again as another energy bolt

impacted into the shields, but it was noticeably less than before.

"Compensation complete. Shields are holding."

"Acknowledged," Harry said. "Maintain phaser fire, Ensign Graves."

"Aye, sir."

They had reached the entrance to the chamber in the lower levels,

where, according to Chakotay, the real power behind Metallah resided.

Mercury glanced quickly into the room, just long enough for her visor to

get a clean scan. It was more than enough for her to confirm that the

being residing within the container possessed the power and essence of

the Negaforce. However, there were also several odd readings from inside

the entity. She tapped rapidly on the small keyboard, prodding her

computer to provide a quick analysis.

Just down the hall, Mars was starting to fidget, finally prompting

Sailor Moon to ask, "Mars, what is it?"

"That's what," she replied, indicating the chamber. As they had

approached the room, her psychic senses had been warning her of danger.

This close, the sense was almost overpowering. "I'm not sure what's in

there, but I'm getting a really bad feeling about this."

"I think you're just nervous," Venus said.

Mars snorted. "You'd be nervous too, if you had this feeling.

Whatever that thing is in there, it knows we're out here."

That got Chakotay's attention, as well as everyone else's. "If

that's so, then why hasn't it done anything to stop us?"

"How should I know? All I know is that it knows we're out here."

Mars jerk suddenly as if she had been poked with a cattle prod. "And now

it's laughing at us!"

"I am also sensing something usual," Tuvok said. "And I can confirm

my observation on our last visit to this location -- the entity's thought

patterns are human."

"Of course!" Mercury exclaimed. "I should have seen it sooner.

These energy readings I detected inside it are almost identical to a

human brainwave pattern. Much more powerful, of course, but still a

brainwave pattern."

"So now what?" Jupiter asked. "I doubt we can surprise it now."

"We can't go back," Janeway pointed out. "So I suggest we just go inside." Before anyone could object, she stood up and strode into the chamber.

Mars couldn't believe it. "She's gotta be nuts!"

Chakotay shared her misgivings, especially after being given the

warnings from Mars and Mercury, but seeing as there wasn't any evidence

that she was being controlled he still gave Kathryn the benefit of the

doubt. "She's the captain," he said, "It's out job to follow her lead."

Phaser at ready, the first officer led the rest of them into the chamber.

The Scouts shared a doubtful glance among themselves, but followed him


As they approached, the colors within the container pulsed and they

all heard laughter echo within their minds. "Yes, I wanted you here,

Captain Janeway. I knew there would be survivors from that shuttle

crash. Starfleet crews have an annoying tendency to do that. So I

allowed you into here, just as I allowed the others to escape from here.

I had already scanned them, but I wanted to get a clear look into thier

shipmate's minds as well. And it is much easier to do that face to face."

"Well, I hope you find the contents of them interesting," Neelix


The presence ignored him, continuing to talk to Janeway. "However

your mind seems to be resisting my probes, Captain. I find this most


"You'll find I'm full of surprises," Janeway replied evenly. "Now

since we're all here like you wanted, why don't you show yourself?"

The voice chuckled. "Why not?" The colors pulsed again, and

began to glow, flowing out from the container like a liquid. It

reshaped itself outside, assuming a humanoid form dressed in what looked

like a Starfleet uniform from a hundred years ago -- black pants and

boots with a gold shirt. The shirt had a very familiar arrowhead

insignia over the left breast.

Mercury heard Janeway mutter, "At last."

The bridge shook again, as an alarm sounded from the tactical

station. "We've got multiple intruder alerts on several decks," Graves

reported. "But they're scattered in ones and twos throughout the ship."

"Don't let them hook up with each other. Seal them all off with

force fields and then flood those areas with the modified anestazine,"

Harry ordered. "Seven..."

The Borg had already anticipated him. "I am adjusting the deflector

pulse in an attempt to compensate, but I am not optimistic we will be

able to increase it's blocking efficiency." Despite her vocal pessimism,

she kept working on the Ops panel.

"Just do what you can."

"It's working," Graves said. A smile came to her face as she read

the incoming reports. "The new gas is knocking them out cold."

Harry smiled as well. It looked like things were going their way

for a change. "Once they're unconscious, beam them in with their friends

in Cargo Bay One. Then clear all affected areas of anestazine."

The chaos in orbit contrasted sharply with what was happening in

the bowels of the citadel. There a standoff between the infiltration

team and the mysterious humanoid figure was in progress. "Allow me to

introduce myself," the figure said, it's voice resonating deeply. "I

was once known --"

"You were once known as Lieutenant Commander Gary Mitchell,"

Janeway said for him. "Formerly of the Federation Starship Enterprise,

under the command of Captain James T. Kirk."

Mitchell blinked, or at least he appeared to, in surprise. "I'm

impressed, Captain. You know who I am?"

Janeway nodded. "Oh, yes. I know all about you, Commander."

"Hey, do you mind filling us in?" Jupiter asked.

Mitchell smiled. "Go ahead, Captain," he said with a laugh. "If

you make any errors, I'll correct you."

"I'm sure you will," Janeway noted. Turning to her companions she

began, "Over a hundred years ago, the Enterprise was exploring along the

edge of our galaxy. There it encountered a powerful energy barrier that

nearly destroyed the ship when they tried to cross it. For the most part

the crew managed to escape unscathed, but it had a very profound effect

on Commander Mitchell and one other member of the crew. He, and then

later she, started to develop psionic powers at a frightening rate. Soon

he began to see his shipmates as toys for his amusement, and the later

as insects."

"A god does not have to answer to mortals, Captain," Mitchell

snarled, seemingly irritated.

"Absolute power corrupting absolutely," Janeway said, refusing to

back down. "Captain Kirk ordered the Enterprise to make for Delta Vega,

a small and rather insignificant planet near the galactic rim. It

harbored an automated lithium cracking station and it also had enough

supplies and parts to effect repairs on the Enterprise. As it was

uninhabitated, it was also a perfect spot to leave Commander Mitchell."

"You mean they were just going to leave him there?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Far better than the alternative," Janeway told her. "Mitchell was

growing dangerously reckless in using his power. Who knows what he would

have done had he reached a populated world. He demonstrated very

effectively just how dangerous he was when he escaped from confinement,

killing another crewmember in the process."

"I could have killed them all, Captain," Mitchell said.

"I often wondered why you didn't. Though you certainly tried hard

enough to kill Captain Kirk in that final confrontation." Janeway paused

and turned back to face Mitchell. "There's just one thing. I was under

the impression that you and Dr. Dehner had been killed."

"You have such limited thinking," Mitchell said, chuckling. "Our

physical bodies may have perished, but the essence of what we were

survived. Our powers were enough that we had grown beyond the need for

a physical form. But the conflict did weaken us to the extent that we

were mostly powerless for decades. But soon after I had regained some of

my power, a tunnel opened in space and time, leading to Earth in the

Arctic regions. But not my Earth, of course." He turned his gaze to

Sailor Moon. "Instead it lead me to your world, just as you were

beginning your final confrontation with Queen Beryl and the Negaforce."

"You were there?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Yes," Mitchell confirmed. "I watched with great interest as you

battled them. In the moment you defeated them, I absorbed the power of

the Negaforce and took it for my own. But before I could return to my

own universe, the final outburst of power from the Silver Crystal shifted

the far end of the quantum flux to this world. Sixty thousand light years

was too far for me to cross on my own, so I contented myself with waiting

and granting some of my powers to the local population. For the last year

and a half, I have been building up my power and hoping for a ship to

come within range that I could use to get back to the Alpha Quadrant.

The Borg scout ship was the first real hope I had to escape here, but

it proved too tough for capture. Voyager came shortly thereafter, but it

managed to elude me as well. But now I have the information from your

minds that gives me the means to go where and when I will without the need

for a ship."

"You mean you want the Silver Crystal," Sailor Moon said. "Well,

you're not getting it!"

Mitchell seemed genuinely puzzled. "Why would I want the Silver



"Ah," Mitchell said, with sudden realization. "You misunderstand me.

I meant the information in your minds, which gives me the means to avenge

myself on those who have wronged me. Besides, I bear no ill will to you

or your world... indeed I am grateful to you for providing me the means

of escaping endless exile on Delta Vega." His expression hardened as he

turned to the Starfleet personnel. "But the same does not hold true of


"Why?" Chakotay challenged. "What happened to you was an accident.

If there had been any way that Captain Kirk could have helped you..."

"I don't want or need your help!" Mitchell roared. "But Kirk

abandoned me on that desolate world. And now he and his ilk will pay

the price." He waved his hand and a large holographic image filled the

air above their heads, displaying Voyager still maintaining the phaser

barrage on the planet below it. "And it begins here..."

Janeway realized with horror just what Mitchell was intending for

her ship. Hurriedly she slapped her comm badge. "Janeway to Voyager.

Harry, get the ship out of there! *NOW*!!"

Even as she gave the order, Mitchell made a slight, almost

offhanded gesture. As a cold sense of dread gripped her heart, Janeway

knew that it was already too late.

He was already ordering the ship to warp speeds when a loud shrill

alarm sounded, and Harry felt his heart catch in his mouth. This type

of alarm was reserved for when the ship was in imminent threat of


Seven appeared to be as placid as ever, but even she was growing

concerned at the readings in front of her. "Ensign Kim, we have a


"What the hell..." B'Elanna looked up at the warp core. The

steady hum of power from it had suddenly increased in both tone and

pitch. A glance down at the diagnostic panel showed that the power

output from the core was increasing rapidly as well.

Increasing *too* rapidly...

"Power levels in the warp core are increasing geometrically,"

Seven warned, her voice starting to take on an urgent tone. "Core

breach is imminent."

"Eject the core!" Harry ordered. "Now!"

"Everybody out!" B'Elanna urged her engineers, hoping that the core

would hold long enough. But she wasn't optimistic that it would, as

coolant leaks were appearing all over the place as the core's energy

levels exceeded any reasonable level. "Computer, eject the core.

Authorization: Torres omega three seven two." Reaching the door herself,

she saw the core begin to slide downward as the ejection process began...

just as the dilithium chamber split open and released in one large

explosion the raging energies contained within it.

For a split second, another star illuminated the Negaran homeworld.

To be continued..?

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Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
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Messaggio da trekfan1 » 11 ott 2009, 11:43

Capitolo 8 - Rinascita

Sailor Trek: Voyager by Bill Harris

"I don't like bullies, I don't like threats... and I don't like you."
- Captain Kathryn Janeway

Chapter 8 -- Rebirth
They stared with varying expressions of shock at the sight of
Voyager's destruction. Finally, Venus shook her head in denial.
"That... that can't be real. It's gotta be a fake."
"I'm afraid not." The Scouts turned as one to face Mercury. She
in turn had her attention focused completely on her computer. "He
overloaded the warp core, forcing it to generate more energy than it
could possibly handle." She looked up from the palmtop, glaring at
Mitchell. The expression on her face was a mixture of sadness at the
loss of life in orbit and outrage that any being could be capable of
such a wanton act. "The core exploded before they had a chance to
eject it."

Far above them in the Negaran throneroom, Metallah was also in a
state of shock. The ship that she had labored so hard to capture and
use in spreading the power of her people through the stars, had been
wiped from existence. She was certain that nothing her forces had done
would have triggered it's destruction. There was only one explanation
that she could think off. Leaving her second to handle the Voyager
crewmembers attacking the front gate, she strode determinedly towards
the lower chamber.
One was not supposed to question a god, but she had to find out
*why* Mitchell had destroyed the ship.

Metallah was not the only one who wanted the answer to that
particular question.
Janeway turned to face Mitchell, who had an insufferably self
satisfied expression on his face. "Why?" she asked in a bitter voice.
"After trying so hard to capture my ship, why destroy it now?!?"
"I no longer have the need for a starship," Mitchell
explained. "Before, my plan was to use your ship as a means to return
to the Alpha Quadrant and avenge myself on the Federation. I can travel
short distances in space, but even I must rest at certain points. For
the long trip of thousands of light years back to Federation space,
that would mean a voyage of several hundred years at least. The
Federation may not even exist by the time I returned. Therefore to
shorten the voyage, I needed a ship. But thanks to my recently
discovered information, I know how to return quickly to Federation space
and in my own time frame as well."
"And just how do you intend to do that?" Tuvok asked.
Mitchell gazed thoughtfully at him. "I thought Vulcans were
supposed to be intelligent."
"Just answer the question, creep!" Venus snapped.
Mitchell chuckled lightly, as if Venus' display of ire only
amused him. "To answer it simply, by using the quantum fluxes. First
I will journey to your world through the one from this world. Once
there, I can use the quantum flux that Kirk used to get to and from your
universe. That will place me in the Alpha Quadrant with little effort,
and in the right time to properly repay my 'old friend'."
Jupiter frowned. "But wouldn't that put you in deep space near
the Romulan Neutral Zone?"
Mitchell waved it off. "It is of no matter. I can make the short
voyage to a nearby world and easily obtain the services of a starship.
Then I can begin having my revenge on my dear friend James." He took a
moment to ponder the possibilities and smiled. "Maybe even the
Enterprise itself. It would be poetic justice."
"But if you do that, it will change history!" Mercury protested.
"Both for this universe, and to a lesser extent our own."
"So?" The one time Starfleet officer seemed unconcerned. "Why
should you care? The changes to your timeline will be minor. You won't
even notice the difference. As for altering the past of this universe,
I really don't care." He paused, considering. "Now that I think about
it, I think I did the Voyager crew a favor. This way they had a chance
to live and die, rather than simply ceasing to exist."
"And that's supposed to justify that?" Tuxedo Mask exclaimed,
gesturing at the image still displayed above them. "That's supposed to
justify mass murder?"
"A god doesn't have to justify his actions to anyone," Mitchell
said arrogantly. "Least of all to mere mortals."
"You son of a..." Tom began, taking a step towards Mitchell. From
the look on the helmsman's face, it appeared he was going to try and
tear Mitchell apart with his bare hands. Chakotay grabbed him by the
arm, restraining him from trying anything rash.
But there was no one to restrain the Scouts, who had quite plainly
heard enough. By unspoken accord, the group moved in unison, taking up
positions around Mitchell.
"Don't be fools," Mitchell told them. "You haven't got a chance
against me."
"We'll just have to see about that! JUPITER THUNDERCLAP ZAP!" the
tall senshi cried out and unleashed her power at Mitchell. When it
appeared he was unscathed, Venus immediately followed up on her friend's
"VENUS LOVE-CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" The golden band of energy lashed out
and struck Mitchell, who's only reaction was to laugh.
"Is that the best you can do?" he asked, taunting the Scouts.
"Here's a sample of *my* power." Making a sweeping gesture with his
right hand, he sent a pressure wave outward that slammed into both
Venus and Jupiter, sending both of them flying. Venus hit the far wall
hard while Jupiter ended up colliding with Janeway. Thus cushioned,
Jupiter was almost immediately back on her feet but the captain remained
on the ground, dazed from the impact. Venus was also getting back to her
feet, albeit rather shakily. "That was a warning, Sailor Senshi,"
Mitchell snarled at them. "I have no quarrel with you but if you
continue to interfere, I'll crush you like the insects you are!"
If Mitchell had intended to cow the Sailor Senshi and their allies,
he failed utterly. In fact, it seemed that his remarks only served to
harden their resolve. "Well, you'll find these insects have a powerful
sting!" Mars retorted, launching into her attack. "MARS CELESTIAL FIRE
The fire rings struck Mitchell, but had the same effect as the
previous attempts. Which is to say, very little. "Pathetic," he said,
pointing a finger at her. An arc of energy, similar in appearance to
lightning, shot out at her. Mars able to dodge most of it, but the
outer edges of the bolt grazed her right leg. A sharp, searing pain
shot through her knee and she cried out involuntarily.
"Mars!" Sailor Moon cried out and raced to her friend's side.
Ignoring the injured senshi, Mitchell smiled arrogantly at Mercury.
"Go ahead, Mercury. I believe it's your turn."
Mercury quickly went over her options before committing herself.
Considering the lack of success the others were having against Mitchell,
she didn't see how her powers would be much more effective. But maybe
there was a way she could impair him and buy themselves time to regroup
and formulate an alternative strategy. So... "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!"
The temperature of the room dropped drastically as the fog formed
around them. But before it had fully settled in, the fog suddenly
dispersed as quickly as it had appeared. "Tsk, tsk, Mercury," he said,
wagging a finger at her. "I was expecting much better from you."
Sailor Moon looked up in time to see Mercury being struck by
Mitchell's latest attack, a large pressure wave, similar to what had
struck Jupiter and Venus. Mercury flew backwards several meters before
landing hard onto the floor.
"Mercury!" Sailor Moon gazed with deep concern for her friend.
"Are you OK?"
"I'll... be fine," she answered, although the shakiness in her
voice caused a large sense of doubt to rise up in Sailor Moon.
Chakotay and his fellow Voyager crewmate had not been idle. From
almost the first moment the combat started, they had been firing shot
after shot from their phaser rifles at Mitchell. But the self-proclaimed
deity ignored their efforts as if they were less than nothing, preferring
to focus his attention on the Sailor Senshi. Now he was turning his
attention to Venus and Jupiter, who had recovered enough by this time to
reenter the battle. Each of their own individual attacks had proven
ineffective against Mitchell, so they tried combining their powers.
About the only visible effect was that Mitchell seemed to be becoming a
bit irritated. "That's enough playtime," he snarled, turning his gaze
to Jupiter.
Jupiter braced herself to dodge whatever Mitchell sent her way, but
even so she was totally unprepared for what happened. The ground beneath
her feet split open slightly and a swirling mass of vines erupted from it,
quickly ensnaring her arms and legs.
"Hang on, Sailor Jupiter. I'll get you free," Venus said
confidently. She took a step towards her, intending on blasting the
vines holding her friend. Unfortunately, Mitchell had other ideas.
Before Venus could move so much as another millimeter, he looked in her
direction. The blonde froze in midstep, unable to move.
Mitchell pointed a finger in her direction. "Goodbye, Sailor
Venus," he said just before sending a blast of psychokinetic energy
hurtling her direction.
Venus stared wide eyed in horror as the white hot beam shot at
her, unable to move or even to scream. Then, just before it impacted,
she felt something hit her in the side and send her sprawling onto the
ground. Now able to move, she saw just who had knocked her out of the
way... and at a price. "Tom!"
The young lieutenant was lying still, smoke rising from the wound
in his chest. He evidently had attempted to block the blast with the
medkit, but it had gone right through it and struck him just to the right
of his sternum. Chakotay was already racing over to him and reached Tom
just before Venus did. Out of the corner of his eye he noted that Neelix
was using his phaser to liberate Jupiter from the vines holding her...
And that Mitchell was taking aim at the two of them. "Neelix! Behind
Alerted by Chakotay's warning, Neelix dove for the ground, taking
Jupiter down with him. Even so, the lightning like arc still struck the
Talaxian in his left side.
Jupiter tore the remaining vines loose and started to help Neelix
up. "Are you OK?"
"I'll be fine," he said, his voice sounding a bit strained.
"Fortunately we Talaxians are quite resilient."
"Well, thanks for the help, but..." She took a close look at the
wound and gulped. The area around it was charred and cauterized, and
it looked fairly deep to her. "Doesn't it hurt to breath?"
"Not as much as you might think," Neelix assured her. "I never
thought I'd be glad my lungs were stolen four years ago. And luckily,
the one Kes lent me is over here." He patted the right side of his
"You only bought her a few more seconds, Talaxian," Mitchell
sneered as he prepared to fire on her again. But instead he suddenly
pulled his hand back, grimacing in some pain. The rose that had grazed
him was now embedded in the cavern floor. "Finally taking action, Cape
Boy?" he sneered.
"I strike when I'm needed, and when it will do the most good,"
Tuxedo Mask responded. "Besides, I was sure they'd beat you easily."
Smarting from the taunt, Mitchell snarled and hurled a small ball of
energy at him, but the tuxedo clad warrior moved easily out of the way.
'So far, so good,' Mamoru reasoned to himself. 'Now if only I can keep
his attention on me long enough for the Scouts to really find a way to
beat him.'

"Is he...?" Venus began.
Chakotay felt for a pulse, and noted with a great sense of relief
that there was still one to be found. From the severity of the wound,
he had half expected that Tom had been killed instantly. "He's alive,
but it doesn't look good." He reached into the medkit for the medical
tricorder, but found that the small instrument had been partially melted
by the blast impact, rendering the device useless. He glance up at
Mercury. When she had seen Tom go down, she had moved instantly to
render assistance, her own injuries put aside for the moment. "Would
you mind?" he asked, motioning to Tom.
"Of course," she answered, already activating her palmtop. In an
instant the requested readouts started appearing on the display, and she
grimaced as she read them.
Chakotay noticed her expression. "It's that bad?"
"I'm afraid so. He's got severe trauma to his cardiopulmonary
system. I'm surprised he's even alive at all. We need a real doctor to
treat him and..." Her voice trailed off as an odd readout appeared. An
odd datafile had appeared in her computer listing. She toggled the
inquiry to get more information on it, but for some reason it activated
the unknown program.
She readied herself for some other form of trouble, but even so she
still almost dropped her computer in shock when the holographic doctor
appeared in front of her... Or at least a version of him that was one
third his normal size. "Please state the nature of the medical
emergency," he said, then belatedly realized that his surroundings
weren't what he expected. "Wait a minute... I was in Sickbay. What
am I doing here? Where's my mobile emitter?" Then the full extent of
his circumstances struck him. "Why am I the size of a five year old?" he
demanded. "And why is my voice coming from that device?" He gestured to
Mercury's computer at the last.
"Was your computer hooked up to Voyager's main computer?" Chakotay
asked Mercury.
She nodded. "Yes. I saw the overload building up in the warp core
and I linked up my computer to try and help stop it. But the ship
exploded before I could do anything."
"Exploded?!?" the Doctor exclaimed.
Chakotay chose to ignore the Doctor for now. "Then somehow the
Doctor's program must have been downloaded into your computer before the
ship was destroyed."
"Destroyed?!?" the Doctor exclaimed again. He looked bewilderedly
between the three of them. "Will someone tell me what's going on?"
"Later," Chakotay told him. "Right now Tom need's your help if he's
going to have a chance. Suffice it to say that your program is running
off of Mercury's computer. Since it wasn't designed for our type of
holographic programs, that's why your size is smaller and your voice is
coming from her computer."
"Well, I wish it had done a better job of it," the Doctor noted
sarcastically. "At this size, I won't be very good with standard
medical equipment." For emphasis, he stooped down to pick up the
ruined medical tricorder, but his hand just passed tight through the
device. "Correction: I'm not going to be any good in this condition."
"I'll help you, Doctor," Mercury volunteered. She felt a gentle
touch on her shoulder and turned to see Neelix beside her. He and
Jupiter must have moved to their position after the Talaxian had freed
"You're going to be needed back in the fight," Neelix pointed out.
Mercury quickly glanced back to the battle. Sailor Moon was now
confronting Mitchell, who was still busy with Tuxedo Mask. The tuxedo
clad warrior had managed to evade Mitchell's various attacks until now
but he couldn't keep that pace up forever. "On the other hand there's
not much I can do to affect the outcome. I'll assist the Doctor with
"You're right. Here," She handed her computer to Neelix. "You'll
need this to keep the Doctor running." She turned to Venus and Jupiter.
"Let's go."
"Right," Venus responded, and the three of them charged back
towards the conflict.

In the meantime, Sailor Moon had rushed to aid Tuxedo Mask. "We
aren't going to let your attempt to rewrite history succeed, Mitchell!
Besides, I have a hard enough time studying history as it is without
people like you changing it! In the name of the Moon and Starfleet
Command, I'll punish you!" Barely pausing for a breath, she launched
right into her own attack. "MOON SPIRAL HEART ATTACK!"
Chakotay held his breath, hoping against hope that Sailor Moon would
have better luck than her fellow Scouts had been having. But that hope
turned out to be in vain. The first officer swore softly in frustration
when he saw that Mitchell seemed unharmed. "I think I've just about had
enough of you," Mitchell told Sailor Moon.
"And just what do you think you're going to do about it?" she
retorted with more bravado than she felt. Mitchell didn't seem to react
at first, but several pebbles fell down around her. "Huh?" Puzzled,
Sailor Moon glanced to the ceiling above and then froze. A rather
sizable chunk of the ceiling had just broken off and was now plummeting
down at her.
Thankfully, a black blur moved her out of the way just before
impact. The rock slammed into the floor with a mighty crash, but
Mitchell wasn't paying it any mind. Instead, he was glaring at Tuxedo
Mask, who had one arm protectively around Sailor Moon. "Always with the
last minute rescues, Cape Boy?"
"As many as it takes to defeat you," he retorted, readying a rose.
"You don't have that much luck," Mitchell said. He was preparing
to attack the two again, but a disturbance at the cavern entrance
distracted him.An obviously angry Metallah stormed into the room.
Ignoring the scattered Sailor Senshi and Starfleet crewmembers, she
stormed right up to Mitchell, her voice loud and strident as she yelled
at him in her native tongue. "Ah, I see. If you'll excuse me, I seem
to be having a... labor relations problem. But don't worry, I'll get
right back to you." With that, Mitchell seemed to forget about the
battle while he turned his attention to Metallah.

The others moved over to where Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon were
standing. For the moment it seemed that Mitchell was giving Metallah his
full attention, ignoring the Scouts completely. Chakotay hoped that this
lull would give them the chance they needed to regroup and turn the
situation around. But he didn't have much hope that they would as he
watched Tuvok aid a limping Sailor Mars towards the group.
"Now what do we do?" Venus asked. "Nothing we throw at him seems
to touch him."
"Do you have anything else in your arsenal?" Chakotay asked.
"Some other, more powerful attack."
"Yes, there's one more thing we could try," Mercury answered.
Actually, there were two things they could try, but the potential cost
of using the second was not something she cared to contemplate. And it
was for that reason that she dared not suggest it.
Not that she had to. Sailor Moon had already thought of using the
full power of the Silver Crystal here, but she was willing to give
Mercury's alternative a try first. "You're talking about the Planet
Power, right?"
"Yes." Mercury glimpsed over at Mars, who was still being supported
by Tuvok. "But I'm not sure Sailor Mars is up to it."
"I'll manage," Mars retorted. Tentatively she put her weight back on
the leg, but grimaced again. "Though it would be easier if this leg would
stop throbbing."
"Maybe you can get the Doctor to give you a painkiller," Jupiter
Tuxedo Mask took a quick glance at the confrontation. "I'm not sure
you're going to have the time to get it."
"There is an alternative," Tuvok said. The Vulcan moved in front
of Mars. "There are a series of Vulcan disciplines I can use to help
you control the pain and enable you to function at optimum efficiency.
As we do not have the time for me to teach them to you, I must form a
low level mind link between us using a mind meld."
Mars seemed uncertain, but the urgency of the situation prompted her
to nod. "OK, let's do it."
Tuvok place his hand on the right side of Mars' head, placing his
fingers at the appropriate contact points. "My mind to your mind. Your
thoughts to my thoughts..."

"Why did you destroy that ship?!" Metallah raged. "You knew we
needed it!"
"So what if you did?" Mitchell told her. As always when he dealt
with his underlings, he replied in English, using his telepathic abilities
to translate it for her. He crossed his arms and glowered at her. "*You*
may have needed the ship to leave this world... but I no longer do. Not
that I ever really did."
If she had been human, Metallah would have blinked in surprise. As
it was, she did recoil in shock at Mitchell's announcement. "What do
you mean, you don't need that ship? You cannot leave this world without
a ship!"
"You severely underestimate my power, Metallah. I only needed the
ship to reach the Alpha Quadrant in a timely manner. And I only needed
you to acquire the ship for me." He paused and smiled.
"But.... But..."
"Metallah, Metallah," he chided her as one would a child. "There
are still some limits on my powers, and crossing vast distances in space
is one of them. I can easily cross short distances of a few light years
but even I must rest for an extended period after doing so. Hopscotching
like that across the galaxy would take me centuries to reach my goal, which
is why the ship was needed. But now I can take a shortcut across time
and space, thus eliminating the need for a starship." He regarded her
carefully. "But you have served me well. Therefore, rather than force
you to endure the pain of my imminent departure, I will grant you a quick

Tuvok released his grip on Mars and moved back from her. Again she
tried to put weight on her leg, but now it had been reduced to a dull
ache. The damage was still there, but at least now she could walk on
it. "I'm ready," she told the others, nodding her thanks to Tuvok.
"Let's do it."
The others nodded and formed up in a circle. Chakotay moved to one
side, his phaser rifle ready just in case Mitchell turned back to them,
while Tuvok and Tuxedo Mask did likewise on the other.
"OK, creep. This one's for Harry, B'Elanna, Seven and everyone
else on Voyager," Venus muttered, risking a sidelong glance over at

Janeway blinked as she regained consciousness and took a quick
look around to evaluate the situation. Mitchell was confronting a
Negaran, which she had no doubt was Metallah. On the far side of the
room, the Scouts were grouped together, preparing an attack of their own.
Chakotay, Tuvok and Tuxedo Mask were standing nearby them, evidently
providing cover. In another corner she could see Neelix and what looked
like a smaller version of the Doctor (How had *that happened?) tending to
the fallen Tom Paris, who was either badly injured or maybe even dying.
"No more, Mitchell," she whispered, getting to her feet. "You'll kill no
more of my crew today. It ends *here*."


"But you need us!" Metallah shouted, now grasping at straws.
"I need no one," Mitchell said flatly. He leveled a finger at her.
"But there is one more thing you can do for me. When I arrived, I granted
you and you people a share of my power, so that you could help me acquire a
starship. Since that is no longer necessary, I'll take back that power.
It will serve me far better that it will serve you after I have gone."
Before she could protest, a beam lanced out from Mitchell, striking her in
the abdomen. Feeling her powers being drained from both her and her
people, Metallah groaned and fell to her knees.
"You... you cannot do this," she protested feebly.
Mitchell regarded her as one would regard an insect. "Yes, I can.
Goodbye, Metallah." At a thought, a lightning like burst of energy
emerged from his hand and struck Metallah. The ruler of the Negaran
people didn't even have time to scream before she collapsed into a
lifeless heap.

"SAILOR PLANET POWER" the Scouts chorused and the chamber was
instantly filled with a brilliant light.

Lambert wasn't sure what to do. The aliens had been putting up a
good fight at the citadel main gate. But moments ago they had suddenly
ceased firing, and started dropping like flies to their weapons. He
didn't know just what to make of it.
A massive explosion rocked the ground beneath his feet, throwing him
and his fellow Voyager crewman off their feet. Looking upward, he gaped
in shock. The citadel was now a flaming ruin, the top of the structure
having literally evaporated. "What the hell was that?"

Chakotay stared upward at the open sky above him. The Scouts' attack
had completely blown the roof off the chamber and through the citadel
above it. He wasn't sure which amazed him more: the sheer power of the
attack, the fact that he and everyone else in the room were still alive
or that Mitchell seemed unaffected.
Then again, now that Chakotay took a closer look, maybe he had been
affected by the blast after all. Mitchell's form had rippled for a
second before solidifying, and his face bore a pained expression.
Regaining his composure after a moment, Mitchell glared at the Scouts.
"That almost hurt," he growled. A glow formed around his hand as the
Scouts started to take up defensive positions. "Had I not just reabsorbed
the power I had infused the Negarans with, it might have even been enough
to destroy me. But I suppose I should dispose of you, before you pose too
great a threat." Chakotay raised his phaser rifle and took aim, despite
knowing that his efforts would no doubt be useless. Not far away, Tuvok
did the same, while Tuxedo Mask readied yet another rose. But before any
of them could fire, a figure approached Mitchell.
"Mitchell," Janeway said, taking another step closer to the former
Starfleet officer. She could hear Chakotay urging her to get clear but
she ignored him, keeping her attention firmly focused on Mitchell. The
time had long passed to drop the pretense. She and her ally had to take
a direct hand in this before more of her crew paid the price. "Dispose
of *this*!" She raised a hand, pointing in Mitchell's direction.
Immediately a white glow surrounded it and lashed out at Mitchell.
Taken completely by surprise, he fell to the ground with a loud cry.
"Captain?" Chakotay breathed, lowering his phaser. Since they had
arrived on this planet, he had seen many things that would ordinarily be
termed 'unbelievable'. But seeing his captain speaking in the same tenor
of voice as Mitchell, and manipulating energies similar to what he had
been wielding was going well beyond the bounds of believable and into
the realm of the fantastic.
Tuvok, having had known Janeway for far longer than Chakotay, also
seemed stunned by this turn of events. But in typical Vulcan fashion,
his only comment was,"Fascinating."
Mitchell shook his head in an attempt to clear it, more stunned
than anything else. He heard Janeway say something else, but the words
didn't register for him. On the other hand, the tone of her voice did.
It had altered, taking on a resonating quality. Turning to face her, he
received another, more profound shock. Janeway's eyes had a silver
backglow to them, similar to his own. But how was that possible? She
hadn't been exposed to the galactic barrier as he had been all those
years ago on the Enterprise, there was only...
It came to him in an instant. Of course! If he was able to survive
all those years, the so could... "Elizabeth!"
"Got it in one," the entity inside Janeway replied before letting
loose another blast of psychokinetic energy at Mitchell.

"Elizabeth?" Chakotay whispered, still confused.
"He is referring to the entity within the Captain that Mercury and
Mars detected earlier," Tuvok informed him. "Apparently it is Dr.
Elizabeth Dehner, who had been altered in the same manner as Mitchell had
been when the Enterprise attempted to traverse the energy barrier at the
edge of our galaxy."
"Logical," Mars agreed. She had already 'heard' Tuvok reason this
out moment ago through the mindlink between them. "When Voyager first
crossed over to our universe, Dehner's essence must have somehow infused
itself within Captain Janeway. That's what I sensed in the ready room."
Sailor Moon looked oddly at Mars. Her manner of speaking had taken
on a distinctly Vulcan tone. "Are you sure you're feeling OK, Mars?"
"She's fine, meatballhead," Tuvok said suddenly. The Vulcan then
shifted somewhat uncomfortably under the stares he was getting. "As am I."
Despite the seriousness of their situation, Chakotay couldn't help
but chuckle slightly. "I wish Tom had been able to hear you say that."

Trying to press the advantage surprise had gained them,
Janeway/Dehner bombarded Mitchell with all the power Dehner could muster.
At first it seemed to Chakotay that they had him on the ropes. But all
too soon a glow surrounded Mitchell, one that seemed to be protecting him
from the onslaught.
"He's forming a shield," Mercury confirmed.
"Great. Is there anything this creep can't do?" Jupiter muttered.
"Die, apparently," Chakotay observed.
'We'll have to see about that,' Sailor Moon thought, and began
edging over towards Mitchell. If Janeway and Dehner failed, she could
see only one course of action left, and she just knew her friends would
make major objections if she proposed it.
Janeway gritted her teeth, and mentally urged Dehner to intensify
the attack. They had to take him out quickly. If Mitchell got a chance
to recover, they might not get another chance like this. Accordingly,
Dehner summoned up more of her power and channeled it into the barrage
they were maintaining against Mitchell. The glow of energies surrounding
the former Starfleet officer grew to the point where Mitchell could no
longer be seen. It was now impossible to tell if the bombardment was
having affect on him.
The answer became readily apparent when a large pressure wave came
from Mitchell's location, emanating in all directions and scattering
Janeway, the Scouts and the other Starfleet officers about as if they
were tenpins. Janeway shook her head to clear it and struggled to her
feet. Seeing that Mitchell was also standing, she and Dehner prepared
themselves to renew the battle.
"A good try, Elizabeth," Mitchell said. He may have looked as if he
had just run a marathon, but it was plain to see that his strength was
returning rapidly. Janeway could feel Dehner's own power starting to
renew itself, but she felt certain that it wouldn't be fast enough.
"Inhabiting the captain and hiding yourself inside her mind until you
could get close enough to strike was a clever strategy. You almost had
me there... for a moment. But the moment has passed."
"You haven't won yet, Mitchell," Janeway replied.
"True, but it's only a matter of time now," he told her. "My power
was always greater than yours, Elizabeth. That was true on Delta Vega,
and it's even truer now that I have the energies I took from the
Negaforce to draw upon. You haven't got a chance."
Both Janeway and Dehner knew that this was most likely true, but
that didn't stop her from trying to strike at Mitchell again.
Unfortunately, he was prepared for her blow this time and parried it
before retaliating with a strike of his own. Janeway fell to the ground
with a loud cry of pain.
Mitchell took a couple of slow, measured steps towards her.
"Goodbye, Elizabeth."
"Hold it!" a voice cried out.
Turning to his right, Mitchell saw Sailor Moon facing him defiantly.
If her bravado impressed him any, he didn't show it. "If you don't mind,
I'm busy. Besides, I already took your best shot, remember?"
"That was just for starters. If you were really at D Point, you
know for certain that I can do more than that," she countered.
Mitchell raised an eyebrow as a glow started forming around the
broach containing the Silver Crystal. "So you intend to use that little
jewel. Well, if you want to throw your life away in a futile attempt to
stop me, go right ahead."
"If that's what it takes to stop you, then so be it," she answered
without hesitating. "You're the kind of monster who would destroy
everything just for the sheer fun of it. Eventually you'd get around to
destroying my world. Even if you wouldn't, I'm not about to let you
destroy this universe. For this world and for these people, but most
especially my friends -- both the Sailor Senshi and those Starfleet
people we've met along the way. So for the sake of Kirk and Spock,
Picard and Riker, the crew of Voyager and even Worf... I'd gladly
sacrifice my life to stop you."
Another moved to stand beside Sailor Moon. "If the cost must be
paid in lives, then you should not be the one to pay it, Sailor Moon"
Janeway/Dehner said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "We should be the
one's to shoulder the burden."
Sailor Moon shook her head. She may be willing to make the supreme
sacrifice herself, but she was unwilling to allow someone else to do the
same. "Captain, I can't let you..."
"It was my ship. Those still alive, both here and on the surface,
are my crew," Janeway interrupted, the tone of her voice making it clear
that the Starfleet captain, not Dehner, was speaking at the moment.
"We've both made the choice willingly, Sailor Moon. One way or another,
it ends... *now*." Not giving the Sailor senshi a chance to make any
further argument, Dehner used her own powers to link with the Silver
Crystal, and began funneling her energies through it. Realizing that
any further argument would be pointless, Sailor Moon willed the Crystal
to life. A bright beam emerged from the Crystal, striking Mitchell and
actually staggering him.
"Come on," Tuxedo Mask urged the others. "We have to help Sailor
Moon." The others nodded, and followed his lead,taking up positions
just behind Sailor Moon and Captain Janeway.

Regaining his senses at long last, Chakotay took in the situation
with a glance while he help Tuvok to his feet. "Grab your phaser," he
instructed the Vulcan. "Set it for continuous fire at maximum intensity."
Even as Tuvok made the adjustments to his weapon, he felt compelled
to point out the obvious. "Commander, given the amount of power
demonstrated by Mitchell, the Sailor Senshi and even Captain Janeway,
I am uncertain as to the difference two phaser rifles will make to the
"Maybe it won't make any difference," the first officer conceded.
"But that's our captain out there, and I intend to give her whatever
help I can."
Chakotay half expected Tuvok to point out the illogic in making a
futile gesture, but the Vulcan surprised him by simply saying, "Agreed,"
before aiming and triggering the phaser.

Neelix watched the battle progress uneasily. "I wish there was
something we could do to help."
"I'm afraid there isn't, Mr. Neelix," the Doctor noted. "All
either of us can do now is watch... and hope."

As the battle intensified, the power of the Crystal forged a link
between the three minds utilizing it -- Sailor Moon, Captain Janeway,
and Dehner. Each of them felt the determination the others felt to
destroy Mitchell, but Dehner kept some of her own thoughts to herself.
She knew that Sailor Moon would object strenuously, and Janeway most
likely would as well, but she did not intend to survive this battle even
if they proved victorious. . It had been hard enough for her to hold
onto her own humanity for only a century of this type of existence. She
knew that if she lived on, she could become as bad if not worse than
Mitchell, and she would rather die before that happened.
Sensing that Mitchell was close to breaking -- after all, he was
under attack by not only Dehner's full power, but Sailor Moon's
reinforced by the other Scouts and by two phaser rifles, -- Dehner
concentrated on pouring her last reserves of power into it and she
mentally urged her two allies to do likewise. Both agreed instantly,
and she felt the output from the Silver Crystal increase to yet another
At long last, Mitchell's shielding failed him and the full power
of the Crystal struck into the core of his being. Dehner took a moment
to redirect the Crystal's powers into another avenue before Sailor Moon
would cease fire. If the legends of it's power were true, then she
could use it to help Captain Janeway and repay her for her assistance.
It would take the last reserves of her own power, but she no longer cared.
There was only time to say... "Goodbye."

Had anyone been there to see it, the view from space would have
proven breathtaking. In the span of less than a second a fountain of
light erupted from the heart of the citadel and soared upward into space.
The base of it spread outward in all directions, rapidly spreading out to
cover the entire planet. Wherever it touched, the faded and drab look
the surface had possessed was replaced with bright and vivid colors that
were normally typical of a class M world. The top of the fountain
continued skyward, reaching outward into space until it touched the
debris field that had once been an Intrepid class starship.

Unaware of the events taking place above, all Chakotay could do
was shield his eyes, trying to keep his phaser firing at where he
thought Mitchell was and hope that what he was doing would make some
small difference. He hadn't thought it was possible, but the light from
this display of power was even more brilliant than when the Scouts had
launched their Planet Power attack. Eventually the light faded, allowing
him to lower his hand and look directly at the scene. The captain still
stood there next to Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Mask and the other Scouts were
standing behind them. Of Mitchell, no sign remained. Everyone present
was frozen for a moment... until Captain Janeway and Sailor Moon both
"Kathryn!" "Usagi!" Both Chakotay and Tuxedo Mask were first to
react. Tuxedo Mask rushed over to Sailor Moon's side, while Chakotay
likewise went to his captain. Chakotay immediately checked for a pulse,
and was relieved to find one, even if it was light and thready. "Neelix,
bring the Doctor over here!" he called over his shoulder.
"On our way, Commander," the Talaxian responded.
Nearby, Mercury was checking Sailor Moon's condition through her
visor and sighed with relief. "Her bioreadings are low, but seem to be
stable for the moment. I think she'll be OK, but we should get to some
a medical facility of some sort as soon as possible."
A wave of relief washed over the Scouts, but Mars felt a sense of
worry coming through the mindlink she still shared with Tuvok. Turning,
she saw the Vulcan was gazing at his captain and friend, the concern he
was feeling evident in his thoughts and even on his face. "Mercury,
what about Captain Janeway?"
She turned to the captain and waited for a moment for her visor to
process the data it was receiving. When the readings were finally
displayed, the relief she had felt moments before ebbed from her like
the receding tide. "It's not good," she decidedly understated. "Her
bioreadings are even lower than Sailor Moon's. If we don't get her
some medical help soon..."
"Neelix, where's that Doctor?" Chakotay called out.
"Keep your shirt on, Chakotay. We had to pick up what was left
of the medkit."
The first officer looked up suddenly, then almost shrugged in
resignation. What was one more shock after everything else that had
happened. "Tom? But how..?"
"I'm afraid the answer to that medical miracle will have to wait
until later," the Doctor noted drily. "Mr. Neelix, if you'll put the
computer down on my level..."
"Of course, Doctor," he said, and put Mercury's palmtop on the
ground in front of the hologram.
The Doctor grimaced as the readings scrawled across the screen.
"There's no time to lose. Mr. Paris, administer two cc's of cordrazine
to the captain, and zero point two cc's of it to Sailor Moon."
Paris started to make the appropriate settings to the hypo, then
paused. "Did you say two cc's?" Needless to say, that was a rather
large dosage of the powerful stimulant.
"I did, Mr. Paris. And hurry up about it. We're losing ground
Janeway's eyes snapped open almost instantly after Paris injected
her. She looked around wildly for a moment before she focused on...

Tom moved over to Sailor Moon and, after resetting the hypo to
administer the smaller dosage, gave her an injection. As with the
captain, the results where immediate. She stirred and opened her
eyes. Seeing Tuxedo Mask hovering over her, she gave a weak smile.
"Hi yourself," he answered.
Behind him, Mars sighed in relief. "I swear, Usagi, if you ever
do anything like this again, I'll... I'll kill you myself."
Mamoru saw a mischievous gleam come into Sailor Moon's eyes and
knew instantly that there was going to be trouble. "Why Rei," Sailor
Moon said. "I never knew you cared."
"WHAT?!?" Mars screeched. "Of *course* I care!"

"Try not to talk, Captain," the first officer told her. How weak
her voice had sounded chilled him to the bone. "Save your strength."
"No time for that," she said. She could feel the effects of the
cordrazine injection wearing off already. "Just... those still alive,
Chakotay. Do whatever you have to do, but... Get them home."
"You'll be able to do that," he objected. "Just rest and let the
Doctor do his..." He froze momentarily as her head rolled to one side
and her body fell limp. "Captain!"
"Her vital signs are falling rapidly," the Doctor said with alarm.
"Mr. Paris, prepare another injection. And somebody get the cortical
stimulators ready."

Janeway heard Doctor's initial statements, but the conversation
after that had become a rather indistinct mumble that grew fainter as
time passed. That combined with the fact that the light was fading
around her into darkness, made her fairly certain that she was dying.
At least she had been able to keep Mitchell from making good on his
threat of annihilating the Federation in the past. Her crew's friends
and families would be safe, even if they didn't know the ultimate
sacrifice most of them had made to insure that. 'I only wish... That I
could have gotten them, *all* of them, home,' Janeway thought as she
felt the darkness close in on her.
"You will."
Who said that? Was it some aspect of Dehner that remained with
her, speaking to her in her mind? Was she still mind linked with
Sailor Moon? She couldn't be sure. Maybe she had simply imagined
it. Indulging in a bit of wishful thinking just before the end.
Then, just before the darkness became total, she was certain she
heard a voice rising above the din from the outside world.
"Voyager to Captain Janeway."


"Well, that was certainly interesting. But I always knew that
Kathy had it in her."
If she could have, Janeway would have frowned inwardly. There
was something about that male voice that was familiar. But before she
could puzzle it out further, an unknown female voice spoke in a light,
almost teasing voice, "If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were
carrying a torch for her."
"Oh, please, my dear," the male replied, sounding offended.
"One ball and chain is enough. I only hold the utmost respect for


"...she's coming around now."
Hearing that voice, Janeway forced open her eyelids and was
instantly positive that she was dreaming somehow. She blinked a couple
of times, but her vision remained steady. In fact, she could have sworn
she heard... "Doctor?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
The hologram came into view above her, not the midget version she
had seen during the battle below but instead back at his normal size.
"Take it easy, Captain. You're out of immediate danger, but your system
is still weak from your ordeal. I'd rather you keep off your feet for
a bit."
Janeway nodded. At the moment she felt like a wet dishrag, but she
still felt compelled to prop herself up on her elbows. She looked around
her and felt as if she might lapse into unconsciousness again. Somehow,
someway, she was lying on the surgical biobed in Voyager's Sickbay.
Unless she were hallucinating then by some improbable miracle, Voyager
had been reborn. "This is impossible. I saw the ship destroyed."
"We all did," Amy said. For some reason Janeway was unaware of, she
had transformed back into her normal identity. Standing behind the
biomonitors, she glanced back and forth between them and her computer.
"All her bioreading appear to be normal, Doctor, if a bit on the weak
side. And that includes her EEG. But since it appeared normal
before..." Her voice trailed off and she glanced meaningfully at
"You needn't worry, Amy," Janeway reassured both her and the Doctor,
"The only one using my head right now is me. Dr. Dehner is gone...
forever." Feeling some of her strength returning, she swung her legs
off the biobed and sat up. Maybe a bit too quickly as the room
threatened to start spinning around her.
"Captain, I told you to take it easy!" the Doctor admonished her
She held up a reassuring hand. "Don't worry, Doctor. I'm not
going to push it anymore."
"I've heard that one before," the hologram groused.
"Well... not today if that makes you feel any better," she added
with a smile. "How long was I out. And how did..?" She moved her hand
to indicate the room around her and the ship beyond the Sickbay walls.
"You've been unconscious for nearly a full day. And as for the
ship... I guess you could say that things like this tend to happen when
the Silver Crystal is used in that manner," Amy answered. "When Sailor
Moon first used it's full power, during our final battle with Beryl, it
somehow brought all of us back from the dead." She paused, considering.
"Still, I wonder why Sailor Moon wasn't as affected as you where."
"If I had to guess, I'd say that it was a result of Dr. Dehner's
influence," Janeway theorized. "I seem to recall her using her own life
force to empower the Silver Crystal at that critical moment."
"Well, I for one am glad to be back on the ship and out of
Mercury's computer," the Doctor said. "Existing as the 'Chibi-Doctor'
had it's drawbacks."
"What about the rest of the crew? And Tom?" Janeway asked.
"All personnel are accounted for, Captain," the hologram assured
her. "And in excellent health, I might add. Another side effect of
the Silver Crystal, I believe. You and Sailor Moon were the only ones
I had to treat in the aftermath. In fact, I was able to release Sailor
Moon from Sickbay some time ago. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Not
waiting for her reply, the hologram tapped onto his comm badge. "Doctor
to Chakotay."

On the bridge, Chakotay looked up expectedly. "Go ahead, Doctor."
"I'm pleased to report that Captain Janeway has regained
consciousness and is completely out of danger."
Chakotay could almost feel the tension that had been lingering over
the bridge crew literally evaporate. For each member of the bridge crew,
and those Sailor Senshi present, the tense expressions faded to be
replaced with smiles. Even Tuvok seemed somewhat relieved to hear the
Doctor's news. "I'm on my way down, Doctor. Chakotay out." Rising from
his seat, Chakotay gestured to the tactical station. "Tuvok, you have
the bridge."
"Acknowledged, Commander," the Vulcan replied as the first officer
made his way to the turbolift.
Rei got there before he did. "Mind if I come along?"
"Not at all," Chakotay answered, motioning her towards the turbolift.
"Looks like the good guys win again," Minako observed as the doors
closed behind them.
"Yep," Makoto agreed with her friend. "This calls for a celebration."
Tuvok frowned as he assumed his position in the center seat. "A
"Yeah, you know. A party."
"I fail to see any cause for celebration," Tuvok said. "This ship
and crew has endured numerous hardships over the last few hours, even
leading to it's own, if temporary, destruction. It is only by sheer
good fortune that we have emerged unscathed."
"Yeah, and *that's* what we're celebrating!" Makoto told him.
"Don't be such a stone in the swamp, Tuvok," Minako chided him.
The Vulcan frowned. "'Stone in the swamp'?" he questioned. "I do
not believe I am familiar with that human phrasing."
"I think she means 'stick in the mud'," Tom said.
Minako shrugged. "Whatever."
"Well, I think having a party is a brilliant idea," Neelix said,
heartily embracing the notion. "And as the ship's morale officer, I'm
going to insist on it to Captain Janeway... after the Doctor releases her
from sickbay, of course."
"Do you think she'd mind if started getting things ready?" Makoto
"Of course not," Neelix said. "And I should get started right
away, too." He started for the turbolift, then paused and turned back
to the two girls. "Would you two mind giving me a hand?"
"Sure!" they chorused.
Sitting at the engineering station, B'Elanna watched with some
apprehension as the trio made their way to the turbolift, on their way
to the mess hall. "I hope that Minako can cook better than she handles
"She does not," Seven stated flatly.
B'Elanna groaned softly. "That's just great. We survive all this
only to killed by terminal food poisoning."
"Well, at least we know there's one good cook in the bunch," Harry
pointed out, trying to make the best of it.
Turning in his seat, Tom looked around at his shipmates. "So... Any
bets on which of them will poison someone first?"

Playing the role of a good host, Chakotay allowed Rei to precede
him into the room. When he did follow her inside, he felt a palpable
sense of relief when he actually saw his captain and friend sitting up
on the biobed. Of course he had known he would, having heard the
Doctor's announcement minutes before. And while he did trust the
hologram's abilities, there was nothing like seeing that fact for
oneself to dispel any lingering doubts.
Rei was also glad to see the captain nearly recovered, but at the
moment she had something else on her mind. A quick glance to Amy
confirmed that all traces of Dehner seemed to be gone from Janeway's
mind, but she wanted to be sure for herself. Not saying anything
initially, she approached the biobed and stared intently at her.
"Why do I get the impression that you're probing the depths of my
soul?" Janeway asked lightheartedly.
"That's because I am," she replied. Ignoring Janeway's look of
incredulity, Rei continued her probe until she was satisfied. "There's
no sign of any other minds other than her own." She gave the captain
a meaningful look. "Not that I can detect, I guess."
"I can see that I'm going to be apologizing for keeping that little
fact concealed for quite a while," Janeway observed.
Chakotay shook his head. "Not to me."
"Huh?" Rei looked mystified.
"I know from experience that there are times when a captain needs to
keep information to him or herself," he explained.
"But you wouldn't mind an explanation," Janeway said.
Chakotay nodded. "True."
"If this were just a matter of trust, Rei, I would have told you
and the others about it in a second. But you saw how powerful a
telepath Mitchell was. He would have taken that knowledge from your
minds in an instant, and then we would have lost the only advantage we
had -- surprise."
"Not that it made much of a difference," Rei said.
"I'm afraid so," Janeway said, sighing. "The original plan Dehner
and I had created was for me to confront him alone after we had freed the
away team. She could have concealed myself, Tom and the Scouts from him
until that was done. After that, there would be too many minds for her
to hide. Once that was done, I would have sent the others back to the
ship in the Shepard, while Dehner and I confronted Mitchell."
"Given how powerful he was, that course of action would have been
suicidal," Amy pointed out.
"And somehow, I don't see Commander Chakotay agreeing to leave you
behind to face him," the Doctor added.
Chakotay nodded. "You got that right."
"Well, Mitchell was much more powerful than either of us had
anticipated, so it's probably just as well," Janeway conceded. "Besides,
the destruction of the shuttle took care of that idea."
"Speaking of the shuttle..." Chakotay began.
"That's right," Janeway said. "We should send down a team to
recover the wreckage. It'll at least give B'Elanna something to work
with for fashioning a replacement."
"That's not necessary," Chakotay told her. "We haven't been
sitting on our hands waiting for you to recover. I sent a team down
shortly after we returned to the ship. They found the Shepard in
pristine condition, with absolutely no signs of damage. It's currently
back in the shuttlebay."
"Why am I not surprised at that?" Janeway asked wryly. "So how are
we otherwise set?"
"All personnel are safe and accounted for," the first officer told
her. "As for the ship, there's no sign of damage to any of the ship's
systems. In fact, things seems to be running better than before we came
to this planet."
"Well, at least some good came out of this," the captain observed.
"By the way, where are the other Scouts?"
"The last I saw, Makoto and Minako were on the bridge," Rei answered.
"And Usagi and Mamoru?"
Chakotay decided to answer that one. "I gave them permission to
use holodeck one for an extended period. It seemed the least we could
do was to give them some time to themselves."
"I wonder what program they chose?" Janeway mused.
"I don't have any idea," Chakotay confessed, "But I think Tom may
have made a suggestion or two."

Usagi looked dubiously about the cafe. Using the holodeck to visit
a French cafe had seemed like a good idea before, but some of the
characters the holodeck had created were downright strange. Especially
the one guy who was constantly playing pool. "Mamoru, are you *sure* this
is the program Tom was talking about?"
"Reasonably sure," he answered. "At least, I didn't see another
program labeled "Sandrine's" in the listing."

Next: Wrapping up a few things in the epilogue (such as getting the
Senshi home) before the story ends.

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Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
Località: Italy

Messaggio da trekfan1 » 11 ott 2009, 11:44

Capitolo 9 - Energia

Sailor Trek: Voyager by Bill Harris


"...and imagine yourself in the place where you've been the most

at peace with yourself."

Rei tried to relax and comply with Chakotay's urgings, but it

wasn't easy. Even discounting the recent events surrounding their visit

to Voyager, there had been many factors in her life that had discounted

her feeling relaxed in any manner. Especially since she had gotten that

vision of utter devastation. After a moment she sighed. "I don't think

this is..." she began, but her voice trailed off when she opened her

eyes and got a good look at her surroundings.

Instead of being in Chakotay's quarters, she found herself somewhere

on the temple grounds. No mater how carefully she looked, she couldn't

tell the difference between this and reality. "Whoa. This is weird."

"Don't worry about it," she heard Chakotay's disembodied voice tell

her. "You should see your animal guide somewhere nearby. Just remember

not to tell me or anyone else what it is, or you'll offend it."

"I heard you the first time," Rei grumbled while looking around

the grounds. At first she thought the chuckling she heard in the

background was from Chakotay, but she soon realized that the voice was

much too deep to be that of Voyager's first officer. Turning towards

the source, she found herself confronted by a large gray wolf. The

wolf looked her over very carefully, and then seemed to grin.

"Greetings, cubling. I've been waiting for you."

Though she had been told the animal guide would be able to

communicate with her, the sight of a talking wolf proved very startling

for Rei. She gasped in surprise, and then blinked as she suddenly

found herself back in Chakotay's quarters.

"Something wrong?" Chakotay asked, still seated on the floor in

front of her.

"It spoke to me!"

Chakotay smiled. "I did tell you they would be able to


"I know, I know," Rei conceded. "Still, it was really weird

hearing..." Chakotay opened his mouth to warn her again about speaking

of her animal guide, but his fear proved to be groundless. "

animal speak like that."

"I understand," Chakotay assured her. "The first contact is always

the hardest one, depending on the individual, of course. On one hand,

Captain Janeway's went relatively smoothly. On the other extreme,

there's B'Elanna."

"Oh?" Rei cocked an eyebrow in a very Tuvok-like manner. It was

all Chakotay could do to keep from grinning broadly. "What happened?"

"B'Elanna's the only person I know who tried to kill her animal


Rei's other eyebrow went upwards. "Fascinating." This time

Chakotay did grin, and Rei flushed red and tried to hide her face with

one hand. "I don't believe I said that."

"I wouldn't worry about that too much. It's only a side effect of

the mind link, and Tuvok did tell you it should fade soon enough.

Besides, I think Tuvok finds it a little more distressing sounding like


Rei felt her temper flare, and she glared at Chakotay. "What's

that supposed to mean?!?"

"Only that a Vulcan is even more embarrassed acting like a human than

you should be for acting like a Vulcan," he reassured her. He gestured to

the akoonah on the floor between them, "If you want, you could try to

re-establish contact."

"I don't think there's time for that right now," she answered. She

stood up and Chakotay did likewise. "I think Neelix's party is about to

start. But I should be able to make contact with it on my own later,


"That's right," Chakotay confirmed. "And if what you tell me about

your fire readings, you won't need an akoonah either. The fire reading

ritual itself should be more than enough to induce the proper mental


Rei nodded. "Okay, maybe I'll try it after I get back home.

Thanks, Chakotay."

"Anytime," he responded as she left the room. After she had gone,

Chakotay sat done on the floor once more, and rearranged the contents of

his medicine bundle in front of him. He had a few things to work out for

himself after recent events, and there was no time like the present. He

picked up the river rock and, cupping it in both hands, closed his eyes; trying to clear his mind. When he felt ready, reached out with his right

hand and placed it atop the akoonah. "A-koo-chee-moya. I am far from

the sacred places of my grandfathers. I am far from the bones of my

people. I come here seeking guidance..."

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a forest glade much

like what one would find in North America. All was still about him except

for the sounds of birds chirping in the distance.

Then there was a rustling in the bushes on the far side of the

glade, from which emerged large gray wolf. Though he did not know it,

Chakotay had the same animal guide as Rei, and it was here to greet him

as always.

Sensing his need for answers, the wolf turned and headed for one of

the many trails leading from the glade. Chakotay hurried to follow the


It seemed as if he wandered about the forest for hours, though it

may well have been minutes. Time was hard to tell on a vision quest.

But eventually trail led to the mouth of a cave. It was impossible to

see what was within, for the inside was as black as pitch. Still the

wolf unerringly went inside, not bothering to see if Chakotay followed.

Pausing at the entrance for only a fraction of a second, the first

officer went into the cavern...

...and emerged into a sea of white.

Yet not entirely white, for the background swirled about him,

hinting at colors he could not perceive directly. And the was a large

structure nearby, one that resembled a large door or gateway if nothing

else. He looked around it carefully, but he could not tell where it led

too, only that there was a mass of pulsating energies within the frame of

the door. "What is it?"

"It is a gateway," a voice answered him. Chakotay whirled about to

face the source. It was a humanoid female, dressed in attire that was

similar in form to the Sailor Senshi. She also bore a staff which had a

vague resemblance to a large key. "The Gateway of Time, to be exact.

But what are you doing here?"

"I was brought here, by my animal guide."

"I see," she replied, then paused in contemplation. "I wonder why

the old wolf brought you here?"

Chakotay was shocked that she knew what his animal guide was, but

he struggled to conceal it. "Who are you?"

"I am Sailor Pluto, the guardian of this realm," she answered,

staring sternly at him. "I trust you have a good reason for coming

here, Commander."

'Sailor Pluto?' Chakotay thought. So far this was turning out to

be one of the stranger vision quests he had ever been on...

B'Elanna took a moment to wipe off the sweat that was accumulating

on her brow. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"I don't know what you're complaining about," Makoto replied. "I

think this is fun."

"Some fun." B'Elanna took a moment to look at her surroundings

once again. She and Makoto were in the middle of the standard Klingon

calisthenics holoprogram, and as before, she was having a miserable time

in it. "If I wanted to be hot and sweaty, I'd create a program for

somewhere on Cardassia Prime."

Makoto's brow furrowed, showing the puzzlement she felt. "Cardassia

Prime? Where's --"

Before she could finish, a loud cry echoed around them and various

holo-monsters charged the two of them. Makoto heard B'Elanna cry out

followed by a loud splash, but she was too occupied with the assorted

creatures to do anything about it. Handling the bat'leth as if she had

been born to it, she block the incoming attacks and disabled the

creatures one by one. When the last of the holo-creatures hit the floor

and dissolved, she turned and looked for the Voyager engineer.

Finding her wasn't hard. B'Elanna was a few meters behind her,

sitting waist deep in a pool of marsh water and looking as if she was

getting angrier by the second. Makoto choked off a laugh, but enough

escaped to send B'Elanna flying into a rage. "That does it!' she

exclaimed, standing up and trying fruitlessly to wring the water out of

her clothes. "I have had *enough* of this ridiculous program!" She bent

down and picked up her own bat'leth before slogging her way out of the

water. "Computer: end program!"

The scenario dissolved around them, revealing the hologrid. Still

enraged and thoroughly soaked, B'Elanna started storming for the exit.

But Makoto grabbed her before she got to the exit. "B'Elanna --"

"Let me go, Makoto," she retorted flatly.

Makoto complied but not before she said, "I'm sorry."

B'Elanna's anger started dissolving as quickly as it had formed.

"It's not your fault," she told the tall girl. "It's just that these

type of activities don't appeal to me."

"Yeah, I can tell," Makoto said. "It just... I had so much fun

going through this program with Worf back on the Enterprise, I wanted to

take the opportunity to enjoy it here with someone." She smiled

apologetically. "I guess I assumed that since you were half Klingon..."

"Big mistake," B'Elanna told her gently. "But an understandable

one. I've never been too comfortable with my Klingon heritage."

"Done already?" They both turned to see Tom Paris approaching.

"I just got off watch from the bridge, and I was hoping to catch a little

of the action."

"I'm afraid you're a little late, Tom. We just finished," B'Elanna


From the state her clothing was in, Tom had a feeling just how it

had gone for B'Elanna. But he still couldn't resist getting a little

jab in. "So, is that a bat'leth I see in your hand, or are you just

happy to see me?" he quipped.

Makoto couldn't help but giggle at the joke, but B'Elanna was not

amused. "Very funny, Tom." She raised the weapon up threateningly.

"In case no one's ever told you, you should never tease a woman holding

a sharp blade," she warned him. "Especially one who's soaking wet, and

very angry."

Tom carefully put his hand on the flat of the blade. "I see your

point," he said as he gently shoved the weapon away.

Makoto wasn't sure if she should intervene or not, but she was saved

the effort of deciding by the timely arrival of Harry and Minako. "Hi!"

the blonde said brightly. "Is the holodeck free?"

"Yeah, we just finished," Makoto replied. She glanced over the

attire both Harry and Minako were wearing. "What are you guys up to?"

"Parrises squares," Harry answered, hefting the ball that was used

for that particular game. "Care to join us?"

"No thanks," Makoto answered, while both Tom and B'Elanna indicated

negative answers as well. "I thought you were going to help Neelix

finish things up?"

"He said he could handle things from there," Minako said. "And I

figured it was like you said when you decided to head here -- there's no

telling if we'll ever get a chance to try out one of these holodecks

again." With that, she and Harry entered into the holodeck.

"I better get going then," Makoto observed. "Even if he said he can

handle things, I bet Neelix wouldn't mind having some help."

While Makoto walked away, B'Elanna glanced through the open holodeck

doors and shrugged. "If nothing else, Harry keeping Minako occupied in

there reduces the odds of any of us getting food poisoning," she said

quietly as she and Tom walked away from the holodeck door.

Evidently not quiet enough, for Minako quickly appeared in the still

open doorway. "HEY! What's that supposed to mean!" she challenged the

Klingon engineer. But before B'Elanna could reply, both she and Tom

heard Harry shouting "Look out!" just as the ball came soaring out of

the holodeck, scoring a direct hit on the back of Mina's head. The

dazed blonde staggered slightly before she crumpled onto the deck.

Pluto sighed. Chakotay had left the Gateway not long ago. She

hoped she had been able to help him find the answers he was looking for,

but she even more fervently hoped that the Gateway was not going to

become Grand Central Station to those on vision quests. The last thing

she needed was to become a cosmic counselor.

Almost in response to her thinking about unwanted guests, a flash

and ripple of sound to her right announced the arrival of Q. The

entity seemed somewhat amused, but it was soon apparent as to what.

"Well, I see you'll let just about anybody here nowadays."

"Now Q, I didn't just 'let' Commander Chakotay in here. He was

brought here by another."

"Another?" Q scowled at her. "What do you mean by that?"

"There are more things on heaven and earth than are dreamt of in

your philosophy, Q," she replied, paraphrasing a quote from Shakespeare.

Q snorted. "I ask a simple question, and I get a Vorlon-esque

answer. Fine, be that way." Turning from her, the entity seemed to


Pluto sighed. For all his supposed age and omnipotence, the

entity still persisted in some very petulant behavior. "You did as I

asked?" she asked.

"Of course," Q replied. "Have I ever let you down?"

A small smile came to her face. Opportunities like this didn't

come very often. "Many times," she casually replied, causing Q's face

to fall suddenly. "But I'm mainly concerned about this instance."

"Well I don't know what you are worried about," Q said. He

snapped his fingers and a videocassette appeared in his hands. "Here's

all the evidence of Voyager's little sojourn to your world. Now all

they have is another UFO mystery on their hands."

Pluto nodded. "Good."

"Now what's all the fuss about? After all the odd events that

have occurred in Japan in the last couple or three years, I would've

thought a sighting of Voyager in the Arctic would cause nary a


"Just making sure, Q."

Mamoru stepped out onto the bridge but after a quick glance it

was evident that Usagi was not here, despite what the computer had

told him earlier. But before he could make a discrete exit, "If

you're looking for Usagi, I believe you'll find her in the mess


He turned towards the mid-bridge station, where Seven of Nine stood

watching him intently. "How do you know..?"

"The celebration Neelix is planning is scheduled to commence

shortly," she replied. "Undoubtably, Neelix is already setting out the

various food plates he has been preparing. Given Usagi's eating habits,

the rest is simple deduction."

"I guess you would know," Mamoru said with more than a little venom

in his voice. "After all, the Borg did make her part of that collective

of theirs for a while."

Seven continued her work, but she still replied. "Her assimilation

was not an easy task for the collective. Usagi's... unique personality

destabilized several parts of the collective. It was some time

afterwards before the irrational impulses were completely eradicated.

Were it not for her biological distinctiveness, the collective would not

be interested in reassimilating her."

"The Borg still want to assimilate her?" Mamoru repeated, shocked.

"Yes," Seven replied matter-of-factly. "Along with yourself and

the other Sailor Senshi."

"Not that I think they'd succeed, but it's probably just as well

that the Borg are from another universe," Mamoru observed.

Now Seven stopped and looked evenly at Mamoru. "Do not take too

much comfort in that fact," she stated. "The Borg possess

transdimensional technologies, and are quite capable of crossing over

to your universe."

"They can do that?" Mamoru breathed.

"Yes, once they have the correct dimensional coordinates. You and

the others should remain vigilant at all times. The Collective has

placed a high priority on assimilating the six of you... along with

the future city of Crystal Tokyo."

As Seven had predicted, Usagi was in the mess hall, eagerly eying

the assorted food trays that Neelix was setting up. Though the forms of

most of them were decidedly unfamiliar, the smells were thoroughly

enticing. Besides, she reasoned to herself, if Makoto had a hand in the

creation of most of these, they were sure to be fantastic.

For his part, Neelix was taking great delight in explaining to

Usagi just what each dish was and what went into creating it. He was

expecting a good many of the crew to attend at some point, so he had

prepared a wide variety of foods using assorted recipes from both the

Delta and Alpha Quadrants. "...and in honor of the Sailor Senshi being

on board, I even got your friends to help prepare a couple of selections

from your world. Such as this one," Neelix said as he placed the try down

on the counter.

"Do you mind if I try it?" Usagi asked.

"Of course not. There's plenty for everyone," Neelix replied. As

Usagi popped one into her mouth, he went on, "I tried it myself earlier,

and I must say I thought Minako did an excellent..." The Talaxian's voice

trailed off as he watched Usagi's face turn a bright shade of red.

"Um... Is something wrong?"

"Water!" Usagi managed to get out over the burning sensation in her

mouth. Someone thrust a glass into her hands and she eagerly downed the

contents. "Thank you!"

Immersed as she was in her task, Janeway didn't hear the door chime

at first. But the second chime break through her concentration. "Come."

The door slid open, allowing Amy to enter the ready room.

"You wanted to see me, Captain?"

"Yes, Amy, I did," Janeway answered. "Sorry for keeping you waiting,

but I was..." She motioned to the datascreen on her desk.

Amy nodded and smiled. "I understand. I've gotten engrossed with

something like that before."

"I'll just be a moment." While Janeway returned her concentration

to the terminal, Amy took a moment to idly look about the room. Her

gaze briefly flit upon the floor where she had half expected to see the

hole the Negarans cut in it during the siege of the bridge. But since

the ship had been completely restored by the Silver Crystal, the floor

looked as if it had never been damaged.

"There you go."

Amy jumped slightly. Captain Janeway had come from behind the desk

to stand next to her, and was offering her... "An isolinear optical

chip?" Puzzled, Amy took the chip and examined it. "Why are you giving

this to me?"

"Because I need a favor from you," the captain answered. "I'm not

sure that I have the right to ask, not after deceiving you all like I

did. And especially after you and your friends helped restore Voyager."

"We'd gladly do it again, Captain. And as for your keeping silent

about Dr. Dehner, your reasons for doing so were correct. If Mitchell

had known about her, he might have been more aggressive in trying to

stop us. If that had happened, we might have lost everything." She

held up the data chip again. "But that doesn't tell me anything about


"That chip contains an assortment of Voyager's log entries since

we came to the Delta Quadrant," Janeway began. "And it also contains

personal messages from my crew to their families and friends back home."

She placed both hands upon the desk and leaned back against it.

"You've already had three encounters with Starfleet that we know of --

Kirk's Enterprise, Picard's and now Voyager -- so it's entirely

possible you'll have others at some point in your future. If you do,

and provided they're from a point in time after our current stardate,

then give them this data chip. Even if Starfleet Command can't do

anything to help get us home, it will let our families know that we're

alive... and that we're coming home."

Amy didn't even take a moment to ponder this. Producing her

computer, she opened it up and placed the isolinear chip inside it.

"No problem, Captain."

Now it was Janeway's turn to smile. "Thank you. Now unless I'm

mistaken, Neelix's victory celebration should be getting underway right

about now. How about we head down to the mess hall?"

Neelix greeted them with his customary enthusiasm when they got to

the mess hall. "Captain, Amy, come in! I was wondering if you two

were going to be here."

"My fault, I'm afraid Neelix," Janeway told him. "I wanted to

discuss something with Amy before things got going." She took a moment

to survey the mess hall, which was already rather crowded. It seemed

that a good part of the ship's company was already here, including most,

if not all, of the senior staff. Over on the far side of the room she

could see Tuvok engaged in a conversation with Rei, while nearby Minako

was discussing something with Harry. In the center, she could see Usagi

and Mamoru listening to Tom expound on their adventures in the Delta

Quadrant. "I see you wasted no time in getting things started."

"There's no use in procrastinating when a celebration is in order,"

the Talaxian told her while urging her and Amy towards the buffet table

he had erected. "Now come on in and join the festivities."

Janeway looked in amazement at the assorted dishes. "You must

have worked all night on this, Neelix."

"The work load wasn't as bad as you might think, Captain. It

helps having a couple of very eager assistants. In fact, I haven't had

this much help since..." He paused, thinking. "Well, it must have been

since before Kes started working in Sickbay. Now help yourselves." With

that, Neelix hustled back into the kitchen area, where Janeway could see

Makoto still working on something.

Glancing back, he saw that B'Elanna had come up to the table. "Don't

be afraid to try anything," he heard her say, "Most of is actually

edible." Neelix smiled to himself and continued on his way into the


Makoto glanced up from the pot she was tending. "Doesn't that bother


"Doesn't what?" Neelix asked, puzzled.

"B'Elanna's comments about your cooking. At first I thought it was

just her Klingon side showing itself, but I'm beginning to think that

she's just being mean."

"You couldn't be further from the truth," Neelix told her. "It's just B'Elanna's way of blowing off steam."

"But why does she always chose you to do that?"

"Because I told her to."

That comment threw Makoto off her stride. "Huh? You told her to?"

"Yes," Neelix confirmed, nodding. "Being half Klingon, B'Elanna has

a very volatile temper, but she can't afford to lose control in front of

her staff. So I told her that she could come here and use me as a target

of her temper. I don't mind." Picking up a wooden spoon, the chef gave

the pot a couple of good stirs.

Not knowing what to say right off, Makoto just watched him tend to the

leola root stew for a few moment. You can be a strange guy, Neelix, but

you've got a big heart," she observed, patting him on the shoulder.

"That must be why so much of this crew likes you."

Neelix turned to respond, but in doing so he noted the mess hall

doors opening again and Chakotay enter through them. "Ah, a late

arrival. That accounts for all of the senior staff."

Neelix wasn't the only one to note Chakotay's arrival. Janeway

threaded through the crowd and made her way over to her first officer.

"Finally decided to join the fun?"

"Sorry for being late, but I was on a vision quest," he said

apologetically. "A very unusual one, I might add."

"Oh?" Janeway was intrigued. "Anything you care to talk about?"

Chakotay hesitated before answering. "Maybe later, after I've had

some time to think about it."

Things were still in full swing two hours later when a beep sounded

from the comm system. "Seven of Nine to Captain Janeway."

"I wonder what she wants?" Minako mused.

"One way to find out," Janeway said. However, she had a feeling

that whatever Seven was going to say, it would be of extreme importance.

The Borg was not of the habit of making casual interruptions to ship

activities. "Go ahead, Seven."

"Long range sensors have detected Borg transwarp signatures. They

should be able to scan the system within the next twenty minutes."

A collective groan went up through the room. "Talk about bad

timing," Makoto grumbled.

"Leave it to the Borg to be gate crashers at a perfectly good

party," Usagi added, equally disappointed.

"I couldn't agree with you more," Janeway said. "Unfortunately, it

means we better be on our way." Speaking loud for the benefit of the

assembled crew, "If you have any goodbyes to make, I suggest you do so


"Take care, Tuvok," Rei said. "I hope the personality traits you

got from me don't prove too embarrassing to you."

"I shall endure it," Tuvok assured you. "However, I think the logic

and emotional control you gained from the mind link could prove to be of

great help to you."

"Don't bet on it," she grumbled.

"Goodbye, Amy," the Doctor told her. "But I hope you don't take

any offense when I say I'm glad I don't have to exist inside your

computer anymore."

"None taken, Doctor, she assured him. "I can certainly see why you

would think so."

"Good," the hologram responded. "I wish I could be there to help

you on your way, but even without my assistance, I'm sure you'll make

an excellent physician."

She colored slightly before responding. "Thank you for thinking

so, Doctor."

"I'm not just saying so," he noted. "Besides, it's not just my

opinion. Remember, my program is based on the logs of some of

Starfleet's finest Doctors. And I can say without any doubt whatsoever

that both Doctors McCoy and Crusher share the same opinion that you

will be among the finest Doctors your Earth has ever seen."

Well, I guess this is goodbye," Harry said somewhat lamely.

"Take care of yourself, Minako."

Minako ignored tentative hand Harry offered, choosing instead to

give the young ensign a very affectionate hug. "Just doing my job as

the senshi of Love," she told him in answer to the unspoken question

on his face. "Hopefully Seven will hear about this and realize that

if she doesn't do anything, she might lose to someone else."

Harry blinked, too shocked to say anything as she walked away.

"Are we talking about the same Seven of Nine?" he finally managed.

"Take care of yourself, B'Elanna," Makoto told her. "And try not

to be too hard on Neelix." Before the half Klingon could answer,

Makoto moved off to say farewell to another member of Voyager's crew.

"What was that all about?" Tom asked.

"I'm not sure," B'Elanna replied as she watched the girl move away.

"I just wished she could have stayed longer," Tom said wistfully.

"I was hoping she could show Neelix how to make a good pizza."

"Thanks again for you're help, Usagi," Janeway told the girl. I

don't think I can ever thank you enough for what you've done for my

ship and crew."

"I didn't exactly do it all by myself, Captain. You and Dr.

Dehner helped."

Janeway turned to Neelix. "Neelix, why don't you escort our guests

to Transporter Room One," she suggested. "Everyone else, I'm afraid

it's back to work."

"Of course, Captain. Ladies and sir, if you'll follow me,"

Neelix said, leading the way out of the mess hall. One by one, the

five girls and Mamoru followed him out, each pausing momentarily to

make a last wave to the crew.

"It's a pity they have to leave this abruptly," Chakotay commented,

as the door closed behind the last of them.

"Well, I'm just glad we met them when we did," Janeway said.

"Otherwise, I doubt we would have survived this little encounter."

Tuvok nodded, agreeing with his Captain. "Indeed, they were

instrumental in helping us defeat the Negasleaze on Negara."

The others turned to stare at the Vulcan security officer.

"Negasleaze?" B'Elanna asked, smiling slightly.

Tuvok shifted uncomfortably. "It would seem that there is still

some personality overlap from my mindlink with Rei. It should fade

with time, and in fact be gone within two weeks."

Tom smiled. "I think I'm going to enjoy the next couple of


"Well, here we are," Neelix said as the group entered the

transporter room. "If you just take your positions on the pads, we

can get you started on your way home."

"Just a moment, Neelix," Minako said. "Negara may have been cleansed

by Sailor Moon, but we should transform before we beam down, just in


"Good idea, Minako," Amy said as she took out her transformation

wand. Seconds later, the small room echoed with the assorted

transformation cries.

Neelix watched in awe at the display of light as the five girls

changed into the Sailor Senshi and Mamoru also transformed into Tuxedo

Mask. "Wow!" he exclaimed when the light show was over. "That was

just... just..." He struggled for a moment to find the right words,

but finally just reiterated once more, "Wow!"

"Thanks, Neelix," Mercury said as they took their positions on the

transporter platform. "I think I can safely say we all have felt the

same way about Voyager."

"Oh, before I forget," Jupiter spoke up, and tossed Neelix a padd.

"From one chef to another."

The Talaxian caught the padd and quickly examined it's contents.

"Recipes!" he said, beaming with delight. "Thank you, Ma- er, Sailor


The tall senshi gave him a broad smile. "Anytime."

Not knowing what else to say, Neelix turned to the transporter

operator. But before he could give the command, Sailor Moon spoke up,

"Hold it, Neelix!"


"Let us say it this time."

Neelix nodded. Whenever you're ready."

"Energize!" they cried out simultaneously.

On a bluff overlooking what had once been Metallah's citadel, six

columns of white energy shimmered into existence and then resolved

themselves into the forms of the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask.

Venus gazed at the sky above them in awe. "Wow, I can't get over

how different this planet seems than when we first landed here."

"Crash landed, you mean," Mars corrected her. "But you're right.

That sky is a much deeper blue than what we would see back home."

"Due to the differences in the atmospheric composition," Mercury

pointed out. "But there are other differences to our last visit to

the surface." She pointed to the ruins of the citadel not far from

their position. Among the toppled stones they could see that the

local plantlife was already moving in.

"Talk about fast growing plants," Jupiter said. "It's only been

two days, but it looks like that stuff's been growing for a year."

"The plantlife here must be extremely aggressive," Mercury observed.

"A place like this could be a botanist's dream."

"Or a farmer's," Tuxedo Mask said. He pointed down into the

valley. Though it was still in it's early stages, they could see the

beginnings of a village being constructed by the surviving Negarans,

along with the outlines of crop fields.

"It looks like they're trying to put their lives back together,"

Sailor Moon said.

"Yes," Mercury confirmed. "I'm detecting the remains of a

previous village in the same area. Undoubtably the Negarans were an

agrarian and peaceful people before Mitchell came here."

"And they're getting back to that lifestyle now that he's gone,"

Sailor Moon said.

They stood watching for a bit before Mars shook herself. "We better

get going. Captain Janeway said they'd wait for us to leave before they

broke orbit, and that Borg ship is on the way."

There weren't any protests to Mars' urgings, as they all were

anxious to get home. They quickly formed up into a circle, and after

a moment's concentration, teleported from the surface.

Harry looked up from the sensor readouts. "We've lost sensor

contact with the Sailor Senshi. It looks like they've teleported."

"We are picking a slight distortion effect in the quantum flux,"

Chakotay confirmed, glancing at his own panel. "It looks like they

made passage through it." He settled back in his chair and looked at

Janeway. "Should we try to close it before the Borg get here?"

"You mean like the Enterprise did?" she asked. After the first

officer nodded, "I don't think that's a good idea, Chakotay."

Chakotay frowned. "Why not?"

"Because the procedure they used didn't close the quantum flux as

they thought it would," she explained. "If you take a look at the

subspace signature of the flux, you'll see that it's identical to the flux

the Enterprise D traversed before they attempted closing it."

"So that means that this is the same flux," Chakotay said after he

had a moment to check the readings for himself.

"I'm afraid so. It's been redirected twice so far as we know -- first

to Delta Vega, and then to here. If we try redirect it, who knows where

in time and space it'll end up. We could just end up making things worse."

"We can't just leave it here for the Borg to find," Tom protested.

"We might as well just leave them a sign, 'This way to Sailor Moon'."

"I have no intention of doing that, Tom. Harry, set up an

anti-proton burst from the main deflector. That should scramble any

readings the Borg might take of it."

A universe away, a black cat perked her ears and looked about the

courtyard. Nothing was visible, but she was sure that something was

about to happen. She cast a baleful glare at the sleeping form of

Artemis before nudging him. "Wake up, Artemis." When the white cat

seemed reluctant to do so, she cuffed him roughly on one ear. "I said,

'Wake up!'"

"I'm awake, I'm awake," he muttered, rubbing the ear painfully.

"What's so important?"

"Can't you feel it?"

"The only thing I'm feeling right now is a headache," Artemis


Luna opened her mouth to respond, but in that moment the Sailor

Senshi and Tuxedo Mask materialized. Seconds later, they had reversed

their transformations, returning to their normal identities. "Thank

heavens you're back," Luna said. "You've been gone for hours. What

happened? What did you find?"

"Hours?" Usagi asked, focusing on Luna's first statement. "But

I thought we spent a couple of days on Voyager?" She turned to Amy for


Artemis gave a catlike frown of puzzlement. "Voyager?"

Amy was already checking her computer. "I supposed there could

have been a temporal variance when we teleported from their universe

through the quantum flux."

Now Luna was puzzled. "Quantum flux?"

"Cool. We don't have to try and cover for where we've been the

last couple of days," Minako noted.

Amy nodded. "Yes, and we didn't miss any school either."

"You would think of that, wouldn't you Amy?" Makoto teased her.

Before Amy could respond, Luna spoke up, "Excuse me, but will

somebody please tell me what's been going on!"

"Sorry, Luna," Amy apologized, then launched into a quick account

over the events since they had teleported to the Arctic. Though they

remained silent, both Luna and Artemis were wide eyed in amazement.


All eyes turned to Usagi. "What's wrong, Usagi?" Mamoru


"I just remembered I've got a math test tomorrow!" she complained.

"I thought I'd gotten out of it, too."

Amy shook her head. "You'd just have to make it up later, so

it's just as well."

"You're not much help. Amy."

"If you'd just study ahead of time, you wouldn't have any problems

in math or any other subject," Rei commented calmly. "It's simply

logical." The others stared at her for a moment before she belatedly

realized just how she sounded. "Not again!" she muttered.

"Logical?" Minako asked. "Where you taking Vulcan lessons back

on Voyager?"

"Odd, I thought Chakotay was showing her how to contact her

animal guide," Mamoru remarked.

"Maybe she snuck in a couple of sessions when we weren't looking,"

Makoto suggested.

"Amy, I think you better give Rei a quick scan. She's getting

a greenish complexion," Usagi said, getting into the action. Amy

nodded, and produced the small device.

Rei glared at all of them, but chose to focus her ire on Usagi.

"I am *not* turning green!" she snapped.

Usagi's only reaction was to raise an eyebrow in a distinctly

Vulcan manner. "Really Rei, your attitude is... most illogical. What

would Tuvok say?"

"I don't *care* what he would say!!"

"Have you always been this emotional?"

"Can it, meatballhead!"

"Don't call me meatballhead!!"

The others watched as the argument quickly escalated into another

one of their infamous tongue wars. "Well, it didn't take them long to

fall into old habits," Mamoru remarked.

"If I were you, Mamoru, I'd be more worried if things *didn't* get

back to normal," Amy told him.

"True," he conceded. "Things are probably getting back to normal

back on Voyager too... At least as normal as it gets for a ship so far

from home."

"Do you think they'll make it back home?" Minako asked. "I mean...

they've got a long ways to go."

"Yeah, like sixty thousand light years," Makoto chimed in.

Amy looked down at her open computer. Attached firmly to the

inside of the lid was the isolinear chip Captain Janeway had given her.

After making sure that it was secure, she closed the computer and put it

away. "It may not be any time soon, but I think they will eventually

get home." She smiled at the others before continuing. "Besides, we

all know that when all is said and done, Starfleet crews usually manage

to accomplish their mission."

"We've got the star between us and the Borg ship," Tom reported.

"That should be more than enough to obscure our warp signature,"

B'Elanna said. "They won't know we were ever in the system."

"Good," Chakotay said. He half turned to the operations station.

"Harry, are you sure that anti-proton pulse from the main deflector

will keep the Borg from spotting the flux?" The pulse had seemed to

scramble readings from the flux when they had released it over Negara,

but it didn't hurt to be certain. The last thing anyone on the ship

wanted was for the Borg to discover the passageway to the Scouts'


"Positive, Commander," the ensign replied. "I been scanning for

myself, and even I can't tell it's there. It should be at least a year

before it's discernable as a quantum flux."

"The collective should lose interest in that world long before

then," Seven said. "There is not technology worth assimilating, and

the alien's biological distinctiveness is not remarkable enough to

warrant the effort."

"Since we seem to have covered our tracks as best we can, it's

time for us to be on our way," Janeway noted with a smile. "Tom, let's

resume our course for the Alpha Quadrant. Warp six."

Tom had already made the necessary course computations, but he

made a quick check of the helm nevertheless. "Course and speed ready,



Outside, the warp nacelles elevated into their flight positions

and the ship accelerated into warp. Voyager was once more on course

for the Alpha Quadrant.

And home.

Then end of the Sailor Trek saga.


Comments, critiques and questions are welcome. Just email me at

As before, thanks to Gene Roddenberry and Naoko Takeuchi, for

creating their respective genres. Additional thanks to Rick Berman,

Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor for creating "Star Trek: Voyager."

(Personally, I think the series is a lot better than some people give

it credit for.)

I would also like to add a special thank you to Will Wolfshohl,

who has patiently provided a lot of critical commentary along the way,

and for pointing out a serious plot hole I had left open during

chapters 5 & 6. That gave me enough warning to craft chapter 7 in a

way to cover up my mistake. Credit to him as well for suggesting

that Chakotay should introduce Rei to her animal guide.

Additional thanks to Mike Stancel for his own remarks and

suggestions along the way, including Neelix's little quip in chapter 7

that Tuvok and Mercury might be related.

I would also like to extend my thanks to each and everyone of you

that have taken the time to send me comments regarding the stories.

This marks the end of the Sailor Trek saga, a series of stories I

began working on more than two and a half years ago. It's been a wild

ride getting them finished, but one that I've enjoyed.

One common question I get is "Are you going to write any other

Trek/SM crossovers?" At present I don't have any plans for a story in

the same vein as four Sailor Trek stories, but as Spock has said,

"There are always possibilities." I do have other stories in

development which would involve elements of the Trek universe, such as

on that centers on Q and Sailor Pluto and another that brings the crew

of the Enterprise E to Crystal Tokyo, but those are still in the

future. There are also some possible stories about the Sailor Mercury

who ended up going to Deep Space Nine at the end of "Sailor Trek DS9".

Next up: the fanfic I actually started first but was set aside so I

could complete the Sailor Trek saga, "Highlander Moon"

He is Immortal, born in the highlands of Scotland in 1592.

For four hundred years, he has battled the forces of darkness,

with Holy Ground his only refuge.

He is Duncan MacLeod, the Highlander

Preview snippet:

His train of thought was broken by something landing on his

shoulder. As tensed up as he had become in the last few hours,

MacLeod's combat trained reflexes kicked in, sweeping whatever it was

off his shoulder towards the bench and settling himself into a defensive

stance. A loud "Ow!" came from the bench.

Realizing that the offending party was a white and very familiar

cat, Duncan relaxed. "Artemis," he sighed.

"Yeah, I'm glad to see you too," the feline grumbled as he got back

onto his paws. Rubbing his head painfully, the cat eyed him. "So what

brings you to Tokyo, Highlander?"

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Messaggi: 6435
Iscritto il: 5 ott 2002, 17:04
Località: Italy

Messaggio da trekfan1 » 25 ott 2009, 9:58

E questa è il secondo crossover incompleto.... (almeno per la parte tradotta)

Aggiunte le parti mancanti in INGLESE!, se qualcuno volesse tradurre mi potrebbe inviare poi il testo tradotto via email che provvedo io a sostituire i vari pezzi man mano? (ovviamente i crediti della traduzione riportati nel testo saranno assegnati a chi ha tradotto!!!), mi riservo solo di sistemare eventuali inesattezze.

UPDATE 25/10/09:

Complimenti.....ho la casella di posta inondata..... :smokin:

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